Last one 404'd

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Something about a healthy lifestyle just really annoys me, if there isn't a risk factor I don't really feel alive and it's like I have imposter syndrome.

Ahhh why do I even botherrrr.

I wish I didn't fuck my life so much

Freedom comes from discipline. You're a slave to your vices.

I've been working out, eating healthy, and turning myself into a chad (still in progress) for about a year so that, on the off chance I see my ex and she gets interested, I can get one last fuck and get her out of my life

I hate people for being so emotional and getting angry at me for being calm and rational, what's wrong with being stoic? Do people feel threatened by that which they don't understand?

I don't know what to think.

You go from telling me that I am the sun, the last beacon of light in a dark, cold world. You tell me that I am doing good, that I have no idea how impactful and positive me just being alive is to the world.

You also tell me that I am the source of so many bad things that have been happening. That I am a hurricane, a natural disaster. That I'm a racist, misogynistic horrible person that stirs the pot. A festering wound on the world.

I want to go home. I just want to go home.

Please let me go. Just let me go.


I've developed body dysmorphia over my receding hairline. I'm doing all I can right now to combat the hairline (big 3 treatment) and it's working, but I constantly check in mirrors and even check using things with a slight reflection like car windows. It's horrible. I don't know what to do. It's torture. Because I'm moving my hair around so much it's making it fall out even more due to the pressure. I also have problems with other parts of my face.

What the fuck do I do? How can I beat this? I don't want to take medication for it if possible. I just want my hair to grow back without me tugging at it all the time.

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Found out a few weeks ago that a girl I fell for is already in a relationship. She confronted me about my feelings, and how she knew about them for at least 3-4 months, before she was in a relationship. We're still good friends, but I just don't know how to handle things. I already have a lot of social anxiety from my childhood, and a really bad fear of abandonment. I know things wouldn't have worked out between us, not because we're not compatible, but just because of how I am. I just started going to the college counselors after an entire year, but they have 2 week gaps between appointments, and I've only done a single one so far. They just told me to keep pushing myself, but that's what I've been doing for years, and what other people keep telling me to do. I'm just trying to do all these other things to try to make myself into a better person, but it seems like I just regress the more I try, and I'm less than incompetent in almost everything I do. I've been trying to fight the urge to drink, but it just gets to me so much, and I can't help but get back from class and pour a drink out at 2 in the afternoon just to get by.

why won't you just let me go. Why are you doing this to me. I didn't fucking do anything.

And if I did, tell me what it is.

There is no way I could have done anything to fucking deserve this. You've been doing this my entire life. You've been controlling, torturing me since I was a child. How can anyone say I deserve this?

Why? Why are so many people just OK with this? It's literally slavery.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I had sex last night,
I lasted 1 min but it was great

I sent you a little joke last night. You didn't respond. I'll wait for the weekend.

Love you.

I feel tired

I'm going to try to kill myself again today A. I want to be freed from all this pain. Hearing someone tell me they love me is pointless when I know, that person doesn't even know what love means. It's like witnessing someone lie to me without their knowledge.

Stop being gay.

Please do it.


I knew he didn't love me when we dated and he confirmed he didn't love me when it ended.

So why do I feel so empty even though I expected it

Pull yourselves together, both of you.

Another day, another dollar, I really don't know why I bother

I miss you.

I prefer sex over a relationship any day.

any day before 30

please tell me what is going on already. This is absolute cruelty. It's inhumane. It's literally against the law what you are doing to me. You need to tell me what the fuck is happening.

You keep threatening me. You tell me horrible things and then won't do anything to help me. You say "We are not going to hurt you." but sitting idle as I literally die from illness, worse, having doctors lie to me is literally hurting me. If it was "we are going to do nothing" it would be fine but you actually put an insane amount of resources and time to do things that hurt me. YOu people harass me, have psychiatrists harass me rather than hep me, you have doctors lie to me, you have my parents drug me, poison me, and more. "we're not going to hurt you." while you are doing exactly that.

Why? Why torture me? That is all this is. It's literal torture and you people have even confirmed it as such.

For what?

Just let me go. Just let me fucking go.

