How does someone end up being 25 without having a gf? I had my first gf when I was 4 and my second when I was 12...

How does someone end up being 25 without having a gf? I had my first gf when I was 4 and my second when I was 12, third when I was 15, dozen more after that... I’m not even super attractive either. I’m awkward and slightly autistic too.

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It's the killer trio of

A. Being physically unattractive and not being willing or able to change one's self

B. Being emotionally and psychologically also unattractive and again being unable or not willing to change that.

C. The cherry on top of having insanely ridiculous standards about what one's hypothetical girlfriend should be like, like she has to be a perfect 10/10 blonde-haired blue-eyed or perhaps Japanese schoolgirl or whatever that also has to be an even bigger virgin than yourself because girls are gross after they've had sex just once

I know loads of guys like that, both IRL and on the internet. I was also one of them.

FFS we would have girls ask us out of flat-out offfer to jerk us off behind the school stairs but we'd be like UHM NO YOU'RE TOO FAT ACTUALLY UNLIKE ME WHO IS A FLAWLESS SPECIMEN OF ALPHA MASCULINITY

You're obviously not as bad as you think

Wow, and I thought I was mentally ill.

How is this a question? The same way this post is condescending is the same way women would feel towards same person.

To be honest. A lot of people happen to be on the offense lately. When you try to open a playful act or conversation with women and they give you death stare’s like you’ll soon be thrown in a burning trunk. And the silent game. These are psychological mind fucks.

But yet it’s not just women, but people in general. But for your main statement, I don’t even have that kind of condescending ideology for other people with some shorcomings in another area of life that I personally accomplished.

Good luck people trying to boast like life Gurus when the answer is not even in the other people hands. Advice taken with salt.

I don’t know. I’ve had a lot of girls reject me. But I don’t see how someone could fail every single time unless they have a moderate to severe case of autism or something similar

Looks you're directing this question at me.

I'm 25 and I'm a kissless virgin (I was hugged because I was 'le cuddly bear' in middle school). I was raised by a crazy single mom who micromanaged my every move from birth to age 22 or so. In the dictionary listing for 'helicopter mom' my mom's picture and bio should be used. Because I was born 6-7 weeks premature, my mom overfed me throughout my life. She was literally a feeder co-dependent crazy bitch.

So I was literally obese and picked on from K-12. Because of some of the bully, underlying depression, and some trouble I got into (acting out), I dropped out of normal high school in 10th grade. Went into independent study and became a NEET age 15 or whatever. For the past 10 years, I've basically been Luke Skywalker IRL, except I look more like Jabba the Hutt.

I have anger issues, depression, and social anxiety. I leave the house only once or twice a week. I'm grotesque and I wonder almost daily why I don't an hero. I don't have a single friend, stunted social skills, and nothing to offer anyone or the world.

So if you want a slice of life story of how someone is a kissless loser virgin at 25, there you go.

Sounds like a ton of excuses to me

Not attempting is failure, not rejection.

I actually ghosted my last date out of paranoia. Felt family and her was taking a lot since they linked FB accounts and I did a lot of cringy things in my life. But since I never been active. So, failure at this point.

Went out to a bar last year and talked to two girls. They liked me, but wanted to know my name. I told one my name and they burst into laughter. Not playful, but humiliation mode. Both took a group photo, went to the bathroom and back with me for another photo and left.

Couple next on the counter had that “you don’t even know what happened” look.

Falling with style at least.

I'm obese, and I don't know how to stop shoveling food into mouth. I'm literally addicted to food. I haven't had a friend since age 14, 11 years ago. I've forgotten how to talk to people. I don't know how to hold down a conversation. I can barely order my sandwich at Subway without fumbling up the words. I can't even maintain eye contact with the sandwich artist. It feels like my body and mind have just wasted away and atrophied for the past ten years.

Are you really going to tell someone like me that I can just become a normie overnight if I have a change of attitude? You're like the meme picture of the Hemsworth brother with the caption "just be yourself."

They burst out in laughter after you told them you’re name? How could you mess that up? Is your name really weird?

yeah it seems like you don’t want to change. until you REALLY, genuinely want to change, and actually put forth a lot of effort, and become dedicated to a goal, nothing will change. if you see a therapist, maybe try seeing a new one.

