Bully experiences

I've seen these threads here before, and lot of you seem to have experience on the subject. I'm studying to become a grade and middle school teacher, and I'm interested in your experiences with being bullied, or bullying in school.

>How did the bullying take form?
>Did it ever stop? if so, how?
>Did any adults/teachers do anything significant?
>What do you think is the most important factor in resolving a bullying situation?

I'll share a story of my own to start the thread off.

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I distinctly recall a kid in my class who everyone liked to rile up because he would chimp out and throw massive fits. He had a slight stammer and verbal tics, obsessed about wolves and Dragon Ball, generally awkward and quiet. In hindsight, he was probably autistic. One of his verbal tics included making these small strange “ahem” sounds. It was especially bad when he was stressed.

>Tics kid has to talk about a subject in front of the class
>The “ahem” tic pick up as he’s speaking
>Class begins mimicking the “ahem” sound, louder and louder
>Every time he does it, everyone repeats, many while intensely looking at him with shit-eating grins
>Teacher ignores or doesn’t notice
>He eventually freaks out and starts crying
>Teacher scolds him for throwing a fit
>Rest of the class is having a laugh

He was bullied a lot. No one ever did anything about it, some teachers kind of got a laugh out of it as well I think. I remember only being a spectator, but thinking it was pretty good entertainment.

This month I saw him again, now a man in his twenties, coincidentally living in my apartment complex. Didn’t know if I should have said something. I wonder how he’s doing, and if he’s still affected by the bullying.

When I was in primary school I used to get picked on constantly. I used to sit alone during recess and read comics while everyone played and did whatever. But there was this one kid Shaun who was the worst head push me around, hit me and rip up my comics and shit. Neither I or the Teachers didn’t really do anything about it don’t know if they didn’t notice or just didn’t care.

The one time they did notice was when another kids was involved. Had a kid move from Ireland and Shaun was trying to make him eat sand or something I don’t remember. But being a fan of Superman I stepped in and tried defending him. I learned two things as the first punch hit my face 1) I wasn’t Superman and 2) punches fucking hurt
Teacher saw this and scolded him and took him to the principals office and that was about the extent of it

I fucking hated primary school, especially for the last year my bully sat next to me in class, she (im a dude btw) would constantly make me tear up ,it happened near daily , she was rude af calling me a retard, an idiot, a downy and the stupid fucking teacher wouldn't do a thing about it all because one time I laughed at him for his accent or something so he thought I was the class clown stupid fucking potato eating car bombing irish cunt.

I hope OP gets shot in a school shooting teachers are fucking scum.

I was bullied in school, but i took names and managed to murder my bullies over the course of 5 years, never got caught. Feels sweet!


No thanks officer. My statute of limitations is almost up. Just look up how police investigations work, then you can work around them.

Form of bullying: having a troop of knuckledraggers and wimptoughs looking on while chief bully -fat squat rough tough- shoves me and dares me to bust a move. Sonetines they wait outside school; i stay inside. No balls to attack him because fat 14 YO beta. Teachers didnt see, and no wounds to show.

How it stopped: older boy in my class flopped his arm on me shoulder and looked the bully in the eye one time when they were cornering me at assembly, told the bully "this one is MY troop". I wasnt his troop, but the bullying did stop. Easy going guy, tall, not Jow Forums or Jow Forumsiller.

Helpful adult action: bollocks.

Most important thing: pay extra attention to troublemakers esp for recess or interclass. If they know they are being watched they will keep their bs outside of school grounds. Also, limit amount of blind areas on school grounds, eg fireescape should have firealarm triggers, CCTV aimed at locker room / toilet entry.

Teacher:student ratio should be increased where possible. The ratio then was something like 1:40.

Also: students below the age of responsibility -cant drive or drink- shouldnt be hall monitors, prefects, or any other abusable deputy powers. Given deputy Responsibility, like tally class homework, collect lesson notes photocopy, yes. Deputy powers, like taking names and helping enforce discipline, no.

you should give him a wedgie

I was bullied constantly when I was in my last year in grammar school by a bunch of guys that happened to be in every class I was in. One of them in particular really liked to make fun of my physical appearance and was constantly trying to look for ways to bring down my self esteem. The problem is peer pressure didn't let me tell any of my teachers despite them seeing the constant abuse every day.

