Dumped him

Broke up with my ex boyfriend of 5 years a couple weeks ago. I felt good about doing it because I knew it was the right thing to do. However, now I’m starting to get the post break up feelings.

>urge to burst into tears

Told him I still wanted to be friends, he agreed but then deleted me off of all social media. He kept my family members on his Facebook though. Not sure why he did this.

When will these awful feelings go away? I was fine these past couple weeks but it’s really starting to hit me now. I loved him but we just weren’t compatible.

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Blah blah blah, then you'll find a new guy to fuck later this week and you'll feel better. Come back to us when you have real problems please.

Why do people fucking communicate on social media?

Oh fuck off bitter asshole. You’re probably from R9K.

Why did you break up with him? You didn't love him anymore?

Why in my mind did I read that as saying "you're probably from 9gag,"

You really are just a pussy.

Because you feel like you made a mistake and youre starting to regret it. You never said why you guys broke up anyway. So I assume to a certain degree youre manipulative.

yup, standard girl. and she comes on Jow Forums for attention for advice on her non-problem.

I mean... you broke up with him. How do you think he feels? If you think this is the best course of action, you're probably better off giving him a lot of space right now. I know when my gf of 1.5 years broke up with me I stopped talking to her. I would expect a similar situation like this for a little while.

And you're probably a broke bitch. Sorry, I don't speak brokanese!

It's gonna be alright ma girl. You're gonna feel bad and shitty after a break up- just power through!

Youre probably from /mlp/

Nah sorry I’m not broke I have my own money.

Do not assume you know absolutely everything that happened in this relationship. You don’t know what either of us been through automatically blaming the girl is absurd and you sir need to re-evaluate your life.

In 6-8months...

Seek out acupuncture.

It’s really pathetic how a lot of you are assuming I just up and left because I got bored or that I’m searching for attention. I’m sad. I’m allowed to feel that way, sometimes you just can’t work it out with the person. Believe me I tried..this wasn’t something I just did on a whim. This took me a year. Don’t talk shit if you haven’t been through it. I just wanted some comfort, someone who could relate to how I’m feeling.. but god forbid right?

Begone thot, nobody cares about your Tumblr ramblings


yet again another bitter fat neckbeard keep on tipping that fedora

Uggghhh. Fine, I'll rehearse it for the 100th time. Those feelings will go away when you realize they're not important. Focus on other relationships, hobbies interests, etc. Yeah it sucks. And it sucks a fuck ton. But the reality is that its over so spending time on it is worthless (you can think about it but not all the time you know what I mean.) Learn an instrument or some shit. And loneliness sucks but if the incels on Jow Forums can do it for most of their lives then you can handle a few weeks to a couple months aight.

yea, find some empathy for yourself. you come here and say things went bad, ask for comfort. if you genuinely deserved comfort you would tell the whole story.

and you jump to relativism aka talk about how responders dont understand. but you never give a story. just relativistic manipulative bullshit.

>I loved him but we just weren’t compatible.

This is exactly how I feel about my current gf, who I've also dated for 5 years.

I'm going to break up with her soon, and I'm worried I feel exactly the way you do in a few weeks.

I really scared. But I believe it's better for us to go through this temporary pain, and a life time spent with the wrong person.

We will get through the hurt somehow.

Just shut the fuck up right now. You have no clue what you’re talking about. I can’t explain a story that’s been ongoing for 5 years.

I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It sucks but if you two aren’t working out it’s best to just let it die.

He did the right thing by taking you off friends. Stop trying to have your cake and eat it too. Just separate and move on. Deal with the fallout. Sounds like you knew what you wanted. Did you just come here for pity? We have none.

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yes, you can explain it. afraid of making yourself look bad?

You know, I feel like one of the worst parts is knowing I'm going to hurt her. She wanted everything with me, marriage, kids, etc. I just don't feel same.

Knowing I'm going hurt my best friend for the past 5 years, and a truly kind and sweet person, kills me.

I wish breaks up were clean, with no one getting hurt and just able to move on. I know that's not how things work, but it would be great.

No..? I’m just not going to be disrespectful

Mine didn’t even talk about marriage or our future. You are kind of lucky in a way that your partner even saw something in you to even discuss it. Whenever I’d bring something up to my ex he’d just brush it off.

Youre kind of lucky too. You didn't shit out a kid at least.

That really makes things difficult. Holy shit how old?

