Give me 1 reason why I shouldn't be a shut in

Give me 1 reason why I shouldn't be a shut in.
>Normies are a chore, and I don't like things that they do
>I can't even contact people that have similar interest that I have, I mean how do I even INITIATE contact with them without sounding creepy?
and don't give me that just ''bee comfortable alone and with yourself bullshit'' I'm objectively not a perfect person(social retard, anxious, prone to depression)

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Why would you wanna know a reason? If you're happy being a shut in, who cares?

Im not happy with it

As an ex shut-in I can tell you that while it is comforting for maybe like a year at most, it does become its own form of suffering. You don't want to wake up one day and be in your 30s or even 40s and still living at home.

Also you're not that much of a special snowflake. Whatever it is that you're into there's loads of stores and meeting and clubs and conventions and associations and whatever else that are into that as well.

> Why should I not be a shut it?
> because it makes me unhappy

there's your reason, dorkass.

There aren't many clubs where I live that I know of, Im tired of staying at my room 24/7 even though I have tons of free time now. The thing Is my dumb retarded parents don't even encourage for me to leave the house

"Be yourself" doesn't mean "stop improving" you fucking retard. It just means don't factor the thoughts of others into your decision-making process or let what they might think influence what you say or how you feel.

I've no idea where you live but at this time of year it must be getting nicer outside. I left my NEETdom at first by just going for walks, day and night for hours at a time even though at first I could only walk for like 30 minutes at most.

It was frefreshing and calming just to not be staring at the same 4 walls and smelling myself and hearing my parents nagging all day everyday

Have you even checked?

There are no clubs whatsoever at my uni, btw, what kind of clubs are you referring to?

cause you need money to pay the bills you 16 year old cunt, think yer parents will live forever and bank you? and its normalfag goddamn.

Not him, but it doesn't have to be at uni

what are you into you never even said that much

Idk bro.

I used to be a normal fag til after highschool then I really shut myself in, was neet for like 3 years. Now I just work and go home alone and I enjoy myself. Last i dated a girl it changed everything because I dont enjoy alone time as much.
I was thinking of making a thread asking for myself what to do cause I have a chance at dating a girl again. I also had a chance to make a shit load more money, but I rather not work as many hours and make less and do something less stressful so I opted out of it.
Not sure what I want out of life. Sometimes I think about having a family and sacrificing my hobbies and interests, but sometimes I just want to be comfortable through life.

vidya, /g shit, movies, and anime (kinda stopped watching this summer). I dislike sports and other normie activities

Like others here have said, it's good to be a NEET for a while but as you get older and notice others outside having a life and experiencing different things you will eventually envy them and you will feel like sh*t after. Don't be that guy OP, a lot of people end up regretting wasting years of their life they'll never get back. Liking anime and vidya is cool but there's more to life than hobbies like those, don't miss out.

I'm surprised people are still watching anime, I left that scene a while back seeing how almost everything I liked turned to shit and not much came out that I liked after that.

Yeah there's for sure gaming/anime stores where you can go and hang out and meet other people

Not him but I only started watching a few years ago and I also don't follow much of the new stuff I still have like hundreds and thousands of hours worth of anime from the last several decades to catch up on.

I'm sure I stopped watching mainly because of depression, heck I don't even enjoy movies anymore. So mostly vidya cuz generally Its more immersive

As for initiating contact well it depends, body language is complex and depending on how you interact with people they will find out how adept you are socializing by hearing what you say and seeing how you interact with them through sight. The key is not thinking too much about what they're thinking at the moment. You have to chill and speak as if you didn't have a care in the world, the more you do this the more second nature it will become. I speak from experience and you sound a lot like me when I was that bad in social situations. I really had to put myself out there at certain points and it was not a pretty sight, believe me.

Have you bothered to Google for any clubs related to those things

To add to that, start going out and get to know the world around you, the more you see it the more you will have to talk about and it will be easier to be confident and not worry people will think there's not much to you. This is going to take some time OP, but it will pay off if you work on it.

I dont see any inspiration here. Sounds like a chore.

He doesn't want actual advice, he wants to be enabled in his shitty lifestyle that he himself hates
i'm betting underage.

Fuck off to /b if you can't give any advice

Nah This aint OP I just wnated advice for myself who has already established a decent life. But I am certainly not a normal fag. I wonder too, what is the motivation?

You can say how to become a normal fag, but not why which is what OP is asking.

In my opinion life either gives you a good life or you give it to yourself. Its luck and timing whether your life is up to standard. If you aren't living an life to be envied then you make the best of it.


The loneliness will drive you up the wall in just a year or two trust me, and then there's a good chance it'll just get worse from there
Also this is painfully true

shut in =/= neet

At this point I'm too socially anxious to meet new people, most won't be interested in me anyway

Everything they said still applies to shut-ins

also envy for others is stupid. You can live your own life. Life is too damn short to actually worry about it. You worry less the more you have like if you have kids, finance a car and pay mortgage, then you obviously have a lot to worry about losing. If you dont have them to begin with what the fuck does it matter.

no it doesnt. People who regret their life compare it to others and you cant do that. There is always more to do. You will live your entire life striving for more no matter what.

That is something that takes practice.

I mean you worry less the less you have.

I dont know about my own future, but for now i am living the routine and doing things as youre supposed to. I dream all the time about cutting costs and living as simple as can be.

samefagging again
all I wish for is retirement. Some 28 years from now and I am 27. Why would you wish your life away? I like work I just dont like what I do. I want simplicity. A summer breeze, to see the stars clearly, and to fuck. It shouldnt cost a dime. If I gave up the struggles of life i could live life now and fufill my desires and die happy. Fuck living to an old age if it means wasting your youth.

And I'm peacing out. I will post again if the thread is up 28 hours from now tomorrow. My life is so predictable. Is that how you all want to live?

Social envy is different from more materialistic envy. It's much worse