What's Jow Forums's stance on smoking weed? Is it degenerate or just relatively harmless pastime?

What's Jow Forums's stance on smoking weed? Is it degenerate or just relatively harmless pastime?

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I think weed sucks!

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Less worse than alcohol

Is there some proxy you faggots are trolling on? I feel like there's no way a kike would unironically post on Jow Forums.

People should be allowed to smoke if they want, I still think you shouldn't smoke very often, if at all. I used to smoke weed every day about 10 years, until I realized it was making me a lazy piece of shit and exacerbating my depression and anxiety. I smoke weed very occasionally (once a few months), and it's really just whatever. It's not that pleasurable for me anymore and I don't have that much time anymore to be high and do nothing.

he might be arab

It enhances existing tendencies, i.e. it makes leftists more left, rightists more right. It should be legal and regulated, but you shouldn't be allowed to smoke it in public places because the smell is a nuisance.

>about 10 years ago*
Typo there, I did not smoke for 10 years straight, I'd be a braindead retard and my life would be fucked up if that were the case.

He doesn't have brown fingers tho

I bet you suck jews' mutilated dicks, cristcuck!

smells like shit, just the smell make me throw up

also, Canada has legalized marijuana only because weed addicts are throwing their money on weed as soon as they receive their paychecks so more money in Trudeau's pocket for immigrants and homos

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I personally hate weed; it’s the worst high of every single drug there is, it makes me paranoid, hungry, anxious, self councious and retarded. That said, I unironically think all drugs should be legal.

>weed addicts
B-b-but you can't get addicted to weed. I only smoke 5 times a day, I can stop anytime I want haha. It's natural!

It's both. You kikes have good genetics,too bad you charge jew prices for it.

Support peace, boycott Israel!

it's degenerate. It won't kill you but the people who act like it's a good thing or have some spiritual enlightenment because they are high are fucking retarded and the people who smoke daily are always huge losers. If you can't go through life sober and functional, and always need to be on something whether it's weed, alcohol, or some other drug, you have a problem.

Yeah.. that’s true. My upstairs neighbor smokes it and it makes my apartment smell like he’s smoking it in my living room.

how come i can tell the inside of that house is actually from israel?

seriously? how?

I smoke weed nearly every night and I'm a 4.0 computer science grad student. It's harmless.

> That said, I unironically think all drugs should be legal.
This. Anyone who unironically thinks we should be wasting taxpayer money by arresting people and housing them in jails is as big of a braindead retard as any junkie.

Being addicted to any substance is the sign of psychological problems which need to be sorted out. Healthy people do not seek drugs to improve their lives.
This is from someone who smokes weed daily.

You're not nearly as intelligent and productive as you think you are.

If the self-consciousness brought about by weed makes you uncomfortable, the problem is you, not the weed.

Do some meditation and self-reflection while sober, you sound like you need it.

smoke pot in the privacy of your home or whatever. If you're some 420 blayze it 4 lyfe kind of shitbrick then you're a walking abortion as far as I'm concerned.

You're half right, but what we really need to do to maximize efficiency and lower costs is throw drug dealers and addicts out of HeLiCoPtErS

Legalize it

>be me
>blaze every day
>start getting bad side effects
>smoke off and on hoping it will get better
>never does
>stop smoking for a few years, get my life together, much happier and fulfilled these days
>try smoking weed again hoping weed will be good again
>it's fucking terrible and gets worse as I get older

Wanna know how I know you're a zoomer?

Well it's fine as long as it isn't that pathetic trash that passes for hashish in Israel, that's for sure.

As soon as I stopped smoking weed my life actually began.

It's like tequila. Nobody cares if you enjoy it, talk about it, buy it, have some now and then.
But if you need some in the morning to get moving, some in the afternoon to take the edge off, some in the evening to relax, etc, then you have a problem and are descending into degeneracy.

>That said, I unironically think all drugs should be legal.
I got into a huge fight with a faggot for saying this. Few days later I fucked his GF, no joke.

its degenerate but also pretty good
kikes are redpilled

If you associate weed with the negative aspects of your past life, then yes, smoking it again won't be good for your psyche. But that's true for any mind-altering substance.

I used to smoke the devil’s broccoli and yes, you can. It may not be actually addictive, but it sure as hell becomes a lifestyle.

>Grad student
Pick one cybercuck

It’s degenerate, just look at the vast majority of stoners and tell me it isn’t. Still, it should be legalized. It puts a heavy strain on our legal system otherwise.

You're fucking retarded, I deliver pizzas for $20/hr and I'm high as fuck all the time. You think I'd be alive if I was doing Tiquila shots between deliveries?

if you smoke everyday kys. most dangerous thing about weed is that you dont feel the negative effects the first few months. this makes you think its harmless, but its not. a drug is a drug. it will trick your ego and soon you cant do shit without it cause it "calms you"

Our legal system is fucked thanks to the war on drugs, we need to decriminalize it on a federal level and then have the IRS manage it. I hate those kikes but they'd probably hunt and kill every single last cartel member on Earth in a week max for not paying their heroin tax.

