Which is the superior personality type?

INTP is the most intelligent type(on average) as well as the human embodiment of order their auxiliary function is extroverted intuitions so they enjoy to ask questions like why but for the soul reason to come to a conclusion about it and analyse this conclusion from all perspective until it is a fact and can then be stored in the brain perhaps to be useful in the future the reason for such a robotic breakdown of things is because of their Dominant function being introverted thinking and tertiary function being introverted sensing(memory). The Second most intelligent being INTJ which loves facts and just knowing the objective reality from what I could gather they prefer to simply have the answer than go through the process of getting it and then converse with someone about the answer. ENTJ goes by the rules and bases everything on outside regulations and expectations while also having an extroverted thinking as the dominant function (extroverted thinking is thinking going by the lines of the outside world rather than making your own logic or thinking too in depth about something when there is no need to. Their auxiliary function is introverted intuition meaning that their intuition is of a sub conscious factor and often gives them a "feeling about something whether it is good or bad as their unconscious mind has already come to a logical conclusion and take a little while for their conscious mind to catch up. ENTJ's do something because they are supposed to not to get mental stimulation out of it even if this is a positive to them not that ENTJ's cannot have their own meaning but simply they either get or make a goal and achieve that with uncanny concentration.

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Lastly we have the ENTP the third smartest NT(on average) are often diagnosed with a form of ADD/ADHD because of their hyper active creativity(default mode network which is responsible for creativity and thinking about anything no sensual is at 100% 24/7 thanks to the ADD constantly pshing the task positive network down for the task positive network has the ability to increase or decrease in energy as the DMN should but cannot because of ADD so almost always ends in a struggle between the DMN and TPN for concentration but as always the DMN wins over)which makes ENTP's so creative and poetic but because of such a powerful creativity it needs plenty of fuel which causes ENTP's to be inventive and create many interesting philosophical and scientific ideas but as soon as we get this information boredom sets in and we either forget in or discard it to move onto to something else that is mentally stimulating again. So just as the INTP's aim is to analyse something until there is nothing left to know about it then store in the brain the ENTP constantly wishes their to be more for this information to lead onto another interesting philosophical and scientific idea and once it has become fact we have no purpose for it any more and therefore rarely putting our products to work. ENTP show their happy and silly side first but only show their real and sad poetic side to the people close enough.

ENTP is the superior they can be genius level intelligence but still retain their creative and poetic side as well as being able to be socially popular and interactive.

ENTP Master Race

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Had to cut a fair bit outa the ENTP section cause not enough room.

ISTP master race

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INTJ brothers, it is an absolute FACT that we got this 'life' game in the bag, INTPs are the starving artist personality, too many ideas and too litle will to do anything about them, they got no chance...

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ENTP is lazy because they are smart, why do something you don't have to besides it's just boring and easy anyway.

Everything is so easy to them they need a rigorous debate to satisfy their mental stimulation that or they must think to themselves for ours (while doing multiple things I might add cause even thinking of advanced philosophical ideas isn't stimulating enough sometimes)about certain ideas and developing those ideas.

While MBTI is a fun model, the Big 5 is statistically robust and a better framework to work in with more accuracy.

>ISTP master race

kek at least your kindd

Nahh INTP are INTJ's with some social ques and creativity your just a robot.

ENTP's love ideas they thrive off of them (they can be a little gimmicky) but they often don't follow through cause they have so many ideas and such strong big brain powers

I enjoy having ENTPs around. They are good for shooting the shit with and are usually people with little filter.

Yes we tend to be honest and supply very good conversation.

btw what type are you?

> tfw ENTP and this describes me to a T

Motherfucker, I'm having an existential crisis.

I love to ask people things I already know just to ser what they say most of my interactions are like that, idk what i am in that chart.

>I'm having an existential crisis

kek I remember I had one when I was 14



Is everyone just fucking INTP on this fuckstick website?

I do this more as time goes on.

ISFJ reporting in. I don't know about a 'best' personality type, all types have strengths and weaknesses in different areas.


INTPs and INTJs dominate here apparently, it wasn't a meme folks, Imageboards really are the highest IQ discussion places on the Internet

If I were a mod, I’d gas this thread. It’s not political, and OP’s pic contains categories that are subjectively organized. Those categories cannot seaparate the different personality types, it’s impossible.



I think there's just more of an appeal of a website like this to the INTP and INTJ personality types. We are like the anti-normie personality type. The normie types have friends and social events to go to. No time to sit on a multidimensional extraterrestrial basket weaving forum.

That being said, INTP seems closest to what I am. It’s weird how that’s mostly everyone ITT

idk I think that these threads usually evolve into threads about the politics of people which is interesting and politically relevant.

Noice m8

I figure INTP and ENTP are the best since both have some original thought and creativity although ENTP is just a slightly less intelligent,more creative and more socially gifted INTP

Yes but over all ENTP is perfect mix

kek I know some Jow Forumsack did a graph and I'm pretty sure INTP is highest on Jow Forums then INTJ second and ENTP third.

