My 15 yr old son wants to get into stocks and trading, should I let him...

My 15 yr old son wants to get into stocks and trading, should I let him? What books would teach him the risks and where to begin and stuff.

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He is not allowed to trade whatsoever. Investing is okey. Does he know how to read a balance sheet?

How much money?

he wants to start with a small amount, like 100-200, just to see where it goes and how much the percent or some shit will increase.

That is a good enough amount. Let him do it. Tell him that you'll him the 2x the portfolio value in fresh capital if he beats the S&P 500 by the end of the year in % gains.

have him set up a mock portfolio with his desired starting funds and if he can make a profit within 3 months give him some real money to play with.

buy silver gold and crypto watch and read info

There are websites, apps and even videogames where he can try without losing real money.

Btw blindly investing is no different than playing roullete in casino if you dont have any side information channel wbich other players (investors) dont have.

give him $50 and let him fuck around with crypto

A lot of trading programs let you have a seperate fake money account.

might do that, whats silver gold?
shit i aint good at english nigga tf that mean
deal. he plans on researching v thoroughly on the companies he buys stocks from.

Tell him to go all in nvidia and spend time on productive activities.

productive activites? you mean like school, sports and socializing and shit? he already does that..

thank you bro

have him watch these courses

two books that are extremely high level but something he should have are the intelligent investor by benjamin graham (it's okay to have an updated version of the original book as it references investments that don't exist anymore) and security analysis.

The youtube videos are free and far more simple than those books and cover most of the same stuff. Keep looking for more suitable material for him though.

Based, thank you man.

Good on all of these.
Ignore the cryptofags, they are talking up their own investments. Metals are speculation, basically gambling unless you have a much deeper understanding.
Read: Warren Buffet's annual letters to shareholders.
Rich Dad/ Poor Dad.
Peter Lynch: "beat the street"
Benjamin Graham "the Intelligent Investor"
Read investing blogs.

Start: put some in a low cost S&P Index fund. Compare other stocks to this. One key idea to understanding stock value is P.E. (Price earnings ratio) - the shorthand way to think about it is as the number of years you need to hold a stock to get your money back at current earnings. High numbers may be a good bet in a small, rapidly growing company. 18-24 is a good range. But Coca-Cola at PE 47 - there is nothing they are going to come up with that will double their earnings this or next year. The stock is overpriced. Car companies like Toyata, Honda and Ford have PE down at 10-14, they have high capital costs for equipment upgrades and changes. They face uncertain futures with fuel, greenhouse gas issues, population demographics with a smaller population even interested in owning cars, and selfdriving vehicles. They pay a 3-4% dividend quarterly, which is pretty good, to make up for some of that risk. Tesla has yet to make a profit and loses $400+ million each year. Musk did just sign a contract that he gets nothing if the company has not made a profit in 10 years, so his interests are more aligned with other shareholders. Still, Tesla is a gamble.

Word, I'll buy him that. Also, are these books only for him? or are they supposed to be father/son things, because I saw that Rich Dad/ Poor Dad.

Yeah, this video is good too! Watch these!
Graham is thick and likely Son and Dad.. RichDad/ Poor dad is a "how to think" simple book and a 15 yr old should have no problem reading it himself. They are all good for both of ypu

Thank user, I'll certainly look into those, any other books I should buy?

Start with the videos.
Read the letters.
Beat the street
then Graham - it is harder than the others.
Those are the main ones that come to mind for me and what I read. Just for fun "Ferengi Rules of Acquisition"

Trading is for losers. Turn him on to Charlie Munger.

>Metals are speculation
Gold isn't. Gold is the equivalent of putting your money under the mattress. It's never going to increase in value but it won't lose value to inflation.

Take all his money and beat him until he can barely move. Wait until he heals, then repeat. This will accurately simulate stocks and trading and allow you to help him save for the additional education he so desperately needs.


stocks are for old moldy people go all in on chainlink

no point asking this lot all you will hear on this site is blah blah buy this xyz shitcoin. baka

you got that right lol.