>he drives high

You deserve to be dead

I enjoy my nightcap of a Brandy and ginger ale , a bowl, and watching a rerun of Cheers. Others may have their own routine but I believe a man can do what he wants to chill the fuck out in his own home.

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Wrote my best papers in Undergrad stoned and blaze before I life, if weed makes you a bad person it's because you're literally a bad person; golden rule that can save you fucking pain with females especially is bad people have bad trips

It's a different addiction, ie. there's no physical withdrawal like tobacco or heroin or something. It's still addictive though, obviously - but 1000x easier to quit than cigarettes

Gotta love all these arrogant CS pricks. So many of them land their first job then don't know how to program. I don't know how that's possible. I'm self-taught (barely), and landed my first software development job through nepotism. Within about 7-8 months I was up to speed with the other brainlets that wasted 4 years in college and are up the ass in student loan debt.

Stay cucked collegefags.

Well yeah, of coarse you don’t think drugs should be legal, what with them being Haram and all.

I also used to drive a forklift high and got high during firefights in Afghanistan, kill yourself dog fucker and thanks for Kandahar faggot

hitler kills six trillion fake jew kike
amalekites with weed, he hotboxed
them to death behind wooden doors.

if you are smoking weed, stop right
this moment and send me all your
weed so i can dispose of it for you


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Weed itself isn’t completely degenerate but it definitely can make someone a degenerate, ill sound like officer friendly or whatever but it’s a gateway drug for sure, I know too many people who started with weed and have been frying their brains now with club drugs, mdma, ecstasy, coke etc. doubt it leads to using shit like Meth but it can lead to a lifestyle of constantly killing your brains cells

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Nothing wrong with it if you stay within your limits.

This sausage eater is right. Edgy as fuck for about 4 or so days with none. Most people calm down after that unless they have underlying issues. Then they're pretty much fucked.

Kike detected

I love the stuff but I won't be high around kids and I have kids so I can barely ever smoke any.
But when I do, I really enjoy it.
The last time I got high was in July when me and my brother went fishing by ourselves for a weekend, and it was fucking magical.

As a pizza delivery driver myself, I hope you get pulled over and arrested you fucking waste of space.
Save the bud for after work like I do you fucking burnout

Good enough for the founding fathers, good enough for me.

Well done, it's should be an occasional enhancement for recreation.

When I quit weed after smoking it every day for 6 months, I absolutely had withdrawals. No, it wasn't like weaning off fucking heroin, but it was still there. I had horrific insomnia for a week, no appetite, and I was depressed and generally totally dysfunctional. The withdrawals continued for the next week following that.

Could go either way.
It has valid medical uses, including mental health.
PTSD, TBI, and some other conditions respond well to MODERATE use.
Schizophrenia, not so much.

God made is good, but it is not always used as such.

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Yeah those are pretty standard mental consequences of quitting after heavy use. Most people I've talked to have about a week of irritation, minor insomnia maybe - sounds like you got it pretty bad. Personally I just got depressed for a week when I quit, but I made myself lift and got through it fine

I'm a narcotics professor and there are physical withdrawals.

I'll add if you're a heavy user and trying to quit, find a fucking hobby, go out with friends, etc. Anything besides sitting in your house playin vidya or whatever. It's incredibly easy to stay distracted if you HAVE distractions

Can you read?

>you really think someone would do that, go on the internet and tell lies?

There’s tons of online mail order sites that pay no tax to the gov, or just grow your own. If you think it smells like shit you have bad taste.

google.com/search?num=20&safe=off&source=hp&ei=bhAMXNDJOs3L0PEPiemr0A4&q=physical withdrawals of weed&btnK=Google Search&oq=physical withdrawals of weed&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30l10.177.3538..3647...0.0..0.231.2866.21j6j1....2..0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0j0i131.gsEohVovj74

I can haz weedburger?

Every time I do it, it drives me insane.

The TV starts talking to me.

Every discomfort now causes physical pain on pot. Literally everything hurts 1000%. Joints crack and pop, muscles ache, even standing or sitting becomes pain.

I get insanely paranoid about my back hurting and my posture because it amplifies whatever pain I had.

Paranoia rises to maximum.

I realize I'm on autopilot most of the time, even when I just start getting high, I'm not.

I start hearing voices, I feel as if some people are higher and lower than each other.

I visualize the world as the sun setting when the I smoke as sunset, as if it's going to howl into the abyss.

The world seems to become a dark, horrifying place, and people around me seem to be either monsters or apathetic to my temporary insanity.

After smoking it a month ago, and feeling normal ever since the effects wore off, I will never smoke pot again. Even my shrink told me I was crazy because of smoking pot, that's why people get mental illness is due to drugs and bad reactions.

I don't know how anyone else can even do that shit. Some people seem to be fine, helps them relax. Me it does the exact opposite, it stresses me out, drives me crazy, and I feel like I'm dying.