As bad as I thought I had it I'm pretty sure others had it much much worse to the extent they have been assaulted and attacked physically. I'm thankful the bullying I went through didn't get out of control but it did leave scars that would remain for the rest of my years in high school. I couldn't socialize at all because I was afraid others thought I was too weak and not worth hanging out with.

I was bullied because i was too tall in Filipino standards and mild autistic and they always pair me up with another autistic kid but 4x more and the method of their bullying is they smack their fingers at my back, calling me gay, when i was cheating they tell the teacher despite them cheating too, extortion, ganging up on me trying to be tough and tries to be fake friends with me so i could be their LOLcow and it didn't stop until i transferred schools which only made it worse.

Adults don't discipline the bullies and try to talk them out of it but it never works and if it does they will just find another quite method of bullying.

I think the bullying turned me into a psychopath because i started to fantasize about my country getting nuked and i think autistic people such as myself is God's sick joke


Bullying is similar to physically crippling someone and thus deserves harsh prison sentences.

>deserves harsh prison sentences
for kids? looooool

Yes for kids and especially their legal caretakers aka parents.
Kids get away with way too much these days.

thankfully you arent taking part in the legislative since youre clearly insane yourself

Go fuck yourself, brainlet.
There needs to be a correctional instutution for seriously criminal minors (and there is in some places).
In extreme cases both the perpetrator(kid) and their caretakes should be getting heat.
In lesser cases the only the parents should see legal consequence.

we all agree as a society that kids dont know what the hell theyre doing. they cant consent to sex. they cant sign major contracts. they cant take full time work.
bullying is terrible but ruining another life by sending the kid (and their parents for whatever reason even though they werent even involved) to a "correctional institution" is definitely not the answer.
>and theres some places that have them
yeah fucking north korea probably, what a beautiful example of a country.

Had bully in elementary school named Chris he was rich and popular and always had the newest shit. My family made just enough money to live in the neighborhood with no luxuries beyond being in the school district. 90% of the bullying happened away from teachers. So there wasn't much I could do about it. Someone saw me being bullied by him and his group one time and told on him he got a light talking to and they called his parents his dad came in and called the teacher a pussy and after that any time Chris got caught with something he didn't get in trouble anymore. His dad basically bullied the teachers into submission. My dad on the other hand just kept feeding me cliche bullshit advice like they bully you bc they'd jealous and in the future they'll have shit lives and you'll do great. None of that was true. I'm 26 now last time I heard anything about Chris his father had given him a section of his company to run and he's quite wealthy. I eventually stopped being bullied but not til high school when I had a growth spurt by then I had zero confidence and never trusted anyone Chris used to have ppl come pretend they wanted to be friends with me just so he and the others could pop out of hiding and make fun of me. I remember in the the 6th grade he got someone to trick me into admitting what girl I was crushing they immediately went over to her and started making fun of me with her. Chris ended up fucking her the following summer. I wish that my father and the teachers would have told me the only advice I really needed to hear which is some people are assholes and I needed to become stronger I wish my dad would have put me in mma or something like that bullying only stops when the victim is perceived as a physical threat that's why they stopped when I hit my growth spurt. But by then 7 years of psychological abuse had taken it's toll.

>How did the bullying take form?
verbal abuse, physical violence, one becoming more aka mobbing.
>Did it ever stop? if so, how?
once i started smoking, drinking and doing drugs, yes.
>Did any adults/teachers do anything significant?
ha, no, they are as powerless as any other adult. the only way to stop being bullied is to explode in rage and hurt the ones doing you wrong.
>What do you think is the most important factor in resolving a bullying situation?
violence. kids are little shits and don't learn if you be nice and tell them "don't do that you are hurting someones feelings" these "little people" aren't capable of putting themselves in other peoples shoes to feel the pain. but if you punch them in the face as reaction to their torture, they'll learn eventually

>bullying is terrible but ruining another life by sending the kid (and their parents for whatever reason even though they werent even involved) to a "correctional institution" is definitely not the answer.
driving kids into a depression where their only release of their anger and sadness is to go shoot up the place like columbine. while those who actively took part in damaging/destroying the development of a human being continue their life unaffected.

right on

You're not very educated, are you?
Ever heared of a youth detention center? They have those is the US of A for example.