My heart feels like it's splitting in half.

I'm so terrible at literally every physical activity to the point where I genuinely think I have some kind of minor disability.
Not many of my friends are particularly good at sports but every time we go out to kick a ball or something I still can't join in because I'm so fucking bad. When we go to the pub I can't play pool because I'm so fucking bad.
No matter how much I've tried, I've never improved. I hate it, I'm completely incapable when it comes to anything that requires any physical effort. It's not like I'm a fat cunt either, I'm lean and have a decent amount of stamina, I just have no coordination or ability.

Dunno why I'm posting this on here because most of Jow Forums is racist but oh well.

I'm mixed race, half white half black. Physically I'm black passing. I look like a lighter skinned black guy. People call me black. I consider myself black.

My parents both grew up working class in small, mostly white towns. They got good jobs and I grew up in pretty nice white suburban neighbourhoods. Which is nice, I had a relatively privileged upbringing, but sometimes I feel out of place.

I've always been into black culture and shit. Hip-hop music and all that. I guess because I thought it was what I had to be into when I was a kid, but it's stuck with me. But I feel like I haven't actually experienced being black. I can't relate to things other black people can. I don't have loads of black friends. I don't eat black/cultural food. My dad grew up here and not in Jamaica where my grandma's from, so I wasn't really raised black. I was just raised like all the other white kids in the neighbourhood. And now that I'm an adult, I feel like there's a big part of my racial identity missing. Sometimes I feel out of place when hanging out with people of my own race, which is just annoying because I feel out of place in my own neighbourhood as well because I'm one of the only niggas and get judged and avoided and stereotyped as such.

I feel like if I tried to learn more about my race I'd be considered just as bad as those cringey white kids who try to "act black" because it's not how I grew up, but if I don't I feel like I'm missing part of my identity.

Nah I'll be a spinster in my old age. Also didn't say I'm not into relationships. I just said I prefer one over the other.

You grew up too rich to be considered a real nigga, you dig?
I'm a real street nigga myself (I'm white btw) and grew up in a 99% white country, but I was never rich.

Fuck off nigger. You will never be accepted by either side. Always one foot on each side of the line but both sides will never truly relate or like you. Token nigger or uncle tom, take your pick at which you prefer. Alternatively try a third method, suicide because you are too stupid to adopt an individualist mindset.

I'm not even rich, I'm comfortably middle class. I just grew up in a white area.
I know plenty of black people who grew up similarly to me in terms of class and shit but because of their families and the demographics of their area are more in tune with their race.
I'm not saying I wish I was born in the hood and grew up to be a gangbanger, I just wish I grew up more black in the sense that I wish I had the opportunity to grow up and interact with more people like me, I wish I was more in tune with my Jamaican heritage and knew more about Caribbean and African culture/food/languages/music like my black friends are.


>be me
>Be male
>want to be girl
>Unhidable male features
>Male voice
>Everyone hates it
>Will never be a girl
>Stuck as a guy till I die
Honestly there's so much more about it all but I don't want to overload everyone.

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You always treated me poorly. I know something happened around this time last year, and I know that you put off telling, omit, manipulate, or just straight up lie about the truth. I already found out that you cheated on me 7 months ago. I don't know if by claiming it was just a makeout that you didn't want, if you are telling the truth finally or if it is just another manipulation.

Look. I deserve the truth. You owe it to me, after everything you've put me through. You and ONLY you cause these situations to happen. If after hearing the truth, I decide to leave, that's my *right*, and you can't take that from me, no matter how selfishly you wish to. No one would put up with this much shit from one person, and you should consider yourself lucky that you ended up with someone who actually loves you enough to try to work this shit out. Anyone with a modicum of self-respect would be out the door.

Someday you're going to look back and wish that you had done better here. I can tell you that right now. You're the only one who can decide to listen and make positive changes for the future of our relationship. Otherwise, when it ends, it ends. I won't be your friend. I will move on with my life, and I will leave you behind. I can give you a blank slate, but only if you come clean. If you're still hiding shit from me, you don't deserve it and you don't deserve me.