Can't say. I'm not going to be disrespectful.

you chose to broke up with him, your problems are minimal compared to his feelings of rejection and loneliness. Go fuck yourself and get your pity from reddit. Deal with it, cunt.

I know that. She's great in a lot of ways, and I understand that I am lucky. She even gave me her virginity. But it's gotten to the point where I'm not in love with her anymore. I don't even really enjoy talking to her or spending time with her. I look into the future and I just get depressed with the thought of having to wake up next to her for the rest of my life.

I would rather be dumped than to dump every single time.

What a spineless ass. Youre wasting an innocent girls youth and all you can think about is yourself.

I'm just chatting shit because I got dumped recently. I hate myself and my life, and I want to die.

KEK Get the fuck off the thread.

It’s normal to feel guilty when breaking up with someone buddy. If that’s how you truly feel then either seek counseling or break up with her. At least try and work it out, and if you end up still feeling the same then leave.

How the fuck does it take you 5 years to realize you're not compatible with your partner?

stop making excuses for not sharing information. this is an anonymous site, no one will find out, it doesnt matter

how is he bitter, fucking other people is literally the best way to get over your ex
there's nothing wrong with fucking other people after breaking up with someone

I mean sure he added an extra edge by saying you don't have whatever he thinks is a real problem, but otherwise it's a good point; and he probably just means that what you're going through is anything but special, which is again true, just about everyone goes through these motions after a long relationship ends

you won't find the army of betas with empathy here if that's what you were looking for; you should appeal to your close friends for that
you do have close friends left, don't you, OP?

He's right though. Women have a much easier time getting back in the game.

desu I only broke up with someone I had been together with for 3 years and I didn't understand a single thing from it; I tried everything and by the end I was 120% convinced it was a pointless endeavor; she made no effort whatsoever, and yet still started crying on our last date; I held her and took her home and that was that, felt a bit bad about it but I was already setting things up with another girl (I was fairly young so that's my excuse)
basically I had a clear mind because I had done everything I could to improve things, she did nothing, so there was nothing left to do but stop

my point, kind of, is that if you (can convince yourself that you) tried everything you could to salvage the relationship, then you won't feel bad for long; you were just used to being with someone and now you're going through remission (if that's the word)
being around supportive friends will be your best bet unless you want to just get another dude
if you do get another dude, it would be very handy to be honest with yourself whether he'll be a rebound or someone you care about

>When will these awful feelings go away?
3-6 months post break-up depending how much work you put in a remedy

you can't be this daft

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When you care about someone you don’t do that doesn’t matter that I’m anonymous it’s about respect which a lot of people lack these days.

>Yeah, I wasted 5 years of his life, but IM sad too.
>Then I asked him if he wanted to still be my fren, and then he didn't wanna be my fren, why???
>I know that I was right to toss him aside like the trash he is, but now Im getting badfeels
>How do I dispense with the guilt and remorse of ruining a mans life???

Its women like you.

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Like I said in a previous reply. YOU have absolutely no idea what went on in this relationship or what I’ve been through with this person. I’m allowed to hurt.

>wasted 5 years of his life.

Just fuck right off with this degenerate reply.

>toss him away like the trash he is

Stop projecting I never said he was trash nor do I think that so again fuck off.

KEKEKEKEK you are are retarded.

It’s possible to love someone and not be able to work in a relationship. Perhaps you haven’t been in enough relationships to grasp this concept or you’re pic below.

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Quick explanation about why he deleted you from social media:
>he is sad too
Yes, that happens.
Have a good day.

>I'm allowed to hurt
You are allowed to hurt as much as you want, but should not expect to be allowed any pity from others. You've cut yourself upon your own volition, and then you come to others complaining about the wound?

>just fuck off with this degenerate reply.
Its the truth. You wasted his life. There is little to nothing he can redeem from his time with you.

You're among the coldest woman I've ever known. Get the fuck off this board if you're going to ruin someone like this and come complaining when you feel guilty.

And to answer your original question, I have no doubt someone like you will feel guilty for very long.

Tbh might be in the same situation very soon too.

Really need to leave but just cant bring myself to do it.

Dunno what I'm gonna do.

you will always pine after your shit head ex it's normal

Why did you dump him?

My initial reaction from this was to get pissed. However, I’m not going to argue with an user who feels he or she has the right to tell me how I should feel and what I should and shouldn’t do when it comes to a decision that I made.

