Redpill me on alcohol

Redpill me on alcohol

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its bad

it's bad, m'kay?

liquid jew

It's good


Bad news. A very bad thing for the body and spirit.

It's not worth it.
If you want something other than water, drink juice or coffee

don't listen to these homos, single handedly it was alcohol that allowed the European race to conquer the globe. without it's antiseptic properties in water we'd have never spread out all over the globe fucking shit up

Why did you destroy her face?

if someone who is already fucked up abuses it, it can be a major problem. If normal people can manage to use it for soecial occasions, it’s pretty harmless.

But you're here, so you're obviously fucked up. Consequently, alcohol is not for you.

true, that’s why I dont drink. Last time I drank, i got into a fight with someone alot bigger than me and ended up getting burned pretty good after rollimg around in a bonfire.

Good on you for quitting mate. Took me a few arrests and some broken bones before I wised up. Haven't had a sip in months.
Wish i could say that life has improved. It hasn't yet. But I'm beginning to practice the self discipline necessary to building a better life. And maybe that's all we can do.

Feels real good to get drunk every night. I do and I like alcohol

I think you have to get to a point of “is this helping my life or hurting it”.
my life is so much better without it. its a “social lubricant” because people dont practice social skills.

thanks partner, that wasn’t the only thing that pushed me to quit. My mom used to drink alot and was a eaving lunatic. Always bitter and sarcastic, and constantly threatened my dad with divorce whenever he tomd her her drinking was a problem.
Goodluck to you in trying to straighten things up.

Don't drink. Don't smoke. Go straight edge instead

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It's a drug for your early 20's, your metabolism will slow at 25 and by 26 hangovers pretty much murder your soul. TLDR 26+Drop the booze and just smoke weed. Same buzz once you develope a tolerance yet it grows brain cells rather than kills them, eats cancer, and doesn't make you fat/ wrinkled

>unironically recommending the other liquid jew

Drink water. Black coffee and tea (without sugar, and in moderation) is ok.

>PAYING for shit that will fuck over your liver, your kidneys, impairs your brain functions, lowers your inhibitions, your threat detection and senses and therefore your reaction times
>wonders why its bad

Its called the fermented jew for a reason.

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literally poison

Gets u drunk

A glass of red wine every day (especially pinot noir or cabernet sauvignon) is actually very good for your health. Any more than that or anything other than red wine is bad for you, but if you don't drink every day nonstop and don't do other drugs and haven't gotten liver cirrhosis, an otherwise healthy person can recover from heavy drinking surprisingly fast, only a matter of weeks or months. Compared to the decades it takes for the body to return to normal after quitting smoking, alcohol is not as bad for you.

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Its some toxic, bullshit normie drug thats considered "classy" while nice things like cannabis and cocaine are demonized. Great job, western society!

>EVERY TIME you get drunk the devil's rape you

i am not JK

Everything with moderation user. Alcohol can be a blessing and a curse. Just be careful.

Thanks for the support. Sobriety will not be easy to achieve, and it will be even harder to maintain. But few things in life worth having come easy.

It's poison and has ruined millions of lives.

The Leaf has spoken.

In some occasions wine or some other type of drinks (schotc, wiskey ecc) is fine, as to celebrate some important moment but in general stay away from it, especially beer.

Good if you're an aryan man who can't handle his alcohol.

Bad if you're not one of those three.

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I stopped drinking booze around my 20s and all my friends who kept going have aged faster than me, saggy and baggy.

It's state approved suicide medicine that speeds up the death rate and ensures lots of people to arrest and leech money from in legal losses.

But weed is the real problem bro, it totally forces you to be lazy and someone in colorado died from taking too much i guess