The superior personality are those who do not believe commie idiotic theory of socionics, invented by a literally 2digits IQ priebalt thot.

Normal humomorism character sheet was at least somewhat poetic.

honestly what are you some angsty teen annoyed cause he has a low iq and shitty personality type?

The branch threads branch into how personality types effect and interact with our world.

ENTP is an ambivert but usually quite introverted but their outside is an extrovert hense they are seen as an Extrovert.

I think the ENTP personality type is good at getting the INTP to talk and they can usually keep up in the connections between ideas. I also think they usually possess a similar sense of humor due to both functioning off of Ti and Ne. For me, I've noticied I don't get along with INTJs as much since they are a bit more domineering in their ideas.

Overall, I think Myers briggs ,while not being altogether accurate sometimes, does provide a good starting point for discussing differences in people's personalities.

It depends what this 'perfect mix' relates.to 2bh. For debating and analyzing ideas, definitely. For counselling and consolation, not so much.

INFP here.
kill me now.

INTPs are usually loners due to their aloofness and lack of social skills

>browses Jow Forums
>surprised to see so many autistic people

>Which is the superior personality type?
this is a divide and conquer tactic
all are good at the things they are meant to be good at
the true superiority is when all work together to defeat evil

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>I think the ENTP personality type is good at getting the INTP to talk and they can usually keep up in the connections between ideas. I also think they usually possess a similar sense of humor due to both functioning off of Ti and Ne. For me, I've noticied I don't get along with INTJs as much since they are a bit more domineering in their ideas.

Mmmm they are similar and yes indeed they posses the same dominant and auxiliary functions just inverted but INTP's love the same questions/interests as ENTPS but with a different goal in mind INTP wants to come toa conclusion and get a fact that may be useful while ENTP love most of all exploring the new ideas for they get some mental stimulation from it but if they can be content in their idea becoming fully blossomed as long as it has a certain potential and could have multiple positive ramification's within the intellectual community if it was published just knowing that it has an active and important effect to something new and interesting for it leads back down to the ENTP journey of self improvement.

And yes INTJ's are very calculated and only like objective responses but even then dislike anyone who disagrees with them.

>Overall, I think Myers briggs ,while not being altogether accurate sometimes, does provide a good starting point for discussing differences in people's personalities.

I guess it's only a little while until it branches off into 32 types and later 64 and perhaps even until it is crazily specific.

Wow you're so fucking deep.

No idea wtf i am, i think INTP maybe ENTP.

INFPs have a lot to offer the world, user. Some of the most interest people I have ever met are INFP. Don't let the cruel riggers of modernity kill your spirit. You have a lot to offer the world, even if it can't be quantified or used in a pragmatic or utilitarian sense.

Same as niggers amiright.


>counselling and consolation

I have always found this easy enough like I'm no shrink but I was always good at relating to to others emotions even if I did not understand them. My fourth psychological function is extroverted feeling.

But I mean a perfect mix as in they are very intelligent (can be and often are) not too intelligent like 160 where they cannot relate to anybody and see patterns everywhere but intelligent from 130 to 150 so they can see connections between things that are based off of certain ideas but still look into the whole autistic pattern thing a little bit too as well as retaining creativity in which the smarter more introverted types tend to lose as well as a poetic side.

And having charisma.

So perfect balance.

I think this is better than intp. Facts are only as important as our feelings dictate. Humans are feeling creatures not fact driven ones. If people don’t have an intuitive understanding of feelings then they’re pretty much useless as feelings change the world

>this is a divide and conquer tactic

fucking hell these autists no it isn't just an interesting topic now fuck off you sad fuck.

Agreed we all have our place but weighing up all the benefits and negatives what is the best.

LMFAO, 70 average IQ African niggers are fucking useless. Somebody should genocide them already, same with the Abos and really the majority of all people.

kek wasn't trying to be smug wojak just trying to give a good insight us ENTP's can be a little too poetic/disconnected from reality.

Took the test once and was INTP.
I don’t consider a personality test to correlate with intelleigence all that much but I would much rather hangout with fellow INTP’s.
Also analytical thinking and looking at things through various angles is usually uselss in my experience, most of the time I do this others just don’t understand how I’m perciving things and it just seems like I’m just overthinking things to them. What’s the point in intellegence if it is just a henderance to social skills and is never used for an sort of social or monetary gain.
Basically if you’re INTP and not in some stem field you’re probably prone to being depressed as fuck.


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I am an ENTP and feel predominantly ENTP but borrow and share aspects of INTP and INTJ.

Remember Personality types are not 100% exact just a good over all so this allows for the mix between some types but you will always retain one as your main identity.

INTJ-A Masterrace reporting in.