>coldest woman I’ve ever known

What in the fuck are you even saying? I’m cold because I broke up with someone of 5 years? These things happen everyday. You’re acting as if I don’t have a heart or something.

It’s quite simple really. We just weren’t compatible what else is there to explain to you people? I’m not shifting the blame towards either of us. I loved him but we were both on different wave lengths. What do you want me to say?

Not going to lie though you sound exactly like my ex. He’d probably say some shit like this.

Oh my fucking god you idiots. Did I ever say he couldn’t be sad??? NO I didn’t.

I assume you're not mad for breaking up with a guy who was there for you for 5 years. Idk what the problem really is. Unless he's being a drunk / smoke addict or abusive or cheating on you with somebody else or something like that, you can try to talk to him about it and make you guys understand more what the problem is. Because that's what people do. They don't straight away break up or give up on each other. All you have to do is express everything you've got and COMMUNICATE!! instead of keeping everything by yourself what you feel he's doing wrong or things that you don't like (example : some people get a dog irrespective of their spouse getting scared of it). So get your ass up and go talk with him, making it less awkward. As the time goes, it will be really hard to talk anymore.

You don’t understand how many times I’ve tried to talk to him. You really don’t, please don’t assume I just gave up on our relationship. Communication can only go so far.

I'm sorry. If you really love him, I believe that this problem wouldn't make your relationship come to an end. So do something.

If you really want to leave him. Then do that. Don't try to be friends with him after that. It's just too awkward. Thinking about the past will fuck you up. So try to cut off all communication.

>it’s another Jow Forums is bitter towards women episode

what else is new

What was the issue? It's suspect you haven't stated it already.

Will you stop?

5 years seems a bit of a stretch just to figure out you aren't compatible with someone...

Maybe women need to change their behaviour then.


>lead a man on for YEARS
>he probably plans for marriage
>"I'm in love, but not really lmao"
>break up
Don't be surprised after he overdoses.

bumping cancer thread
by now desperately curious how old OP is and what she looks like
she's so emotional it's hot

Where the fuck are people getting this idea that I lead him on? Damn you people really just don’t get it

You don't need 5 years to decide on a relationship's direction. He's a degenerate too, though so you can both be miserable for all I care.

It’s a long, depressing story.

Dont listen to them, they’re probably sociopaths who’ve never cared about someone in their lives

Lol she won't say. By not giving any info she can shriek "YOu DONT UNDERSTAND HOW COMPLEX AND DEEP THIS WAS. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP. Unless you are comforting me, then thanks :)"

Jesus, threads like these go so differently depending on gender. It's almost like most posters here are lonely manchildren who offload all the responsibility for their romantic failure onto the women who won't fuck them.

Time heals all wounds, just keep on keeping on, spend time with your friends, get out of the house, work on your hobbies. Soon enough (definition of soon depends on relationship length) you'll realise you haven't thought about him for ages.

OP I'm in the exact same situation as you. I've been with my bf for 2 years and I feel like if I don't break up with him asap, we're just going to be another unhappy couple in a sexless, loveless marriage.

To all the bitter incels in this thread: what is a woman supposed to do then? Stay with her partner even if she doesn't want to? You think that would make anyone happy? You cant force someone to be in love with you, staying with someone who doesn't want you is just going to make you both miserable.

>To all the bitter incels in this thread: what is a woman supposed to do then?

Well in my case I'd have appreciated if she would've said it out loud if anything was bothering her about our relationship instead of just claiming work takes all her time and distancing herself from me and then dumping me via text after a few months and then magically having time for a new guy few months after that.

Lol I'm not saying she was even in the wrong, she is just not divulging any actual info for people to give advice besides "its ok baby get some hobbies and practice meditation, im really sorry"

I don't want Jow Forums to be a 'hugbox' or 'safe space' but surely threads that give little information/rant with people posting supportive messages underneath aren't really hurting anybody

People only get this shitty when OP is a girl. Zero info breakup threads from guys attract the same flak, but not nearly as much of it

She's not really asking for judgment on her choices though - why, how and when she ended the relationship is irrelevant. She's asking when the natural feelings which follow a breakup will stop.

If you need some back story to give advice then it's probably better to just not reply to the thread. The only reason anons are requesting more information is to confirm their prejudgments that the OP must have done something horrific as she's female.

