China and Russia Military Power thread

Why is whenever someone makes a thread anywhere on this site it automatically gets overrun with shills downplaying the military might of these countries? Is it just westerners who dont want to accept reality or is it Russian and Chinese agents trying to downplay their capabilities before the big attack?

Everyone knows you dont underestimate your enemy. History has taught us that countless times through history. So why are we doing it now? The west is fractured, most nations in NATO have comparatively tiny armies compared to China. We rely on Americas might which is spread all throughout the world. China and Russias assets are concentrated and combined together are the largest militaries in history. Simply sitting back and saying 'Oh the boomer boats will take of it' its mere complacency.

When is the west gona wake up and start re-arming? Both China and Russia have made quantam leaps in military weaponry, equipment, vehicles, aircraft in the last 20 years then probably any army in history. Go back to the early 2000s and the chinks were still running around in olive drab padded uniforms and carrying those ancient type 91s. They wear digicam, use QBZ-95s, modular body armour. The Russians wear multicam, their weapons made of polymer, railings, hell even straight up using NATO gear and equipment. Theyre Spetsnaz look like DEVGRU. Theyre not fucking around anymore.

Im from Australia, we're already being overrun by chinks as it is but I also know that when they come we wont be able to stop them. Our military is fucking tiny.

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>tfw military is full with woman, homos and trans

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Russia can only afford 50 new tanks and the chinese army's task is to kill unruly chinks if they step out of line.

kek you're pretty clueless. Russia is a paper tiger on the verge of demographic collapse. The main danger is that they chimp out and wage one last war before they're forced to bury their imperial ambitions for good. Which is why sanctions are the wrong way.

China is a different beast, they will claim their sphere of influence and there is not much the USA can do about it. Taiwan is lost, Japan will have to deal with the fact that they need good relations with China to prosper and the nations bordering the SCS will suffer a similar fate to Carribean and South/Middle American countries. China might turn out to be a more benevolent hegemon anyway, to pretend that they're as aggressive as Russia or the US is scaremongering. So far the worst they've been doing is building infrastructure everywhere.

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The most important thing to note is that Chinese are not a martial race, they have been rice-helots enslaved by northern warrior races for most of their history, one European soldier is worth 10 Chinese on the battlefield. China's greatest advantage is that they are an actual country, not just a multicultural international economic zone. Russia is dying from the same civic-nationalist decay processes which are killing the West, albeit at a slower pace. If we manage to reestablish our ethnostates and form a global European military pact, we would have no trouble frying the gooks again.

Attached: "I'll Try Sir," United States Army during the 14 August 1900 Allied Relief Expedition (2768x1700, 1.8M)

>Russia is a paper tiger
>German flag
here we go again

Russia has done some very interesting stuff with artillery in the Ukraine. They give low level commanders the ability to call for artillery and CAS based off drone feeds. This significantly reduces the time required to coordinate a strike and is a much more rapid loop than allowed by the US Army. They also outclass the US in Anti-Air capabilities as our AA assets have basically been left to rot since 1989.

China is shit. Their equipment is all cheap copies, their units are trained at the individual soldier level, and not much more and they have a brown water Navy.

Russia is more dangerous than China and we should be allying ourselves to Russia against the yellow peril


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Oh please, Russia isn't the USSR and you know it. You'll sell us gas and rattle your sabre a little bit here and there to remind us that you're a nuclear power. But Russia is a declining power trapped between China, the US and the EU with many internal problems and a failing economy.

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See what I mean.

>one aircraft carrier.

I bet you really believe that load of racist dribble you just spouted, don't you asshole?

Poccия – cвящeннaя нaшa дepжaвa,
Poccия – любимaя нaшa cтpaнa.
Moгyчaя вoля, вeликaя cлaвa –
Tвoё дocтoяньe нa вce вpeмeнa!

Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Бpaтcких нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй,
Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя!
Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!

Oт южных мopeй дo пoляpнoгo кpaя
Pacкинyлиcь нaши лeca и пoля.
Oднa ты нa cвeтe! Oднa ты тaкaя –
Хpaнимaя Бoгoм poднaя зeмля!


