Be me a kissless weeb virgin gamer and anti-social

>Be me a kissless weeb virgin gamer and anti-social.
>Qt girl student walks up to me to help me with uni work
>Since then we talked to each other a lot.
>1 year later
>Me finds out shes a virgin too.
>Me finds out shes a weeb.jpg
>Me finds out she likes vidya.exe
>Me and her have 69 chemistry.
>I shared my past stories.cmd
>She says “Guys are hitting on me.“
>Be me like autistic “ookay!” 【・_・?】
>She keeps talking about them to me only and says its a secret dont tell anyone.
>Shes like “im not ready”
>Im like “not ready too” cos im not independent yet living with shitty senpai and im 22yrs old.
>Be me never asked a girl out and i told her that i never did and wants to socialise.
>Both of us are open.

Anons plz give me advice about what to do and what does she mean by others are hitting on her. im confused.

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"Hey, I think there's something between us. Can I take you out some time?"

Well you see user, because she's a virgin she also doesn't know wtf to say or do either and is probably following dumb games taught to her by strangers on the internet.

She's trying to make you jealous because that's what she thinks she's supposed to do.

OhShit.jpg u might be right. She told me she asked her sister for advice about how to keep them away from her and she has no clue how to deal with it. Appearantly a guy asked her out and he had her as a second backup to a date. She said no to him in the middle of the street while its raining.

She also set up a trap to another guy to fend him off with the first guy.

Probably she asked her sister how to fend me off by using the “guys hitting on me” to make me jealous and ask her out and by then she would say no.

>Anons plz give me advice
Stop typing like a fucking idiot

Of all the over....

Ok. Dude. Ask her out. Don't over think, don't get in her head, you shouldn't even have made this thread in the first place.

Holy shit on this post here though man, that's some insane overthinking. Be rational. You aren't psychic. You can never get anyone's thoughts that exact.

Also, even though I was guessing, trying to make you jealous could mean she really likes you you mook.

Be prepared for the friend zone

How the hell do completely inexperienced nerds make it to university? If there's that much determination in you towards your studies, focus on your fucking studies and stop trying to have us give you instant Chad advice

What user said. Focus on your goals. The girls come later.

>You lose money if you chase women, but you never lose women chasing money

Also, you're a waste of oxygen and space. You'll never amount to anything with your head in your ass you cunt. Ok, now that I did my part to motivate you, GO OUT THERE AND PROVE US WRONG! Good luck!

Please stop doing this, it makes you look like an autist

>Ends up dying and becoming dirt like everyone else
damn people really are worthless

>She's trying to make you jealous because that's what she thinks she's supposed to do.
Do girls actually do that? There is a girl I was getting interested in but then she started implying that she is looking for man. And like
>hitting the gym with her
>tell her that a friend is coming along
>"Oh user, is he handsome?"
I was thinking that I was just approaching friend zone. She's had some experience so I suppose that friend zone is even more likely?

Well we all need something to keep us from killing ourselves. He could instead turn to religion and then make that his life. It doesn't really matter.

Haha the girl already imagines you two are in a relationship. Women will tell you about guys hitting on them because they feel guilty and want you to know. It is also a test to see if you are centered and wont freak out. If she stops doing this, then she is probably getting their numbers. Since you are not in a relationship it does not really apply but here is what you should do:
Ask her out
The only issue is that you have pussy footed around for a tear so she may think you have no confidence


You better ask her out because she'll get impatient and one of these days you'll hear about her losing her virginity at a party to a guy she just met. You snooze with women and you lose

im not pussying out because of rejection. She told me that she isnt ready and im not ready too, due to issues at my home so ill need me an apartment. However, im afraid if someone else will take her.

Op cant help it, it runs in his blood

just fucking do it you retard