How do you stop caring about people not liking you

how do you stop caring about people not liking you

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If they don't like you, just don't like them back and stop giving a fuck.

By actually liking yourself.

I concur.

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is caring that people don't like me a sign that I don't like myself?

There's no trick, you just have to train yourself to not think about it and dismiss it as fast as you can when the dread comes up.
You're not getting rid of it, but you can dull the pain.

By realising not everyone has to like you and it doesn't really matter. There's fuck all, if anything, in the world that everyone likes, and it's not like you like everyone else.

Kind of. If you were truly happy with yourself then other people not being happy with you wouldn't cripple you so much. If the foundation of your self-esteem is based on how much other people like you and not how much you like yourself then your confidence will never be your own. It will always be able to be undermined and manipulated by the people around you.


i just wish i knew how to change that mindset. the whole low self-esteem thing

Do shit you can be proud of.

Just worry about liking yourself.

Yeah. It really, really is.

This is a good basis. Also ask yourself truthfully what it is about yourself you don't like and then work to change it.

Soon you will find other people like you better as well. Others can smell it when you're not happy with yourself.

By taking yourself less seriously. Laugh mistakes off, make mistakes look funny and be okay with being silly and imperfect. Imperfection can be cool.

you're right, thanks

The catch 22 here is that when you stop giving a fuck about people liking you... more people will like you

and one more question, do i get so angry when i'm drunk because i'm carrying too much suppressed anger when i'm sober? sometimes when i'm drunk i throw myself into a tizzy. like a blind rage

Dont know but you better stop drinking. I absolutely hate people like you.

>I absolutely hate people like you.

that's not a catch 22 are you retarded

Start doing things for yourself and find a productive obsession, the rewards will be better than someone else's validation and you can stop caring

if you were full of yourself you wouldn't care about someone else's opinion.