20 years old Yellow Vest girl lost an eye

She took a grenade shrapnel in the eye and her eyes weren't protected cause cops seized all protective glasses.


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good lol

her "would inseminate her" factor just got lowered by 7 points and now it's 1 below zero/10.

>he doesn’t want a punished anarchy gf

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don't worry Goldberg, we are going to kill every jewish child and throw the remains to the pigs

>1492 all over again ?

black bloc, not wearing a GJ. cops scored an own goal

is there any confirmation she is an antifa?

Cops unironically used real non-tear gas grenades containing 20g of TNT
Not enough to kill people, but some protesters lost their hands while trying to throw them back, and some (like this girl) received shrapnel

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure

Keep going.

Whoa based

Punished Frog: A hero denied their affordable gas

is that real though?

Police fire tear gas when provoked. That means she was among the violent crowd. Well, what do you know, it turns out to be a bad choice after all.

>some protesters lost their hands while trying to throw them back

Fake news. Fuck off. Don't worry I'll skip you looking in your booklet on how to reply to me, it's on page 1488 and you reply with, "go away shill".


all over again ?
Even Moroccans can put aside their differences with Spain to shit on France

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>Cops unironically used real non-tear gas grenades containing 20g of TNT
>Not enough to kill people
20g is enough to kill, its enough to shoot down fucking aircraft.

Thats straight up using military weapons on civilians.

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There was a pic floating around last week of one guy throwing back a grenade when it exploded; not cut clean, but totally fucked up.

>Thats straight up using military weapons on civilians.

If the French don't retaliate it's going to get much worse.

Please tell me that's fake

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I used to date a one-eyed girl. No shit. She hated the "glass eye" the docs had given her and wore eyepatches for preference. Used to decorate them herself. Would have married her if she hadn't gotten offered her dream job and moved to New York City. No way I was living there.


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Yeah, trying to pull a "Nolan Ryan" with live ordnance is risky fucking business.

We will make the holocaust look like a fucking joke.

Imagine losing one eye over this. Protesting for more gibs in a county which already offers more gibs than any other.
Meanwhile China has a 7% GDP growth. The future truly is theirs.

you dont need two eyes to suck dick


She can wear a cool eyepatch now

operation guillotine, now in effect

I feel sorry for the Marconski

Nope. The police are maiming and permanently disfiguring the people they are sworn to protect.

It come directly from the jewpublic, special thank to the lord macron.

I wouldn't doubt most voted for Macron because it was a vote against Le Pen

>Protesting for more gibs in a county which already offers more gibs than any other.
I heard they were protesting against excessive fuel taxes in a country with already among highest taxes in the world.

thats why god invented golf clubs

This must be a lie, no way media (not only news) would not report on this. Source?

they expect one of us in the wreckage

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>young girl
>20 years old

Holy shit
I knew it had happened but I hadnt see the vid

man losing an eye is shit I'd rather get limbs blown off but my eyes intact.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. When police are shooting grenades, maybe it's time to go home.

The holocaust never happened so that should be easy


>cops seized all protective glasses.

call bullshit.

Why would you let cops seize anything?

Avoid the cops.

Refuse their requests.

Stop the Gandhi shit and fight them.

Bash a hard tree branch against their skulls.

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Fucking mentally retarded traitor, hope you enjoy the view from the gallows.

and that's ok
those subhuman are europe antifa so fuck them in the ass
Don't negotiate with terrorists

Seriously though if you pick up a grenade (Of ANY kind) you should be aware of the fact that it can blow up. Even smoke and CS grenades can be designed to spread it's content explosively, though that is mostly a military thing. You can never be certain is my point.
Only grenade I would pick up IRL and attempt to throw back would be an actual HE grenade, because it would kill me regardless, but 20G GLI-F4 used for crowd control.. fuck that shit

great. what are you cowards going to do about it?

Genes are intact. Would still breed.

Id rather keep one arm so I can jerk off


>Police is sworn to protect
Only on paper..

Yeah just looked that and the wiki page.
Jesus Christ frogs get your shit together I thought uk was shit.

Police/military are government employees.

have ve started ze fire?

Wait a minute.
Is that a cop helping her?
So they what, throw rocks at the cops and shit then still call French 911 when they have a booboo?

That's what she gets for acting like a nigger.

just goes to show you how pussy whipped americans are

Here the wiki sheet of the grenade btw

It's in French, but you can clearly see "25g" of TNT in the infobox on the right

Wrong. Now you have another fuckhole

Is he retarded? what did he think go boom when a grenade is dropped?

Most of chinkland is living in abject poverty and will stay that way
Strong china meme needs to die

Police are sworn to protect the state, not the people.

>too many images of protestors with facial injuries for it to not be unofficial policy on the day

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The fuel tax hike was repealed.

Im fairly certain that somewhere right now, Trump is getting a bimbo to give him a blowjob, while he watches the news about Marconski

How the fuck is something like this allowed to be used for "crowd control"? Fucking thing can blow your limbs off easily.

Who the fuck believes this shit.

You fucking Russian shills should all kill yourselves.

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Oh boy can‘t wait til they set the pigs on fire

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rule number one in rioting. never pick up or swallow a flashbang or a smoke granate. Kick them!

Yeah they pick it up to throw it back and boom, no hand.

Fucking good goy

>Refuse their requests.

it wasn't a request, it was an order

they would beat you up

I throw them back all the time in CoD

Coming from a leaf that should mean something but strangely it does not.

i guess being a tough commie irl isnt the same as the internet

Wow hope the cop who did that gets skinned alive. Fuck these pigs.

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Throw a Molotov, set the pigs on fire.

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I keep seeing eye injuries on these people. I can just imagine the snipers with the rubber bullet guns high fiving each other everytime they get an eye shot.

Fucking Globalist faggot

Do the frogs even know what molotovs are, every protest there is not one molotov?

The wiki says France is the only European country to use it, and forbidding it is heavily debated but still hasnt happened yet

At this point molotovs would be self defense considering the police are throwing TNT at the protestors.

>the pigs replicate even harder
>get sent to jail for a long time
>life destroyed for literally no reason

just shows you what uncivilized niggers the Rothchilds are

>not having a dream job yourself and have enough for her and yourself so she can be a one-eyed stay at home mum.
Sorry not based.

but its globalists protesting you fucking mouthbreather
these same rioters are the commie dipshits who voted against le pen

>pick it up, blow off fingers
>kick it, blow off foot

I think "don't touch at all" is the smarter move

should be measured out the equivalent of 25g of TNT

I want to torture them for days.

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I think you you have it backwards.
If the French want to see progress, they should go back to doing whatever it is they do for a living.

yo, this is fucked up, why are they using real grenaded like that against their own people?

Maybe you should buy some steel toe boots would that work

The grenade is actually 25 grams
My country's hand grenade has like 180 grams of TNT
The GLI-F4 I believe is intented to give a deafeningly loud blast, not to cause damage due to fragmentation or a blast wave, though that can happen

Adam is such a fucking jew.