Never again. This is why I'm not a drug addict like everyone else I grew up with. I haven't been ABLE to do drugs because of this.

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I don't really like smoking weed myself, but I don't think it should be illegal. Arresting people for being in possession of a plant that George Washington grew and sold is super un-American.

Cannabis is an amazing alternative to jewish pharmaceuticals in many cases however. My wife recently went through some very intense cancer treatment, and cannabis is infinitely better at alleviating the side affects from chemotherapy and residual pain from major surgery than the prescriptions the doctors sent her home with. She did much better vaping some indica a few times a day rather than being doped up on oxycodone and taking nausea medicine that gave her intense hallucinations and came with the risk of horrible liver damage. Not to mention its cheaper to buy a quarter every few weeks than it is to shell out thousands (with insurance) for the meds she was prescribed.

I’ve reread what you said; it seems like you are arguing against the legalization of drugs.

Insomnia/bad dreams
Weight loss/decreased appetite
Significant discomfort caused by chills, sweating, shakiness, headache, or stomach pain

Problems concentrating.
Rebound periods of:
Increased appetite after loss of appetite.
Hypersomnia after insomnia.

Most of these are mental status, no? Besides the appetite and chills, stomach pain (I've never experienced these, never heard of anyone getting these either).

My entire point was its easier to quit than cigarettes and heroin - you cannot dispute this

Do you have psychosis in the family? Probably good that you stopped, weed is one of the worst drugs for at-risk schizos and whatnot

Good rolling skills moshe, hows the weed over there? You can smoke on the street or cops will treat you harshly? Is it accepted in society? I wonder if theres still ancient local strains.
t. pothead achmed

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As medicinal pain relief? Sure. As a recreational drug? Degenerate, but not as bad as most vices. As a recreational drug used by those under 25 who risk permanent damage? Absolutely haram.

>hows the weed over there
probably quite good considering they're neighboring Lebanon

harmless until you do it daily

>t. just quit after years of daily use

Not for long

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I really don't like it anymore. I used to be a big pothead. Weed just gives me anxiety now.

Weed, psychedelics, opiates, should all be forbidden for consumers.

And that comes from someone who has significantly used all 3.

Its degenerate. Go look at most of the people going in and out of these pot shops and tell me different. The government wants you addicted to pot so you cannot own a gun.

Was worth debating 10 years ago when we thought we had arrived in the safe haven and it would go on like that for eternity.
I was depressed back then but I sure as fuck miss the feeling of absolute cultural security.
Rock-music, self-loathing, drinking alcohol.

That shit ain't coming back and I'm gonna miss it..


Literally my doctor told me that the reason I was crazy was because I had smoked pot a few times when I was 19. I could get off the other (prescription) drugs if I wanted.

weed is DEFINITELY not one of the worst drugs for at risk schitzos. you're a fucking idiot, no surprise you're also a fucking leaf.
Meth takes the cake. and that includes adderall (which is meth)
no drug is "good" for you, and nobody lives forever. its nobody's job to tell others what they can or cant smoke. ITS YOUR FREEDOM DO DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH YOUR OWN FUCKING MEAT SACK.


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Shit son, you dodged a bullet. I have an adopted cousin with schizo but it only manifested after blazing every day when he was 19-20. Now he's on the streets fighting with crackheads outside of tim hortons

Many CS students are garbage programmers because CS isn't about programming -- it's about theory and mathematics as it applies to computers. We don't bother teaching code monkey work, you're expected to learn that shit on your own.

Meth isn't as prevalent, cheap, popular, and "cool" as weed is among people. Most people are likely to smoke it once in their life, very few people every try meth. Shut the fuck up you dumb burger, they aren't even comparable

>hurr you can do what you want with your body
then what's your problem? That I didn't tell the schizo to smoke weed? Fuck off double nigger

Weed is gay

weed will bring out schizo and bipolar shit earlier in predisposed people, fucking retard.

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What do you guys think of girls who smoke weed?

this is the most retarded correlation.

Lost my virginity to a stoner girl. We dated for 5 months and she left me for her middle aged nigger drug dealer because it pissed off her police chief dad. Last thing I heard about her is she's currently hitchhiking across the country so it won't be long before she ends up dead in a ditch

there is some evidence that its prohibition does little to reduce consumption, while costing a lot of money.
it is also a drug the abuse of which is much less dangerous to adult individuals than alcohol.
it should be allowed to sell/buy/consume it for adults.

It has helped me quit drinking and for that I am very grateful.

if they do it habitually and socially, then it is the same as of men: that they are losers. if they do it occasionally and alone or with their partner: they are normal.

I don't have much of an opinion on it.
Can I live out all of my degenerate sexual femdom fantasies in fantasies in Tel Aviv? I want a mob of Russian girls holding me down and rubbing their toes on me while my wife has to watch and eat pork.

>T. doesn't understand what addiction really is.

How? I quoted you and literally said that I said that

The way it is worded makes it sound like the faggot in your story was the one who said what you quoted me on lol

I've been around it but I've never been interested in smoking anything, including weed.