Why are women more interested in psychics and astrology than men?

While men are more interested in physics and astronomy?

Jow Forums is an exception of course where anti-semitism for example is
somewhat equatable with astrology and things of that nature.

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Retards more likely to believe in astrology

Low IQ liberals more likely to believe in astrology


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women are emotional creatures. a close relative of mine use to talk about astrology but it always seemed dumb to me
I only bothered to look into it because it pertain to physics and religions of the old world. Besides that it's just nail salon babble

Woo woo magic shit? Yes, almost all women love it (especially those who are over 40)

Retards on Jow Forums more likely to confuse astronomy with astrology


I've only ever met one woman that didn't believe in astrology, even seemingly intelligent women are swayed by it.

>Jow Forums is an exception of course where anti-semitism for example is somewhat equatable with astrology and things of that nature

Who confused the two, Mr Cohen?

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>Retards on Jow Forums more likely to confuse astronomy with astrology

Honestly, I though autism meant intelligent and antisocial...but it seems there are no redeeming qualities here.

Imo, Dialogue > Discord
Given credible contention between Jews and Gentiles, vital is accord.

And while past events linger in memories, it's future actions alone
that determine potential prosperity.

Dialogue is the mechanism by which we operate cooperatively while remaining independent.

women are dumb and believe in astrology signs.
>hurr the astrogoly sign description fits me so well
>I now look for a partner who is astrologically compatible because everything is so true what I read

>Hates women using clues to find mate
What better, being an autist that can't understand social cues, and sends dick pics to random girls on tinder?

Psychic power would be pretty cool though if it were real.

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because they have no inherent concept of objective reality because they are analog computers for processing emotions

this is literally their sole purpose for living besides bearing children:
listening to what the men went out and did, labeling at a very surface level, evaluating the men's emotions, and imposing those emotions on their community in the context of those shallow labels through a scheme of shaming/nurturing.

they maintain the subconscious bias of the community.

they are literally intellectually disabled and programmed to be absolute cunts for no reason other than authority tells them to be

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You almost jew yourself in there and thought we wont notice. Classic tricks.

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i should mention that almost instantly in the development of humanity as a species men realized they could lie to these retarded cunts and control the rest of the population based on these lies

women are far more emotional than men and they are often confused how men can be as rational as we are.

a little more detailed: their two brain sides are more closely connected than ours, which doesn't allow the average to make purely rational choices, just like they dont land in prison that often because they are capable of using more rationale while being in a very emotional state

the simple result is them being more agreeable to group-think and less competence regarding individual decision-making.

they need guidance to navigate in this very complicated world, but dont have competent idols.
society is self-destruction, government leads to enslavement, christianity is frowned upon, Islam is oppressive and even most parents are fools since anyone can breed without ever taking responsibility

the modern answer to the religion question is a therapist, who is supposedly the only person that helps you figure things out without pushing an agenda on them

Women feel they have less direct control over their lives than men, they’re supposed to wait for mr right, not run out and find him. As with psychics, a lot of women who’ve had still births or miscarriages will go to them to get some kind of closure

Are you guys completely retarded or what?

First of all, even if astrology is false, it still does teach a lot about psychology (which you autists wouldn't understand obviously, since you are enclosed faggots, who rarely observe life in it's deeper meaning).
For a good reason this knowledge has been passed on - it does reflect many of our known personality types and very often describes a specific person to 90% right and, what is mostly astonishing, in tiny details, not just generally.

The second point is, if you believe in a God and therefore a higher power, karma etc. astrology isn't that far fetshed, since it does also describe personal difficulties, challanges and your future path which you, a wandering soul, have to travel and learn on your way to the divine origin. Often this is correct to. This is why astrology has so many supporters.

You shouldn't talk about astrology, if you have no knowledge about it.

i dont think they are more emotional then men. i think men have more emotion and more emotional control at the same time. we experience stronger emotions but also process those emotions better. women are more about shallow surface emotion and their emotional pallete is narrower and less complex, a woman isnt going to be brought to tears over a painting.

i think the idea that men arent supposed to feel anything is some social engineering nonsense to encourage apathy and nihilism as being the image of cool masculinity.

