Where were you during the greatest happening of our lifetime?

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Trump getting elected

>american reading comprehension

The greatest happening of our lifetimes is watching the people responsible get thrown into gas chambers in Guantanamo Bay and the destruction of Israel.

OP will be dead before March.

i was 5 years old so i'm assuming i was somewhere drinking a capri sun or something

Dancing with 4 other Israelis

Damn you’re young.

Computer class. I don't know what they actually called it. high school. it was a good day.

school. It was recess and we all got pulled in to our classrooms. I had no idea what the fuck was going on as i was only 8

Based. I danced around when watching those fucks fall from the towers, so I guess i was an Israeli that day too.

walking into my high school

Why would you have recess at 8:46am Eastern?

in middle school, second period, typing class. My teacher was a Vietnam war vet. The phone on his desk rang and he yelled "two towers?!". He turned on the shitty, tiny tv in the classroom and the towers were burning (can't remember if it was both at that point or just one). For some reason I distinctly remember thinking they were smokestacks on a factory or something. The rest of the day we watched the news in all of our classes.

In Fiji on vacation. Took a week before planes started flying again.

Shut up alan jackson

it took time for the teachers to decide that the great circus had to be shared with the children. I heard before lunch and we all got to go home and see mom watching the plane crash into tower II over and over.

Lots of schools on the east coast start at 9am and end at 4pm

vomiting in the toilet off my kitchen. Huge hangover that was totally worth it.

Probably the most beautiful September mornings weather wise I can ever remember in NY.

>Be in4th grade.
>Teacher turned on tv with remote 30 feet away.
>Class sees plane flying into tower.
>Not knowing it's real life instead of a movie so me says "Woah cool"
>During this time teacher doesn't use remote(???) walks to turn off tv and gives me a wtf did you just say look.

Anybody who's old enough to remember this stupid shit is a dumb boomer whose opinion and existence doesn't matter.

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At work, watering flowers, as it was part of my morning routine. I really enjoyed taking care of those flowers all season long. I would go pick them out, buy them, figure out what little guys were going to look best, and where to put their pots. These ones were hanging from lamp posts. They looked great, and their pots were overflowing. They were very happy flowers. It was kind of a bummer when planting season was over, and another bummer when I had to pull all the pots inside and get rid of my little buddies I had spent so many hours caring for. Then it would just be all apartment turns, renovations, and service requests for the rest of the year.
Anyhow, a buddy of mine came up and told me about how
>some asshole just crashed his plane into the WTC.
We assumed it was a small plane, and laughed it off as being a drunk pilot. Then he came up a bit later and said
>Some OTHER asshole crashed his plane into the other tower!
Then we went into the crowded corner coffee shop where there was a TV set, and stood there with about 30 other people, and witnessed the horror.
But this is like the thousandth thread on this. Why do people keep making this?


>168th and Fort Washington watching the towers come down from the 14th floor of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. Coordinating early discharges to make room for patients that never came.

In high school, 12th grade. Got t-boned by some crazy lady making a u-turn during lunch at school. Totaled the first car I ever saved for and picked out two weeks into the car payment. No gap insurance, continue paying on the car for several months. Fuck that lady.

Grade 8. I wasn't following politics at the time but it was clear from the way they closed school and everything that something big was happening. I remember my homeroom teacher went on this big long spiel before actually telling us what happened. Like there was this huge buildup of "what has happened to day is tragic, the world will never be the same etc" that droned on for like several minutes before she actually said that someone flew planes into the twin towers. It kinda freaked me out and made me think that our school was in danger or something because she really had that tone of clear and present danger.

School was closed after that, which I'm pretty sure was one of the first periods of the day. As I recall me and the kids on my street spent most of the day outside talking about what happened. As I recall it was a really warm and sunny day outside.

>asleep in bed
>dad comes bursting in later, says I shouldn't go to school because of terrorist attacks
>think that's what I get for letting him play CS
>go back to sleep

damn you were a retarded kid

Algebra 2

i was dancing with my israeli chums on the bridge. you probably saw the reports

Not born yet

yo lol I was in grade 6 when this happened. I understood the severity because I'm not a little shit

On a mission

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i didn't even exist

Get out faggots

Good to see you on this board.
The youth still has some hope...

Laughing down at the Synagog.

Go drink your god awful energy drinks, faggot.
Someone has to fix the mess you left behind

the greatest happening of all our lifetimes was my birth and I was between my mommas legs

you fuck

fuck off data mining kike

Exactly, anyone who remembers 9/11 needs to GTFO this board.

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We were documenting the event.

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In primary school.
My parents came and took me home early since they were afraid schools might be targeted.
I remember being psyched I got to go home early and being wowed by all the smoke in NYC on the news.
I'm 23 years old now.

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In high school counselor's office getting bitched at for failing classes, a few office wenches were listening to the radio, someone mentioned something about a plane hitting a building.

at school, still remember the moment very clearly

I was in Kindergarten and didn't care ( or at least didn't understand the context of the situation)

Same. I was 16 years old back then. It was a great happening.