I feel like my parents are ashamed of me.
I have no skills that I can curry into a profession.
I'm nearly 30 and I'll never have the life I want.
I wish my gf woud leave me so there wasn't any pressure on me
I wish everyone thought I was dead.
I fucking hate living hand to mouth with shit jobs that barely pay rent.
I just even have the guts to kill myself.
I don't have any passion, I don't love anything.
I hate the way I look and sound.
I wish I could run away.
I wish I didn't worry about money every day.
I'm terrified of dying.
I can't believe in a god or an afterlife and so I have to wrestle with the idea of oblivion daily.
I do nothing to improve myself. I don't even know where to start.
I've tried writing, but everything I write is unbearable shit and I have no ideas.
I'm training to be a teacher and I'll be shit at that too.
I'm a burden on everyone that knows me. They pity me but know it's my own fault. My best friends think I'm a piece of shit.

I miss you too.

i just want to die.
but i dont want to kill myself, i dont want to take my own life
i want someone to do it for me, like getting run over by a car, im passively suicidal, when i say i am people just assume its a joke
but i really want to die
my life isnt bad, at all, but my head is fucked and im bad with dealing with it
a very close friend of mine left me after one of my "outbursts" and its been a month since then and not one day passes where i dont think about it and feel like a terrible waste of space human being.

Why are you sad, user?

>be me, 24
>dropped out of college
>spend 3 years jumping from one shitty job to another
>have nothing that shows my value on the working market
>constantly get told that I should have done something with my life by now
>see all my friends succeeding

I already think I'm too old for a proper career and will end up as a bum in the end

I just wish someone would tell me it's not too late

If it helps you to feel like your not alone, I know how you feel buddy,
I'm this guy

I have no passion for anything and I want to die but I’m a sophomore in high school and can’t do that to my mom

>I'm too old

Dude, I didn't start college until 26. The only person holding you back and making you feel worthless is you.

I wish my gf would leave, move away and I'd never hear from her again. Not because she's a bad person, but because I promised I'd be here for her until she's done with me but I've fallen for someone else and I want the guilt to stop.

We can't be in each other's lives, but I still feel you sometimes. I want you to stop haunting me, but also deep down wish that it never stops. The pathetic delusions of a broken heart though. You're not actually with me, and never will be.

You're right user, thank you
I needed to hear that

I don't know if moving in with you is going to be the worst decision of my life or something that is good for me. I wish you never pushed me into this relationship, I wasn't ready for it and neither were you.

Come on dude, break up with her

If you know you are not ready you shouldn’t do it, it will hurt you both.

Friend’s Bipolar (Type 1) and in the past couple of months has had a few good days where we’re talking and it’s relatively normal, then a week or two of no contact. She’s depressed right now and I understand she turns into a total hermit, but during that time it kills me. I never know if it’s that depression really getting her or if I might of somehow triggered her and I’m getting the silent treatment (which has happen before). Time and space I totally get and support, but the silent treatment fucking infuriates me (its childish, abusive and manipulative).

It’s been another week of this and while I’m doing better about dealing with it this time around, I don’t know how I’ll be able to deal with this in the long term. How do friends and family deal with this for years on end? How does a husband or wife of a bipolar person handle everything for 10+ years?

I really want to know, I want to be that strong of a person for my friend. When she’s balanced out she’s a great person, but I’m faltering and not sure if I can take this much longer.

Just passed by a cute 8/10 hanging around with a fat, ugly manlet nerd and it made me die inside a little. What does he have that I don't?

You're a scared child. Get help

imo, you can't know if you're or not. my gf moved in with me after dating for a month lol. that was almost five years ago!

Have you told her about it? You should talk with her in a way she doesn’t sees it as a verbal attack but as you communicating how you feel (and how she’s making you feel).

Everytime you make me feel like I may be somehow a bit special for you, you quickly find a way to take it away. It harms me but it must be hurtful for you too.

You’re making it easier for me to believe in what you say and not what you show. I hate it.

The silence when depression gets her yes. We got that cleared up and like I said I’m totally good with that. BP depression is harsh as fuck.