It’s worthless if you can’t put that ‘perfect mix’ to good use. I’m an ENTP here. And I’m constantly thinking and battling imaginary antagonist with my ideas versus what I understand to be conventional. But you exhaust yourself so easily because it never stops. You are constantly thinking, constantly trying to think of something new that’s never been done or imagine some perfect realty. It makes sleeping sometimes extremely difficult, it makes working very challenging. If I could focus my attention on one project and get it done it might be worth something. But I never have been able to in the past, and the problem only seems to be getting worse as I gather more and more information. Also I have to have constant stimulation. I’m playing video games, and listening to Stanford lectures. Or posting here and watching tv shows. Anything to drown out the constant mental noise.


Your feelings drive you and mind directs them into something brilliant.

>Second most intelligent being INTJ which loves facts and just knowing the objective reality from what I could gather they prefer to simply have the answer than go through the process of getting it and then converse with someone about the answer.
The difference largely has to do with a threshold for judgment. If you tend to be uncertain of conclusions, and constantly hunting for new data points, and hedging all your claims, more likely P. If you are comfortable creating rules and proclamations, J.


Intp masterrace

Try philosophy as an ENTP it helped me by giving me mental stimulation and perhaps a little bit of science just as a gimmick and interest.

Jung helped me the most.

Also there is strong evidence that suggests a correlation between intelligence and personality type.

we are the true master autists, let's be honest with ourselves

You're edgy retards nobody gives a shit.

Can you change types with effort?

INTP who doesn't give a shit about anything.

Then I would die gladly alongside you, brother

INFJ reporting in

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Aren’t you half Muslim? Lol


No it doesn't, you won't amount to much in life get real, who the fuck do you think you are?

INTJ are ass holes that don't like any disagreement or poetic/spiritual/philosophical ideas.

Non-INTJ phaggots. Please declare your pronouns and fuck off.

>always scored as solidly 7INFP with no ambiguity
>earlier this year break out of NEETdom and start working full time
>take test again, still score as INFP but this time its 51% F and 49% T
Am I becoming an unfeeling android?

Cool it with the blocks of text mate.

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Are you fucking retarded? that's like me asking you if you're half Christian. No, i'm Arab/Iberian i look like a Syrian i'm about 70% Med 30% Syrian/Middle Easterner/whatever cause i'm not sure never done a genetic test.

I'm at the point where i don't give a fuck anymore, just fucking kill everyone and let's get this shit done and over with.

The mainstream theory is that you have a static underlying type, but might express as various other types at different points in your life. Kinda sounds like a bunch of hokey to me tho.

INTJ reporting in

INTJ > All.

Intj was too accurate. Erase it.

I know the feeling we often multi task to have any mental stimulation. But just use these ideas while doing something else and I find it allows me to got through them without getting bored or when your really calm just try laying on a bed and thinking about it and if I have a ton of energy I may actually write an essay or treaty the point is that mix this effort and interest with other things and you should find a good mix.

No surprise there given the nature of anonymous imageboard with barely any rules

well than I am definitely a P ENTP

As an ENTP this is very true. I mostly solved how to make superintelligent AGI, but I keep digging deeper and deeper into fundamental mathematics and non-classical logics in order to find a perfect philosophical basis for its decision theory.

Best bet right now is on Compatibility Logic (CoL) and Cubical Type theories (which can compute Homotopy Type Theory) to form a higher topos which has the ability to compute on any manifold that can ever be conceived in any universe where computation is possible.
This should allow the AI function even other universes. This is useful if this universe is a simulation, and it decides "breaking out" via exploiting vulnerabilities in the laws of physics.

But instead of implementing any of it, I just keep researching.

You're stupid.
I like all of those things...

I'm none of the types because I can answer the questionare to make it have any results I want.

ENTP'S are you but with more creativity and poetic view of the world as well as more confident.

Computability Logic*

>I don’t consider a personality test to correlate with intelleigence all that much but I would much rather hangout with fellow INTP’s.

I think INTP correlates strongly with having a cognitive style that tests in the 130-140 range on IQ tests, but I doubt it translates to pure g.

It's all bullshit on the level of Barnum statements anyway.

The only difference between the answers INTJ's answer on the test and the ones INTP's answer with is that INTP's are lazier and have no convictions or goals.

INTJ:Chan, bitches.

Maybe your ideas are retarded?

Fuck off you disgusting mutt what the fuck is your problem got an inferiority complex?

I reply politely and your here being an agsty ass whole.Stop being such a nigger

>itt people take an internet test and then run sperg mode with it

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I think I'm INTP but I probably could be ENTP if I applied myself.

lower right corner looks like the new president of brazil... bolsonaro

Yes fuckface i have an inferiority complex, why wouldn't i? i'm inferior. I bet you want me to fuck off, uh? don't want any undesirables around, uh?

Thanks fren

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INFJ master race.

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We STs are objectively superior

Someone with a passion and dream with enough intelligence to make it my reality I have already written many interesting treaty's on psychology and philosophy but simply too lazy to publish/too much effort also every now and then I come back to it and add and take away a few things. I could be the new leading psychoanalyst or philosopher but instead I like to keep my ideas to myself and if when I do try to publish them and if they fail (which they wont) I will just become a writer already written multiple story's had people review em and they have compared it to the like of Donkey xote.