Шиpoкий пpocтop для мeчты и для жизни
Гpядyщиe нaм oткpывaют гoдa.
Haм cилy дaёт нaшa вepнocть Oтчизнe.
Taк былo, тaк ecть и тaк бyдeт вceгдa!

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i like how their goggles accommodate the shorter height of their eyes

(President Camacho)

I would like to defect. Come and get me.

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>he west is fractured, most nations in NATO have comparatively tiny armies compared to China
NATO exists to deter Russia. Do Australians really believe that Europeans will help you contain China?
>China and Russias assets are concentrated and combined together are the largest militaries in history
Why would China support Russian interests over their own?
>When is the west gona wake up and start re-arming?
The West as in US, Japan, Australia, Phillippines? Because you're on your own vs China.

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Maybe because America could beat them in a war without using any of its armed forces?

Germany what happened? Why are you not badass like us?

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>china invades siberia for that sweet sweet oil


i guess para saws was a fad?

Criticizing China or Russia doesn't equal being an USboo, stop being such a sperg.
China is a joke overall, they can't even make proper use of their huge population, so their real domination tactic is trying to colonize other countries, they're trying to do that here too.
Pyccňa's strength is within their territory, with their honed tradition of killing the enemy through attrition.
The US is strong in logistics, but it's lacking in some of those things which are hard to define, perhaps the soldiers know, deep down, that they're going against their own interests, mainly since US involvement in international wars really began in the XXth c. Look at how they lost at Nam, for instance. One might argue that they didn't really want to win that war, that its purpose was a few people profitting, but that happens elsewhere too. For instance, in Russia, the communists genocided rebels so all they'd have left were obedient goys, and yet some people show resistance.
And about muh China: everything they currently have was handed to them by kikes who transferred manufacturing wealth there, they didn't actually build anything, it can be taken off them just as easily.

The last war the chinese won was against themselves and even that took 25 years.

The US is saying its not ready for a peer war, while china is continually saying it is. Ask the battalion of ruskies that ran into a marine listening post earlier this year about who's more ready for a fight.

Having two superpowers is good for small countries like mine, when it was just the US they didn't give a shit and now they're offering billions of dollars in investment because China did.

China knows very well that they couldn't take on the US military. The PLA gets BTFO by the Blue Force (basically US army with what the Chinese estimate 2030 tech to be) when they hold maneuvers. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't go to war over Taiwan. That's who these Xi quotes are aimed at. China isn't building a navy to project power into the Atlantic or to the US west coast, they just want to show the SCS bordering countries who's boss.

DESU I don't think anyone except China would fight over Taiwan. It's all just posturing to save face and in a decade or two the US will throw them under the bus.

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curious about the listening post thing though, got a link?

The military might of those countries is very strong in a defensive posture but don't compete with the United States as far as projection of military power goes.

Russia and China can only project power locally and against small countries locally. Weak tier.

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>And about muh China: everything they currently have was handed to them by kikes who transferred manufacturing wealth there, they didn't actually build anything, it can be taken off them just as easily.

...and given to Mexico and Brazil. Which is in the new trade agreement for Mexico. Brazil is coming soon.

Russia s army is ahead in some places but behind in a lot of places

China’s a paper tiger though

When the west used to be powerful, they invaded the entire world to steal land and resources and enslave/genocide people. They are afraid of China's rise because they think China will do to white people what white people did to the rest of the world.

But that's not the case.

China has never had imperialist and colonialist ambitions like the west. Even many centuries ago when we were powerful, we never sought to colonize and subjugate the rest of the world like white people did. That's still true for today. The Chinese military's role today is to ensure China's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and to safeguard world peace. This is diametrically opposed to, say, the US military, which seems to be always engaged in some war of aggression since the end of WW2.

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Heartily kek'd thanks user xD

Don’t be a fool. You’re literally falling for their propaganda cunt.

