A drug problem

I'm in addiction hell but not so sure it's worth getting clean the country has turned to a shitshow. Do you fags have any retard opinions on this?

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Yeah, you're an idiot

kill yourself or man up and get clean

You are making excuses.

Depends on what you're addicted to. Opiates are fine, most politicians are hooked. Same with coke and amphetamines. Stay away from psychedelics and weed, that shit will fuck you up and make you a real loser.

what is the drug you are struggling with and maybe I can help.

I'm hooked on speed you fags

You are seeking permission to continue self-destructive behavior.
Permission denied.
Get clean.

Just kill yourself. You're either strong enough to beat it or you're to weak to continue. We don't want you faggots in society and I don't want to deal with your shit children in the future being raised by a junkie.

You’re wasting your life, you don’t see the great moments you’re missing out on. Once I quit my gaming addiction my life improved and became richer and more interesting


Psychedelics won't. Weed will.

Does us all a favor and overdose. Should be a fun ride out.

Aye aye captain. One last hit though

You need 30 days to adjust your body to living without it (as with any drug) You need to live a life drug free. You don't need it. You think you need it but you do not. Try harder friend. best of luck

Do the opposite of everything this idiot said.

I have multiple friends who have died from heroin and multiple friends who have quit cold turkey. Man the fuck up and stop being a pussy or continue being an addict and enjoy losing all of your money, friends, and the trust of your family.

Sort yourself out man
You're the only one giving yourself permission
Go do something more worthwhile, find your real place in life

Just don’t let your addiction affect others lives. Dont let others know about your addiction. Don’t be a financial burden. Don’t steal or lie to family and friends. Get clean because being a junkie is not sustainable. Do it yourself with Kratom. Using junk is just a short term cope. It is not a permanent solution.

Watch living and self loathing in las vegas.
Then get clean or overdose quietly.

Maybe the country wouldn't be such a shit show if people like you stopped using drugs. What is the world too comfy? Not comfy enough? You people are idiots, Go lift some weights and read a book

No big deal I'm hooked on speed and I think Its driving me crazy. Then I got out in public and I'm surrounded by 3rd world savages I don't know if it's the speed or if I'm in Somalia or something

Minnesota fag?
I feel you bro
Except I’m addicted to xans not speed
I just hope my death is quick and painless I don’t want to waste away in a cell

I woke up in Dearborn once and this was my experience as well.

This is my daily life

Fight for your race.

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Cold turkey or Bust, be a man or be a slave of your own vice.
Once your money runs dry you'll be hooked on any shit that comes your way

I tried kratom I got addicted to that too. I used benzos to get through opiate withdrawal but the speed has proven to be more of a devil

Absolutely bluepilled and most certainly not based.

Just smoke a lot of fucking weed. Then in 2yrs switch to working out and Stoicism

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kratom sucks after like 1 week of use

You can man up and give your mind and body the respect it deserves, or you can continue to use and submit yourself to suffering and a meaningless life/death. I have seen hundreds of you enter the hospital and spend WEEKS shitting yourselves and writhing around while your detoxing mind tells you that you are dying because you burnt out the reward mechanism in your brain by flooding it with chemicals over and over and over again. Sure you get a constant IV of fluids and we fill you full of ativan or haldol so you won't wake up the other patients during your midnight freak-outs because you NEVER SLEEP, EAT OR DRINK because drugs. Two weeks later you deny a FREE offered rehab program and you leave inpatient AMA and go back out to the streets in the same piss-stained clothes you wore when you arrived. A month later you are back to repeat the process.

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Stop buying and consuming drugs. Use your savings to prepare for the apocalypse, then use your favorable position to become the leader of the Great Khans, selling chems all over the wasteland

Not some of the greatest advice retards....I'm gonna hit a speedball I curse my silverback guerrilla of a dealer

Fuck you. Opiate addiction is a spiraling circle of hell. Get on Suboxone, Op and slowly ween yourself off. I did it.

Dude the most important thing is a change in evironment. If you have the money or opportunity try to gtfo of your current lifestyle. After so much artificial euphoria and dopaminergic stimulation from exogenous amphetamines you're going to feel seriously lethargic and uncomfortable after ceasing use but you need to smoothly supplement your reward from amp. use with halthy and constructive lifestyle habits that yield dopamine, running, fighting, hunting, fugging, social activities, etc. And keep in the forefront of your mind that there's no way, initially, for the right choices to feel that way because they can't compare in psychological reward to a hit of amp. Just stay focused and it will get better all the time, physical-wise there are many strategies to mitigate withdrawel discomfort and speed healing and recovery. Magnesium/5-HTP/L-Tyrosine/Melatonin supplements, cannabidiol, nutrient rich diets, etc.

I can tell by your diction you're likely nowhere near the point of now return, don't wanna be like one of those meth-head DARE posters. GL op

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Hope you find some peace from these demons man

>Asks permission to continue to abuse drugs
>Gets asshurt when everyone tells him to clean up his act.

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Don't give into your addiction. When you get the urge to use make sure you drink a coke or eat a fruit or what ever it might be. You gotta replace the urge with something else. Don't hang around people who will cause you to use. If you have friends who also use then make sure you stay away from them. Always forward. Never go back

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get red vein kratom and clean yourself up

>Not some of the greatest advice retards
You ignored it You get one life. ONE... stop with the nihilistic narcassism and get back to life, back to reality.