Watching American Pie

>watching American Pie
>mention it to long distance gf
>she gets extremely mad, saying I am only watching it for one thing (to see tits etc)
>explain I'm watching it for other things reasons, try to make her see how ridiculous she's being
>tells me to turn off the film or we're finished/she'll cut herself
>I keep watching
>she cuts up two chokers I bought her and sends picture of them


Attached: cover.jpg (500x500, 55K)

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20 and 22

Mentally you're clearly still about 16.
Fuck off.

For watching American Pie?

Maybe stop being a sticko. Step 1 is to stop associating with sickos.

You'd probably be better off fucking little dogs in the butt than associating with this nutcase you call a girlfriend. (LDRs aren't real).

For dating someone threatening to cut themselves

For being in a fake relationship with a manipulative womanchild.

Weak bait

I wish it was

If it's not bait then break up with her, she isn't marriage material

Why would I wanna get married anyway

>Doesn't want to get married
Okay alright cool stuff

Why didn't you lie to her ? Told her you stopped watching etc ? You're both retarded

>Ultimatums are really just breakups where you can tell yourself the other person had a choice.
The second she says "or we're finishe", you're finished.

Have you ever met in real life or not?

A girl once told me this jokingly when I was watching Ghost in the Shell lmao how can a person be so dense. End that relationship for your own sake.

i don't know what to say, but i wanted to post in this thread

Yeah. Basically this.

End the relationship. Find someone closer, fuckable, and not crazy.

Rule 1: Bros before hoes
Rule 2: Never stick yo dick in crazy