>I'm obese, and I don't know how to stop shoveling food into mouth. I'm literally addicted to food.

That is a real problem and a real addiction - but it's not impossible, millions of people lose weight all the time.

You know what? You''re at least aware of your own problems and your own flaws, acceptance is the first step in change.

I mean, whatever. Points taken. I was just trying to enlighten you, or the OP, as to how someone can get this bad. Maybe I'm an extreme case, someone a lot like Boogie (that fat youtuber), but I'm sure cases like mine are becoming increasingly common: crazy single moms, obesity epidemics, bullying in schools, and unrealistic societal expectations.

Boogie didn't change. He just monetized his gluttony and psychological damage. What makes you think that I can change? You must be an optimist. I'm not.

>What makes you think that I can change?

People change all the time everyday dude, even if it's the smallest ways it eventually leads to bigger things.

>be me
>divorced with child
>gf just died

Shut up bitch you're in a good spot.

Yes....yes. Apparently it’s very easily to lose people’s complete respect nowadays.

Luckily for you, it never led to physical extents fucking up your logical mind.

I don't get how "men" can be virgins at age 20. Like seriously, it has never been easier to get laid, women are slutty as fuck these days. They're literally serving their vaginas on golden platters "user gtf to my apartment I want penis".

The hell is wrong with you people.

He was a child for fucks sake.


>I had my first gf when I was 4

doesn't count, the fact that you insist on counting that suggests you are being a little bitch.

The thought of being thrown in a burning trunk or hotel freezer because people are more entertained by malicious acts usually kills my drive to actually take your advice.


It's kind of like getting a job. To get a girlfriend, you need prior girlfriend experience. Hardest part is your very first date.

I don't have any stats to back this up but I'd guess there are lots of men who have never had a girlfriend, lots who've had multiple, but not many that have only had a few.

I think the fact that Elliot Rodger couldn't find a gf shows that objective measures like looks and money are not the main factor.

Fuck you also i started lowering my standards but all ive gotten were whores and hamplanets im not even fat 5'10 150 lbs i only want a decent looking girl thats not so used up but no if youre not in a group of friends that blow molly and coke every weekend the whores wont even fuck you.

Elliot Rodger was literally autistic and a psychopath. He lacked the basic human software to interact with other human beings. I think you shouldn't use him as an example.

We see a lot of that here and on Jow Forums, its worth mentioning.

This is accurate. I don't have the stats on hand but I've seen studies confirming this.

This makes sense, something grounding. But the zero experience question is do the guys ever have a chance to work with to keep their hopes up for?

I got girlfriends who I never had to take on dates, somehow. Obviously that led to me breaking up with them but I still fucked

>How does someone end up being 25 without having a gf?
Personally I'm just not game.
Girls tend to send signals and flirt with me, I however, only act nicely and politely refuse all advances.
It's dead simple really.

The bigger question is why do you use "having a gf" as some sort of measuring contest?
Do you also think being a virgin means you're a loser? Yeah. Though so.

Well I can tell ya it isn't because I haven't tried. Believe me, I have. Asked out dozens of girls and not one is interested. I'm not even ugly and am very kind.

The ones who seem like they would be interested are always in a relationship already.

>me, 25, never had a girlfriend
>have had sex with two girls and a handjob from another, though

Honestly part of the problem is just that American women are so fat. I've been abroad, it's not like this everywhere.

A guy posted not too long ago how he was severely awkward with women. Can't hold a conversation well, yet get laid regular. It is a major contradiction to himself even.

This is a hopeless decision OP. No one have actual advice for the outliers.


He wasn't exceptionally good looking, pretty average and I think he was short as shit too.

More importantly he was a weaponized autist

>and money

That's almost never a concern unless you want to find a trophy wife who will leave you for someone with a bigger bank acount.

It also reminds me that a lot of anons treat approaching women like it's a god damn job interview, like the first and only thing they'll start talking about is their grades in school and what they're studying and how much money they make

Friendly reminder that even Chris Chan had a whole laundry list of girls that he wouldn't even want to consider going on a pity date with

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