Just because the Chinese and Russians and North Koreans march out millions of their underfed underpaid drones in fancy nylon polyester uniforms with prop guns on live international television, it’s because they’re paper tigers, they want to make people believe they’re BIG and STRONG.

If you want the honest data, compare our spending, compare our stockpiles, compare our tech.

We have them outgunned 3-1.


I bit

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Do you have any evidence to suggest that Europeans aren't the only form of sentient life which has evolved on this planet?

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Look Chinaman. I’m no racist, we all have equal potential. Chinese culture is nice and respectable, but only one nation is making it out of this thing on top.

And in a world where I have to choose between the world being dominated by the communist thought crime punishing Chinese, or the freedom loving libertarian last bastion of hope that is the United States, ill choose liberty every time.

Now, I’m not saying we will indiscriminately slaughter you all, but I’m telling you we are going to maintain our global cultural economic military hegemony, and that’s going to protected at ANY cost.

Top kek

China could have industrialized before Europe, they just didn't have the need to do so

Yellow peril is just a tool to drum up public support for military spending.The average mutt doesn't understand American foreign policy and genuinely believes that foreign powers are plotting to invade the US to take their freedom away.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

Because Jews dont want you to arm yourself up.They want a weak West.

They do shill for a conflict against China and Russia 24/7 in the media but only so you dont concern yourself with another possible enemies and internal problems.

They want Western countries to fall into complacency and suffer high casualities by keep the West weak and letting China and Russia catch up, but only so much that it wont bother a nuclear armed Israel that keeps gearing up on our tabsand looting our armories.

>freedom loving libertarian last bastion of hope that is the United State
thats a cute euphemism for Israels biggest bitch that is constantly in a conflict between pretending to have a free will and actively enforcing Jewish political, economic and military hegemony over the world, bans on thought crimes over Jews and indiscriminately slaughtering all and everyone that literally stands in their way

As learned many times throughout history never under estimate your opponent

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>China could have industrialized before Europe, they just didn't have the need to do so
>China could have developed mathematics beyond the gradeschool level, they just didn't have the need to do so
>China could have developed the scientific method, they just didn't have the need to do so
>China could have won some nobel prizes, they just didn't have the need to do so
>Chinese could have stopped being a race of sadistic effete uncreative autists, they just didn't have the need to do so

After a point, it is time to admit that biological differences between races are real.

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Dong feng 41 0r khinzal hypersonic battery...


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Didn't see the obvious ukraine bias until after I posted, first thing that popped up on google.

By 2020 CHINA will have 20 of the Y-20

Attached: Y-20 transport.jpg (273x160, 6K)

>The United States Army has approximately 36 military bases in Germany.
Germany still is a US((( Leftist ))) occupied country ....

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>Russia can't afford the Armata or the SU-57
>China's military tech is all shitty copies of US and Russian stuff
very implessive, America and HATO are finished
pic related, Chinese patented "not a BMP btw"

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And how many of these tanks are upgraded to 1980ies tech? How many aren't death traps that couldn't even penetrate a modern Western tank's armor? Don't get me wrong, it doesn't hurt to have huge stockpiles and even outdated weapon systems will come in handy when it's time to defend the motherland with barely trained conscripts. But they're useless on the offensive and these comparisons are meaningless.

>12,000 outdated T-72s sitting in warehouses and 8,000 assorted other shit
very implessive

> sitting in warehouses
That's where they keep their T-80

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not night vison goggles

>Everyone knows you dont underestimate your enemy
and yet people do it time and time again

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They dont throw out their tanks 2,400 T72.. >"Russia’s Military to Receive 100 New T-14 Armata Battle Tanks. the initial plan of inducting 2,300 T-14 MBTs by 2020 had to be pushed back to 2025, "

The first batch of T-14 main battle tanks has already been delivered to the Russian Ground Forces for trials.

Attached: Russian T-14.jpg (1480x800, 63K)

The Chinese probably have a much larger nuke arsenal than reported, for that matter the US and Russia probably do, too. All sides probably have all kinds of unimaginable superweapons.

WWIII will be hell on Earth.