Have you had a delicious bowl of shark fin soup?

Vegans are worshipping animals and making the lives of human beings miserable.

a) sharks eat all the fish, starve the fisherman
b) can't eat shark soup
c) can't have a great white in an acquarium to study and enjoy
d) can't go surfing, libs won't call the sharks

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We should kill as many sharks as we want. I don't know why liberals focus so much on the dangerous animals.

>sharks eat all the fish, starve the fisherman
Uhh, no, sweetie, that's not how it works.

because sharks are endangered retard.
your list of reasoning is so fucking brain damaged.
please consider killing yourself.

>I don't know anything.

You shouldn't eat shark because of biomagnification. Unless you want mercury poisoning, I guess.

Based chink gulager

>ban foie gras sales in california
>restaurants offering 50 dollar waters with free foiegras happen
>get a winky and you naughty boy from govt
>protest the ban of shark fin while being an asian politician
>suddenly your "deals" and "corruption" get exposed while white liberals get to still enjoy foie gras.

really joggin the noggin were all just fighting for the scraps at the jew trough. Maybe we should let the bogdanovs rule this planet.

that soup looks amazing OP

Yes it is
They are not endangered. They also have the whole ocean. You can cull the ones that live near people.

Nothing wrong with eating animals.
Dogs, whales, and dolphins should be on our regular diet.
Let Blacks eat monkies and bats to have ebolas.

I'd rather a shark kill you. I love how violent vegans are. Poisen yourself.

I want to see a white shark at the acquarium but libs always bitch and whine so we never will.

there are many species of shark that are endangered.

im not a vegan. i enjoy the succulent taste of meat.
but if you are brain damaged enough to not see the danger of irreparably damaging an ecosystem, you should neck yourself.
Its a dumb practice everyone except insect chinks criticize and mock.
kill yourself chink.

I'm craving some shark steaks right now

You act like a vegan.

The sharks ecosystem won't be damaged, snowpuff. If you cull sharks from certain areas where people are populated, they still have the rest of the ocean.

It will be you shit bag by the rate of which these chinks fish the sharks.
Sharks have long life spans and they do not procreate too often. There will obviously be a damage if you hunt them in large numbers.


it's chicken stock with cartilage

hey pol. killing myself tonight. nice knowing ya and good luck in the civil war.
user permaout

Fucking hell how are you this brain damaged.
If there is a threat go fucking hunt those couple of sharks down.
Obviously we are not talking about that though arent we? The demand for shark fins by these chinks are just too fucking high.
You wanna hunt sharks? Fine go fucking wildon a few.
But dont drive them to extinction though.

95% of the ocean has never been explored you really thing they're endangered?

user no

I thought this was a dumb bait but then I saw op's flag

That's all I'm asking for, user

its because they only cut the fin and throw it back


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Cartilage from a shark sound delicious... Not.

Yes because we know that all sharks live in diverse ocean enviroments with varying temp, light exposure, proximity to land, fish populations.
Certain species of sharks can only live in certain environments.
Please think before you say.

Sure im all for controlling population if it poses threat to humans.