I want a government and sotodty that gives up on people

I want a system that sole gole is acptance and understanding at rock bottom that is anti Progressive that push people to be better is a death sentace

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You haven't asked any questions, but my unsolicited advice to you would be to take your fucking meds and learn to form a coherent thought.

It is co-here-ent it's your the not being coherent

And the question is how do you get the b****** to mind their own business me and myself and I to teach them egoism to teach them to give up to have no hope in the fath I hate Christian philosophy anything based upon Christianity and its Progressive views my question is is when people push you to be better how do you stop them m***********by putting laws in place that allow you to kill them

Try the USA

Sorry but America has something called men's Raya or intent in our legal system it's why there's a difference between. Manslaughter and murder

I don't see this as an issue at all. I've been doing my own thing for a long while and no-one has ever pushed me into anything. I mean, really, has anyone actually gotten in your face about how you live your life? I've really never heard of that happening, short of friends politely asking about you if you seem down.

This is likely 100% in your own head, nothing more.

I think we have lived Very different then and yes people have gone into my face and shouted at me for doing my own thing

Why do you post this multiple times a day?

Your that crazy run sentence guy. Seriously, what's your deal? What lead you to posting this same fucking shit everyday? Who hurt you?

Attached: 1521696260147.gif (390x300, 1.81M)

It is not the same post if you read the contents but no you just focus on the picture will sorry I don't put related pics to my posts when there are of a philosophical nature

It started with my mom then teachers it let on to government employees but there were always people trying to push me around and treat me like s***and wanting me to live to some b******* standard that's who hurt me what you consider okay I consider immoral and unethical you do not push people to be better you embrace them for their negative side for their true self you expect them to not have a conscience remorse or empathy that's who hurt me the pictures who want me to be normal

I want the government to teach people proper punctuation, but judging by your posts that also hasn’t happened.

Sounds pretty edgy

90s baby what do you expect edginess is in my mind all the time I never growing up I just grew into myself but I am still a product of my time

So are your mom, teachers, and government employees pushing you to change? What specifically are these people pushing you to do?

Is called communism

You asked who was meaning in the past and I haven't never forget never forgive mentality

What like marks is original idea or are you just calling it communism because you don't like the idea

Have a

Oh boy, it's this guy again. Take your meds, m8.


Why are you Australians so close-minded dude