Why do people say sex isn't important or that it is overrated when a ton of marriages go to shit because of no sex and...

Why do people say sex isn't important or that it is overrated when a ton of marriages go to shit because of no sex and the man working 12 hours daily to not go home to his frigid wife is like one of the most common tropes for a reason?

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They say "not important" because what they do truly intend to say is that it's not a foundation of good relationship. If something is wrong, then sex immediately goes down the toilet. Good sex =/=> good relationship, but good relationship ==> good sex, indeed.

What are the factors for a good sex?

But why do us virgins then get railed over wanting to have sex badly because we're missing out on something important and just brushed aside and told "stop obsessing over it lul" by people who have sex four times a week?

Not being a premature ejaculator.
Emotional bond.
Trying new stuff and discovering what she/he likes.

People say sex is far from everything. And you know why people say that, you feel why it is so if you've been fucking somebody. Yeah, it is important, it's not possible to have a healthy relationship without it, but it's far from #1 thing you have to care about.

Normies are assholes
I lost mine to a who're on Tinder. Experience was pretty awful, no desire to pursue it again anytime soon .

because you have this fantasy of what it's going to be like

it literally has the potential to be ANYTHING, it's only natural you get hyped up about it and really fucking nervous not to screw up, I mean it could be AMAZING IF you just don't fuck it up.

when you actually do it, you'll feel the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders, but you'll also realize it's not that incredible either (you can find people obsessing over mundane shit over sex). You're not actually missing out, you have this basic need for it but you're definitely having sex feel like a chore at some point in your life. Life is fucking hell.

>a ton of marriages go to shit because of no sex and the man working 12 hours daily to not go home to his frigid wife
that is exactly what men want. fucking wish i'd known that's how shit is, could've saved myself a fuckload of heartbreak. it's a game. it's literally all just a fucking game, and it's not worth playing.

The only people who say sex doesn't matter are the ones who have it regularly
The only people who say sex matters are the ones who do not have it

Make of that what you will

The only ones who say virginity matters are virgins.

I'm talking about sex, not virginity.

Virginity matters a lot to people who aren't. It's why they constantly turn down people who are.

What did he mean by this?

Usually the thing goes

>woman has child
>libido suffers
>less sex
>man starts feeling unattractive
>assumes wife doesn't want sex because she isn't attracted anymore
>starts retreating into work
>both parties suffer for it

>woman starts out sweet and loving and good to him
>morphs into crazy mean lying cunt who complains nonstop and blames him for everything and generally makes him miserable
>he stays with her now that she's become what he wants
that's how it goes

Very much this:
Marriages that go to shit because of no sex are relationships that were built on top of sex.
Remove foundation of the relationship -> relationship crumbles.
That's why premartial sex is a mistake if you intend on marrying.
Another common mistake is to marry so they can justify having sex. That's just as bad.

But if a couple is truthfully able to be so happy together without sex to decide to undertake the vow, then that surely won't change post marriage.

That people who aren't virgins consistantly turn down people who are specifically because they are.

Really? Never heard of that. Someone who is not a virgin would not care.

Forgot your trip?

They do care, a lot. They think you're too much work and that you'll be clingy

It's not virginity that causes them to be rejected but the reasons behind virginity.

In my case, I don't actually care if the girl is a virgin or not but I would prefer she isn't
I'm sick of taking virginities and ending up breaking up with the girl a few months/years later
Also, having to teach them gets annoying

Never get's to the reasons. They just say they can't be the person you do this with. Also like said, women don't want to teach, they want finished products at every age.

I literally didn't say that.

Are you?

I was just referencing the "Also, having to teach them gets annoying" part as something women say as well. Sorry, should have been more clear.