Why is this woman the queen of beta males everywhere?

Why is this woman the queen of beta males everywhere?

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>mullet after the 80s
the wew on this lad


Attached: mummy.png (778x512, 45K)

Because beta males (aka commies) have no standards regarding morality and evil, therefore all she has to be is pretty and in a powerful position. The beta's fantasize about cleaning her butthole, never suspecting how lost and empty they would feel being her slave.

But they're authoritarians. They can't be saved, ever. They go towards what makes them suffer.

she's hot

We have a lot of Russians here.

She’s hot as fuck. Looks like my ex. Who is she?

>not knowing our crimean waifu

nigger you weren't even here in 2014?
fucking newfags OUT REEEEEEEEE

I want to have her babies

bump for more mommy photos

mummy please read me a bedtime story

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Fuck off nigger

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Attached: delighted natalia.png (322x424, 278K)

can someone please do the memeing

Attached: the-mummy-returns-5247691681862.jpg (1000x1426, 392K)

Stroking continue

fuck off phoneposter

Attached: neutral natalia.jpg (329x500, 131K)

Figured you say that you fucking leaf

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You've answered your own question.
All Jow Forums users are fucking idiots themselves, all beta losers. They're what's left of /b/ basically. That's the final "redpill" -- everyone here is fucking stupid and considering yourself one of them is being content with losers.
Nothing wrong with the content or the message. But the users themselves. They'll always ever only complain and never do anything. They're addicted to all the products they denounce, and they will never give up on the society they live in. I'm out forever.

nice memes grandpa. mind if i save them?

Attached: UolIJJx.png (1024x1292, 556K)

Because white bois cannot handle strong independent woman.

>They're what's left of /b/ basically.

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Looks like a Detroit crackhead desu

>If I post Gilgamesh i won't look like a newfag then


its not even the gif

so modest so cute why no american girls like this?

It's mostly ironic oedipal infantilism

freud is a stupid jew that makes up shit without evidence

Attached: for the emperor.jpg (744x478, 124K)

She is the definition of strong and independant.
She seceded the whole peninsula from some nazi junta.

because shes good looking and aged amazingly.
nearly 40 years old, a mother and still looks better than most roasters in their early 20s.

>This is a 6 in Russia

they just project their sickness onto others. its obvious to everyone now.

Every man in the world has a picture of her .Shes a idol.

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Mila Kunis is ethnically Russian and about 9.5/10.


Attached: Natalia_Nod.gif (300x300, 2.99M)

Mila lost her looks three years ago. its over for her.

Attached: ok.jpg (486x340, 26K)

She was great on "The Office".

can you imagine coming home from work, tired and sore
and mummy is waiting for you on the couch with warm blanket and slowly massage your thighs

She looks better than 90% of global female population.

I prefer this one.

Attached: вйъгъгкъугткъугуъ.jpg (640x438, 15K)



IDK, she seems fine by me. Her biggest problem is dressing in american fashion.

Would be great if she would open her own fashion house to make things, that look good on Russians, starting by taking actual measurements from Russians. Nobody did that yet.

Strength, organized ,law order, loyalty ,calm beauty.

Attached: np gif.gif (320x240, 2.14M)

In Russia? Really? American women are so shitty Russian women practically have their rating go up by two points as soon as they land.

And a nose like a ski jump.

And you would complain about work and she would lose all respect for you because she went through Russian law career and then left a country that wanted to kill her to run the judicial system of a breakaway republic. She also tells Russian mob bosses to their faces to get the fuck out of her country. You pussy. Nobody complains to Natalia. Nobody.

Nobody has done that because celebrities have an IQ of 40. And they couldn't hire Jewish brokers to hire slave labor in third world countries to make their "designer" label.

Attached: y'all niggas postin in a putin thread.jpg (456x296, 52K)

Jenna Fischer is a whore and not comparable.

Attached: Fishy.jpg (399x599, 26K)

It's the same girl.

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Someone post the webm of her snorting cocaine in uniform.

>Le mummy xDD
>Old bitch
>Single mother

you jews sure love destroying things that are wholesome. even if it is just a fantasy

She looks like she has a fat, brownish, big lip pussy.

I'm not Jewish, and the video isn't fake. Nice cope faggot.

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I wouldn't pull out EVER

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its obvious to everyone that you are the one that is coping by trying to bring down a wholesome joke its really pathetic and stereotypical of you disgusting jews

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When will Trump merge us with Russia already

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I prefer the twelve hour looped version

There is no reason to, with Natalia you make love to procreate.

Attached: ur at the courthouse and this grill comes up to u and prosecutes ur gf what do.jpg (429x600, 39K)

what the hell is that?


I am a beta male, but this bitch is going to be hung for tyranny.

Hum. Hum.

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I wonder what brand of pantyhose she likes?

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I believe she is astonishingly attractive. Apart from that, from what I understand, she is a very pious woman; that is a quality I revear for reasons I still don't fully understand.

bad lighting, she looks creepy.

revered. and it is because your conscious knows what is Good.

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>beta male
What's wrong with that?

I wonder if the mummyposter bong is still here.

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Why is she so perfect?

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