Also everyone saying women aren't capable of rational thinking and garbage like that:
There are enough women, who would out do you easily. As I said in the first post, you are base dwelling faggots, who do not interact with living people in the real world, but are still trying to judge it. All you know are your shitty memes, copypastas and other retarded images that have been posted by the dozen.

Because there are no real jobs in it, and they can get a silly useless degree with a prof that passes them cause he knows it doesnt matter, and they whore themselves out for four years of college then get an unrelated job after school, or marry up.

Because they're fucking retards.

>projecting this hard

> calls people faggots
> defends astrology

Do you not see the conundrum we have here?

Because women often believe what they want to believe where as men often are more sceptical and logical about what they believe.

With that said, I did play around with tarot for quite a bit and I must say that it has been extremely accurate, I had a theory that it worked by unlocking information that is in your subconscious (similar to flipping a coin to decide something and then after seeing the result being disappointed or pleased it was one of the results) however the cards have not been wrong yet and have given me a lot of insight about people’s lives which I had no idea about (I would later ask people questions to find out if what I saw was correct and it so far has been completely, there was one case where someone said it was false and then I later found out that they were lying to me), despite all this however I still can’t say I would firmly believe or trust that the cards are a real thing simply because of the unexplainable nature of it.

Jow Forums‘s astrology is MBTI and IQ. Their gurus are literal camwhores.

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you seem upset,helga

>not a kike field of study
Pick one

even smart women are stupid
i dont doubt there are women who could run circles around me in math, engineering, computer stuff whatever. but theyre probably still stupid in that special way that chicks just are

Why are Jow Forumstards more interested in conspiracy theories and faggotry than men?

Germans are truly brainwashed. I've never seen such consistent blue pill posting. Crazy how much the propaganda worked on them.

stop this withcraft at once
you are messing with forces you dont understand

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It's because women are more in tune with nature due to their ability to bear children. Doesnt mean it's all real, but that's why

it’s dumb to deny that the planets have influence on who we are. I don’t read horoscopes or anything but get an astrolabe of when you were born and it’s eerie how correct it is.

Typical Taurus.

>inb4 Leo

so they're like fortune cookies?

most Jow Forumstards are dumb as rocks and worse, confident that they’re correct and know the truth better than anyone else.

Why is truth, the other makes you feel good. That's the main difference between men and women.

you aren't thinking objectively. If you aren't making an evolutionary argument you aren't being objective. You're thinking in a feminine way - selectively applying logic to the part of the problem you're most emotionally attached to.

Read this:

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pot, kettle, black

There is more going on in reality than we can comprehend even with all the scientific instruments we have. Thinking we know better now isn’t intelligence, it’s arrogance.

Literal cancer

not a projection, but fact. Jow Forums is a shithole filled with hypocrite who are talking about saving the white race, yet sitting all day infront of a computer and bashing women.

1. its not a "conundrum".
2. learn to use the term conundrum right.

So you are implying we don't have a psychological bases?

Get out of your basement and talk to real women. They may have other qualities than men, but they aren't stupid

The infantile mind seeks infantile explanations?

Clues? In the stars?

all i said is that i believe men are more emotional then women, and i meant it in a good way since we also have better emotional control and deeper emotions and a wider palette of feel. i dont think what you said applies to my post. im not going to make some wildly speculative argument using evolutionary psychology to back up what wasnt intended to be a scientific thesis in the first place.

chick logic is real

The same reason women don't understand science beyond some pop-sci, black science man level.
There is also the charlatanism associated with post-New Age "magic" that women get a kick out of.