I wasted almost eight years with a person I wasn't truly in love with. I cared for them a lot, but we had absolutely nothing in common and our relationship wasn't fulfilling. I tried several times to work this out and improve it, but we just weren't compatible. I was worried about leaving because I'd put so much time into it, but I have never looked back.

Sometimes you have to bite the bullet. As long as you've discussed the issues with your partner and know there is no fixing them, you can confidently end the relationship and search for somebody who you enjoy being with.

If your biggest problem in life is "tee hee i dumped my boyfriend, now I'm sad" then you actually don't have real problems

I tried to communicate with him on several occasions about how I felt about our relationship and if things didn’t change I was leaving. He said he’d get better and he never did. He was a very depressed, miserable person. Imagine being around someone like that for 5 years. It kills your spirit and you lose yourself. I caught myself losing interest in things I once enjoyed. I hardly smiled. I didn’t want to leave but he didn’t put forth the same effort I was putting out.

Then be happy it's over. Focus on yourself and don't place your happiness on someone else

>tee hee

Yup because this is definitely a teehee situation. I got other problems too but this just fuels the fire.

>I loved him but we just weren’t compatible
i will fucking punch you straight in the cunt if i ever see you

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stupid fucking cunt
you obviously are too shallow and psychologically/emotionally under developed

if you actually tried to work it out, it would haveworked out. doing things like..i don't know, fucking talking to each other about your problems would yield positive results. but instead you're just another dumb useless woman who waits for things to change or go her way instead of having the courage and initiative to do something about it yourself

literally this

op can go get raped for all i care. zero sympathy for cunts like her

He deleted you on social media because he needs no contact, and probably doesn't wanna find himself incessantly stalking ur social media accounts.

You say you want to remain friends but that will come only after you've both completely moved on... maybe 6 months from now, maybe a year. Until then you need no contact.

Sorry, but you don't get to keep him as a friend while ur breaking up. It's not fair on either of you.

idiot, she admitted that she loved him but that they weren't "compatible"

milk isn't compatible with mustard and yet they share the same space. no one fucking knows what she's talking about. whatever details she's withholding about her situation, i almost guarantee she's at fault for the lot of them. you know how I know? cause this dumb thot can't even openly communicate to anonymous people over the internet. how in the fuck do you picture her communicating her thoughts and feelings to someone she's dated for 5 years?

Yes, you are cold.

>We just weren't compatible what else is there to explain to you people?
Seeing how that makes no sense, a lot really.
>I loved him but we were both on different wave lengths.
You're the kind of bitch who would cheat on someone and blame it on your zodiac compatibility.

Your ex is a smart man.



>You don't need 5 years to decide it won't work, you need 2 months tops.

Then why don't you tell us about it instead of just saying "I loved him but our velocity vectors were out of sync".


>I wasted almost eight years with a person I wasn't truly in love with. I cared for them a lot, but we had absolutely nothing in common and our relationship wasn't fulfilling.
How do people like you exist? How can you honest live with yourself knowing you lead someone on for 8 YEARS? Do everyone on planet earth a favor and never date again.

>He was a very depressed, miserable person.
He needed help and you bailed on him. Don't act shocked when they find his body.


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You don’t know what you’re talking about go away.

Let’s grow up? Ummmmm first of all I’m not going to air out my personal life into a board. It wasn’t my fault, nor was it his.

I didn’t lead anyone on. You people are absolutely ridiculous and ya really just don’t know anything. I keep repeating myself and you autistics still aren’t grasping the concept.

just leave, no one cares or has any patience left to care for you.

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Playing the victim card holy kek. This has got to be bait at this point.

>Hurr durr I broke up with my boyfriend
>It's his fault

When was I playing the victim card? Shut the fuck up

I would want you to break up with me too with an attitude like that. Youre ex is probably much better off by now.

I don't believe you because it's ridiculous that it took you 5 years down the drin to figure out you weren't compatible.
I believe because that's roughly how long it can take for the honeymoon phase to wear off (a huge trap for degenerates, but that's a different issue). Unless your bf developed some sort of severe mental disorder in the past few months, though, it doesn't make any sense for you. Hence we all assume that you just got bored and are now rationalizing your way out.

I won't let this cancer gold die
I want to see another round of "you don't know anything and I won't tell you either"

OP please tell us again how we just don't get it while doing nothing to help us get it

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