Kids that cross the line and do things like viciously bully someone into suicide or beat a bum to death, behaving with premeditation like criminal adults forfeit their child status and have ruined their own lifes.
The fact that children cannot consent and "dont know what they're doing" stops having any meaning at that point. Kids aren't that stupid.

Your implication that the parents are not involved is another sign of you talking out of your ass.
Parents are the legal caretakes, have responsibility over their child's actions and the childs upbringing.
Especially in lesser cases it is them who need to have an incentive to not let their little shit run rampant and ruin other peoples lives.
In the case off bullying many parent never know that their child is abully, but if they'd get a court call they'd get a nice wakeup call.

Being easy on people like this and enabling them is truly not the answer and visilbe in current occurrences, especially in the usa, where you can shamelessly bully people into school shooting but get years of prison of a gram of weed in the wrong state.


autistic daw amputa

>How did the bullying take form?
Started as mental (teasing, name calling, rumors) then got physical once I started standing up for myself and talking back.
>Did it ever stop? if so, how?
I'd say it definitively stopped once I graduated, but Id argue it stopped even before then. Those that didn't back off once I started talking back, did once the threat of legal action loomed over their head. Most of the rich kids stopped from the former method, the poorer from the latter.
>Did any adults/teachers do anything significant?
Absolutely. My coach helped me build up the self confidence and social skills needed to stand up for myself, while my English teacher helped to rebuild my confidence once the bullying had stopped. My vice principal also helped get the bullies that were afraid of authority to stop as well by threatening expulsion.
>What do you think is the most important factor in resolving a bullying situation?
Getting help from my principal, and fighting back once I got strong enough to. I actually became a teacher after I graduated because I wanted to do for students what my educators did for me.

Ooooh this brings me back to school. I did not like school. I was bullied all the time.

-elementary school
Had short hair, forced on me by my grandma (I'm a femanon)
Kids used to mock me. People always mistook me for a boy, so much that my parents always forced me to wear pink cause I got super upset otherwise.
Teachers did NOT help. One teacher seated the class by hair length, and didn't tell us, and tried to have us problem solve how she sat us. Everyone kept saying boy and girls, and I had to continually shout IM A GIRL. Mind you I was like six at the time.

Middle school-
Mom was a heavy smoker. In the house, so my clothes always smelled like cigarettes. I was bullied for that. The teacher who decided to "help" told me I needed to bathe more, and was my clothes.

High school-
Probably the worst out of them all.
I was very skinny and flatchested. Still am, but I didn't even have hips yet. I was brutally mocked by three boys every day. I started to cut myself openly. I would continually rip the scabs open, so then these boys started a rumor I had MRSA.

This got worse and worse, until sophomore year when I attempted suicide. I was sent to a different school after that. But no teachers helped, even though I went to them. The most fucked up bit is when I moved home for a bit at 22, the worst bully of mine, instead of apologizing, tried to sleep with me and called me beautiful and sexy.
I didn't blossom until 20. Fuck him. That guy left me with serious body image issues I still can't shake when though it's been a decade. That shit sticks with you.

There are plenty more instances I had, but I've already typed a novel lol.

Im 5'8 feet how do you call that short and im not a whore and speak in english you cunt

Oops i misquoted

I was bullied a shit load in 7th grade by pretty much the entire main clique (small school). The teachers knew what was going on but didn't do anything because they're fucking useless.

They never did anything physical and that's probably why no one did anything. I was the weird new kid. It took a good friend helping me out of the mess to finally end it.

Afterward in 8th grade, I ended up bullying the shit out of a kid who wronged me which I still don't feel bad about because the little rat deserved it. Also, the kids told the teacher that I said nigger and he just automatically believed the group.

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You sound like one of those wimptoughs at a Filipino internet cafe

I was never bullied, i was a popular kid. My friend was bullied and i put an end to it.