Silent treatment? Well this is the first week I’m manning up about it. I need to have some self respect and pride in myself. Before I’ve been a doormat about it since I’m the sort of person who just wants to be friends and not fight, etc. Apologizing even though I did nothing wrong, texting or calling once every day or two when this happens, etc. Once she starts talking I will talk to her about it, if it’s silent treatment this time. This shit needs to stop with her and others.

Last text I sent Sunday said basically if it’s a bad time again that’s okay, just give me a heads up. If it’s not and it’s silent treatment then it needs to stop. It’s immature and all that and we can talk like adults if I somehow did something wrong. If I did do something, how can I know I fucked up and what to make amends for if she won’t talk?

That's why neither of us have called it off yet even though we both have our doubts. It's either give it a shot or don't and live with the regret of what if. It could turn out great, could turn out shit or maybe it will just be alright. Of the two of us I am more mentally and and monetarily prepared for the everyday struggles. She isn't used to having no support system where her parents chip in and pay for a lot of her bills. The relationship itself is confusing. When I'm away from her I tend to think of all the negative and wonder if I can really be with her. When I'm with her it all fades away and I just enjoy her company. It's very strange but I think living together will put all of those thoughts into perspective, which of them are anxiety induced and which are actual issues. In any case its too late now, the deed is done.

I believe you're equating the silent treatment as a reflection of how she feels about you and your relationship. Provided your information thus far, this is not true.

IMHO, when people say someone's behavior is immature, they're essentially saying that person has not matured enough to consider how their behavior impacts others. In this case, you are hurt because she does not realize how her silence is impacting your feelings. You value the frequency of communication during her upswings so when that frequency lessens, you are not happy. Unfortunately, she is unable to consider your feelings during these times. In fact, if you continue to reach out, you could have the opposite effect and become a stressor. I think some people continue to push because they want to be a source of support but this is not how it works. There is no magic conversation (or activity) that will snap the individual out of their slump.

You control how you will react and what boundaries you are comfortable with in this relationship. Since it bothers you to such an extent, I'd suggest either removing yourself from the relationship/situation or trying a new perspective until you are comfortable knowing that any non-communicative times are not your doing.

I fell in love with a girl freshman year. Things were ice. Her face. Her smile. Her gorgeous curly hair. Her personality. Her brown eyes. Her body. She was my 10/10. I have really bad social anxiety though and while I was falling hard for her, I couldn't bring myself to act on it.

Fast forward to the end of that year and I'm sitting on her couch almost in her shirt and her dad comes home. She's super embarrassed (her dad didn't catch us) and tells me I should go home. 2 weeks go by with no mention of anything that happened and she starts dating another guy.

Here I am now years later, still friends with her, and still in love with her. I've had a couple relationships here and there that have been meaningless and short-lived. She's set the standard for everything I could ever want. I'd leave any single person I've been with since we met for her without looking back. But now I have to sit in silence and watch her and her (admittedly pretty great) boyfriend exist together and it fucking sucks.

everyone was like this but wish i know what i know now when i was a kid so i didnt waste so much time fucking around doing nothing.

time to move on tho.

I feel like the more I focus on doing what makes me happy, the more girls start to hit on me. But at the same time, it's like I can sense that it's fake. Like they only want to get with someone that can make them seem interesting. They can't carry a conversation, their personality is like a blank whiteboard, but they think if they just grind on me I'll automatically take them. I just feel weird that 10 years ago I practically dreamed of being in this spot, and now that it's happening, I could care less for it. I guess what I'm saying is that I just want something real.

I keep developing emotional attachments to my female friends and I can't tell if it's romantic love or just the idea of someone being emotionally available and supportive to me, being that that's something I never got to experience in my younger days. This would be so much less of a problem if I could find someone single and actually interested in me, but all of my friends seem to have developed happy, healthy relationships, and while I am happy for them, I can't help but envy them for the experience I'm missing out on. I try to expand my social horizons, but it's difficult with my class and work schedule.

I ended up coming back to her once after she held that broken promise against me. We've been through so much, our kids get along, we share so many interests...I just feel numb. I left her for another once, back when she didn't care. When she couldn't care. I feel like she's not going to go quietly unless she ends it now.