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im a gemini

Men probably realise that there are no good jobs for either degree. On top of this do you know what the skill cap is on men in physics. Its probably insane. Some dudes will probably out run the top of the class at some schools just because they are wired for it. The world doesnt need astrophysicists right now, maybe in the future, but not right now.

o saw a study once many years ago, sperm in a petri dish with different genetic qualities swim to different parts of the dish on different months reason unknown. its the only evidence ive seen and it was many years ago so i cant remember how valid the study was.

but thats not the reason people believe in astrology, almost nobody even knows about the sperm study and i cant seem to find it online

>wildly speculative
notice how afraid you are to actually tackle the issue.

you want to rest on some vague notions that couldn't really be argued against here. You're afraid of reaching the truth because then you would be forced to take action or admit you are totally impotent.

thanks for mentioning it, I'll find it tomorrow

I met a qt nerdy geology student girl at university who hated all that shit, It was really refreshing.

i dont even know what you want me to say

you want me to back up my assertion that men have better emotional control and deeper emotions then women, and you want me to back that up with evolutionary psychology?

i dunno, i guess men have deeper emotions because we have deeper thoughts because men are the ones building and hunting and doing the brain work. deeper thoughts leads to deeper emotion and a wider range of things to have a wider range of emotional responses to. and as for the better emotional control we require it because we are stronger and more aggresive and would hurt each other more if we had less control. and said control often hides the fact that men also experience strong emotion.

is that good enough for you? its wildly speculative because we dont have a recorded history to show us what life was like back during the periods we evolved in. just wildly speculative archeology and theories.

meanwhile the rate of information loss between replications of dna is greater then the rate of benefficial mutations so natural selection is still a theory.

did she get your rocks off?

sorry, I should have been more accurate about it.

men do have emotions obviously, but they are hardwired differently. our strong emotions are rather very primitive survival ones (fight, flight, freeze) - meanwhile women are subconsciously massively influenced by the social hierarchy because their survival depends much more on the group AND their emotional experiences are more "moody"/unstable.
can you imagine your sentinence not giving you a direction, but even suggesting many different options? you lack trust in your own abilities and end up a confused wrack unless the outside world offers a relgion/ideology that helps you handle this chaos to make proper decisions

language is simply limited and english is my third language, making it even harder for me to communicate this concept

neuroticism and creativity traits.

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Because it gives them a (false and fleeting) sense of spirituality. Basically, they think religious practice and spirituality through asceticism and study is too hard or too prudish. Not really a problem with women as many religions have nuns, more a problem of the degeneration of our cultures and too much aspies with ADD.

our strong emotions can be very complex and deep and are not restricted to fight or flight. like i said, i wouldnt expect a woman to cry over a painting, shed a tear over a failed idea that should have worked, or feel a rising stir of intense emotion reading an historical account of life in the middle ages. etc etc etc

because it validates their fEmAlE InTuItIoN

but to be fair i wouldnt expect most male npcs these days to have intense feels over such things either

and im generalizing of course. it might be technically possible for some minority of women to experience that sort of thing to some degree

Yes, but neither would you expect a man to be too clingy nor open up about childhood traumata to people they've known for an half hour

these aren't social concepts, but different biologically necessary hardwirings. it was stupid of me to refer to the social aspect only - you clearly win this

I dont remember the book, but carl jung had interesting ideas regarding the individuals' inner world when "joining" a tribe (ideology/religion) that fits ones individual interests and how it changes the priority of men to a way more tribe-oriented aspect depending on its influence

the emotional responses to individual experiences like paintings and historical accounts are often getting lost

I don't think this is the case at all.

Men are interested in and have advanced astronomy - which is the real, objective natural world.

Women are interested in astrology, which is supernatural, and by definition not natural.

we seem to be less tribal then ever as a people, we dont even talk to our neighbours in the city

>are often getting lost
i blame in part the idea that men arent supposed to be emotional. the image of masculinity we should have is one of deep emotion and strong emotional control. male passion especially is critical to any kind of positive future for humanity and yet apathy is considered cool.

I dont know if new but we bash everything here. I can tell with 99 percent accuracy you are a women who is acting very emotional towards this subject and should honestly self reflect on why this is triggering you so much

Just use to your advantage, read up about it study it and use it to your advantage it's all bullshit but it helps you predict what bitches think about you and you'll be one step ahead of them thanks to this.

And if you're lucky enough to be born in november you have it really easy just remain silent, which is what women are attracted to anyway the mysterious silent confident guy and act alittle deep and brooding throw in a casual a line in the feels of what's life mean if you can't dream, since thanks to this astrology bullshit your reputation precceds you, the amount of pussy I've gotten after the women found out I'm scorpio and I played along alittle bit to fit into the mold is hillarious.