So i met this kid when he was talking about an rpg called Dragon Age: Origins. I loved rpg games so i talked to him about it. He was defensive at first because he originally thought i was poking fun at him until he realized i was serious. All he told me was that i should definitely play it.

Well i did and told him and we became friends. Because of my social circle, it was hard to include him and it was hard for him to include me in his so we just remained friends. One day he came to school with a busted lip and i asked him what happened. All he told me is that he was playing baseball and got hit. I believed him because i was naive when it came to bullies.

It wasn't until i saw someone sizing him up and getting in his face that i saw something wasnt right. I told his bully to chill out and it wasnt cool. I didnt resort to violence and my presence made a small impact on him because he didnt wanna be called out in the open. He agreed to stop.

Then i saw him again in the open smack my friend really hard on the back of the head and told him, "hey, i thought i told you to bring my fucking bag from class".

Then i got really pissed. I told my circle to hold on and when asked why i told them, "cause im gonna fuck him up". I called out his name and when he turned around i gave him a hook and an uppercut. Thats all i needed to knock him out. Asked my friend if he was ok and that was that. I got put into E.C. but it was worth it cause my friend recieved more respect and the bully didnt try anything again.

13 years later and i am still his friend and he is now married to a beautiful wife and i am the godfather to their daughter.

why are we SE asians so tiny gah :'(

tfw no white gf

Low testosterone and malnutrition and the reason im tall is because i eat to much food and i might have Spanish blood

This was a great larp

The dude who helped you must be jeebus incarnate. God bless that man

Dude. Let's get stronger.

Are you Chad?

>larping on Jow Forums

You can believe it or not.

You have your rights.

Kinda. I had the looks and popularity. I was loved by my teachers and had no enemies that i know of. Girls loved talking to me and wanted to hang out after school a bunch. I could have dated the hottest girl in school, but i didn't.

Only reason why i am kinda a chad is because despite having all the traits of a chad, i really didnt want to get laid all the time. It was the reverse of what everyone wanted. It was to easy to get laid for me so i stopped dating and trying to hook up.

I instead dated a girl that i really liked and married her years later. The girls that thought they were better obviously did not like that and tried putting me down, but i didnt care about what they had to say, as should everyone be doing. Being a chad is not just about looks. You need to have the right mindset also. Make sure no one can ever put you down and always be a all round good person to be around

You're talking out of your ass. You have absolutely no idea how bad things have gotten regarding feral teenagers. Nobody is allowed to do anything about them, and their parents are legally obliged to house, clothe, feed and entertain them - or THEY go to prison. You'll go to prison for "defending yourself too much" against a violent 190cm 100kg teenager as well Meanwhile those underage freaks literally get away with murder. The legislators aren't doing nearly enough and it's a disgrace. You know jack shit about how the world works.

I firmly believe bullying is an unfortunate natural part of being human. Adults do it as well, and you can't do much to stop it when it goes on between kids. Now, with social media and mobile phones, the bullying can take place 24/7 and you would hardly be able to notice it as a teacher.

Despite that, you can still make a big difference for the victim in terms of dealing with the bullying, and regaining confidence. Sadly, a lot of teachers end up contributing to the bullying instead. I've seen teachers that clearly took some sort of pleasure in humiliating unpopular or weird kids in front of their class.

actually, fils have high test according to studies, but genetically we're just tending to the small and wiry side

i'm 5'10" myself, but i'd rather be 6'5"

It wasn't really bullying, because it only happened once, but I still feel bad about this when I think back. We were 12-13 years old.

>Group of girls at a birthday pyjamas party
>I'm not the most popular, but I was invited
>BD girl decides we should do prank calls
>We prank call random people from class
>A boy in class has a crush on another girl we know
>"Lol we should call him and pretend we're her, that'll be funny"
>He picks up
>Hey user, it's ___, do you wanna hang out tomorrow after school?
>Kid fumbles with words, finally says "Yeah, that would be great."
>We don't know what to say, thought he would know it wasn't her.
>Everyone yells loudly "IT'S A PRANK!" and we hang up.

He must have felt humiliated, and he had to go to shcool after the weekend not knowing which girls from his class it had been. I wasn't the caller or the one who got the idea, it was still shitty.