That's why "focus on yourself" advice for those trying to get into relationships is almost all nonsense. You're looking for someone who actually likes you, and all you're getting are people who just like what you seem to be. It's no different than before, you just might be happier on your own now at least. Finding a genuine relationship is going to be just as hard.
t.Someone who went through the same thing

It's a venting thread. Fuck off.

Now that you're getting your shit together and caring for yourself you're going to be seen as attractive by more girls, but that also means you're going to have to deal with more dumb bitches. Hold out and avoid girls you aren't genuinely into, eventually you'll run into one that has a brain and you'll be attractive enough to keep her without issue.
t. avoided fucking with stock Stacies for two years before finding his current gf

I'm drunk and I wanna beat up the degenerate you cheated me with. Such a fucking tryhard faggot. Untermensch even.

Fuck this.

I am chain smoking and listening to depressive shit, cause I am living incarnation of cognitive disonance. Pol tard with gender dysphoria

People like you make me so fucking mad

solve the equation: transition and satisfy your body autonomy needs, so that you can prevent yourself from reproducing to satisfy your poltardation

Why did you leave her?

I can't post this. I don't want to let it go to waste. I want someone to read it, and I don't know why. I don't want anyone to reply.

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Just keep doing you, man. Do what you're passionate about, and eventually you will meet someone in the course of doing it that will blow your mind. In the meantime, don't do stupid shit like have casual sex all the time or whatever. Put all that energy into something creative.

That's very deep, user.

on /adv board
no reason for hostility

I am happy today.
Please don't give up on the therapy. It will help. You have needed this for a long time. I am happy I was able to keep you alive enough to get help. Now we move forward. I will be beside you the whole way. Together. I promise. This doesn't change how I look at you, but go through it and you'll have more of my admiration and respect.

You can do this. This is the first step to that better tomorrow we talked about. I am so happy, and I want you to be the same. In some time, maybe you'll shine as much as I think you can. You're already beautiful, but when you're happy, and even positive, you are beyond anything I could have hoped for.

I love you, let's through this as a team.

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I wish I knew how to ask a girl out

Confidence. No one line works. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. They want you to walk up with a confident smile, not a good grin. Tell them you want to know how deep the beauty goes, and you'd like to chat for a bit.

Hey you're only 18, dont worry, if you go to college or get out of high school you will change dramatically, more freedom, more options. life will change its meaning and for the better in hopes. you shouldnt worry about things that hasnt happens. think about things that will happen in near future. and make it worth your while. you'll see what i mean when you get out of high school or if you're already out, just think more positively

also Florida i feel bad sorry.


What is wrong with reproduction?

Damn, I didn't think I'd get any responses lol. Thanks anons, I appreciate it.

poltards generally tend to not want the lgbtbqggnore community to create more

Is there such a thing as a good paying job that doesn't require higher education? Do I need to be thousands in debt in order to get a decent job?

Is there a way around college? I've been looking for a job that doesn't involve "customer service", "delivery", or "retail" for a while now with no luck

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>how deep the beauty goes
get the fuck away from me creep

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My middle school crush that moved away before asking me out is super hot now. Like gorgeous now. And I still look like the same homely little girl.

Other way around.

Yeah it's called dealing drugs and selling your body.

My body is in so much pain, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What happened

I want kids badly tho

Don't have kids if you have gender dysphoria...

Have you been self diagnosing and self medicating

bye bye bye

She decided to leave me for her ex, despite still being "in love" with me. She wants me to be her emotional tampon, and I had to cut contact to protect myself.

It's not funny having the backstreet boys on repeat internally for days. Thanks bud

Buddy I'm sorry. Some people are leeches and bring nothingness, your needs and requirements would always be secondary to hers. I've been there... She's now an alcoholic drug addict who can't accept responsibility.

I am in therapy, I am not on any medication and I live life of straight male

Thanks, user. I needed to hear that. It's tough loving someone despite their selfishness. It'll get easier, but right now, it hurts.

Some user posted this image and it really helped me get past the hurt.

Also look after yourself, get fitter and don't lard up.

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God I love us.