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psychics are real. and inate talent. some are just good.

same with astrology, some can read better.

psychics are real. its a inate talent and some are just good at reading through a medium like cards.

same with astrology, the planets in your birth chart can have influence. why do you think the based religions focus on the planets?

Because women don't think logically. They have the critical thinking skills of a male child.

Because black magic is still taboo which is what men would be more interested in. Women try to do love potions and feel good astrology, and this PC world is all about that feel good holdng hands shit. Also women won't seem as "crazy" if they try to say some gay protection spell for you when you feel down whereas men would be considered insane if they attempt and a murderer if the just so happened to succeed on fireballing a mother fucker from a distance simply by speaking words.

Also the only men that would be interested in casting protection and love spells are faggots.

I mean if you think giving a general advice is eerie cause it's correct you are nearly to fully vegetable state. It's like predicting heart disease in an American, due to the rampant amount of cases in America you have little chance of being wrong; eerie? No. Also astrology relying on stars and planetary alignment is the most retarded thing I've ever heard, stars change position as well as, though generally the same, orbits of the planets change slightly since our solar system, galaxy, and our fucking universe is moving. The stars that were used to get these "signs" and predictions have changed position some expelled fuel etc; to buy into saying some mystical space force determines ones fate is some of the dumbest shit I've heard.

You're not wrong. My post was simply saying that women don't look into the deeper insights these things have, instead they focus on what will bring them their 6 figure salary, 6 ft tall, and 6 inch dick megachad.

>/our mystic/ should self reflect on being triggered
Be nice, she just wants to believe she'll marry a great man.

>meanwhile the rate of information loss between replications of dna is greater then the rate of benefficial mutations so natural selection is still a theory.
I see where you're lost, but you know just enough to get you there- but not enough to get out of your quandary.

>no capitalization

Is it really that hard?

>There is also the charlatanism associated with post-New Age "magic" that women get a kick out of.
Women like being told what reality is- and they know it's probably bs, but they also want to believe taht life is better than it is.

That's for idiots so it makes sense. Source on them being most interested in physics? I work in the science industry and out of the big 3 I would say biology is more of women's thing.

>The infantile mind seeks infantile explanations?
I'll add that fear of immigration is low IQ. Mystery spawns fear in those unable to discern and assess the mystery. In these same people, the mystery of the afterlife fears them into believing in God.

They'll claim they have an 'instinct' for
safety. But given that 'instinct' is just another false god (Both 'god' and 'instinct' are used as stand-ins for the unknown), the fear they assign to instinct is actually fear caused by inability to understand mysteries.

Don't worry, we've done the thinking- immigration is great!

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>biology is more of a woman's thing
What about the sciences of sociology and economics?

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>hard sciences vs made-up fantasy bullshit

i mean like this shit not horoscopes

oh yeah.

but if you want quality, youll have to find a decent medium through trial and error. they are out there.

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Those are not sciences, they're humanities. Sociology is mainly female and is about as useful as astrology, at least modern sociology. Economics is mostly male but economists have a track record of being wrong a majority of the time.

>and they know it's probably bs
I wouldn't be too optimistic.
A lot of "hard science" is made-up bullshit, too.
The best medium is yourself.

Umm, Sociology is the study of society!
It's like chemistry, except the atoms are people.
Infact, you have to have a really high IQ to understand sociology.

Women aren't interested in physics nor astronomy. Some are interested in the status they think pretending to be will bring them because it's a hot topic at the moment.

Hey let's rangeban Canada

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How does a doe live that long while non-camoflauged? Is this a sanctuary?

Dunno, but it's one cool albino.

Because they like justifying why they want to cheat on their man and / or fuck random dudes.

>women like justifying cheating
Did you know that monogamy is harder on women than on men?...doesn't seem fair.
This season, give your woman a 'hall pass,' she'll return with a present!

How absolutely dare you, delete this!

Liberals are usually smarter, bruh. Conservacuck fags are usually old as hell pig skins OR are spoiled 1% pig skined incel kids who are bored and drunk too often.

I always wondered why seems so masculine.

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>Get out of your basement and talk to real women. They may have other qualities than men, but they aren't stupid
t. roastie