I'm in a language class and there's this little girl that is just white as ice and when she is embarrassed her cheeks...

I'm in a language class and there's this little girl that is just white as ice and when she is embarrassed her cheeks turns red she look cute when she's embarrassed. I

like to look at her because she's so cute but the problem is that she's 12... I don't want to be a fucking pedo, but she's like a doll.

Seriously guys I need help.

Attached: a7daadce09ec0cef661a3d7513277fecf7bc25d0_hq.jpg (668x937, 75K)

Actually what the fuck?

Yeah, I know, but I'm not a fucking pedophile!

I believe you mate, but isn't that just fucking illegal?

Help with what?

Holy shit, somebody is going to jail.
This is going to be good.

To cope with the (not that much of) urge to look at her, I mean I don't have any sexual desire, it's just that she looks like a doll, a really cute doll

Just leave her alone, man.

Pet her. Imagine how cute and flustered she will look like when you do that.

Attached: pet the bitch.gif (491x750, 1.51M)

Why is there a 12 year old in your language class?
There is also nothing wrong with teasing little kids.
I'm more concerned about your choice of picture for this thread.
That picture isn't even of a 12 year old and looks more like an 8 year old and manga in general tends to write children as if they have adult intellect which they don't and young men such as yourself read them and project these false ideas on actual children.
It's really unhealthy.

I chose that picture randomly, there were a younger girl in that class

She's the complete opposite, that what I find cute

Also it's a German class and since there aren't much groups they mixed ages in the few groups there are

How old are you?

>chose that picture randomly
>after googling anime lolis kawaii
>doesn't know about metadata

Old enough to be considered a pedophile: 312 months old

I'm sure I can't change your mind, but I don't have sexual desire towards her

Dude what

So, 26?


if its not sexual. . . and you're sure its not, user...

...then its probably just a 'pretty pet' kind of thing. You might actually be seeing her more of a cute animal than an actual female, in the anthropomorphic sense.

but thats only going on inside your head. nobody observing outside of you would know that as you're leering at her, especially if you had no other association with her.

Here's the thing, I hate kids, I don't want to have kids, but she's a little different, she's seems more... I don't know how to put it... Mature, aware of what she's doing, take it as you like.

I had little to no social interaction with females of any age, I have social phobia all of that combined ends in a fucked up like me.

It's not like I look at all little girls that way, it's her specifically. That may be a lame excuse, but that's what it is.