Is Asperger syndrome real or an invention of unemployed psychologists?

People used to say “Johnny is just shy, but he is smart and a hard worker and handsome”. Now they say “Oh poor Johnny doesn’t use Tinder or sleep around, but he’s smarf and nice, definitely he has Aspergers - better get him on medication.”

Why did we let this shit happen? Next they will diagnose right-wingers with a made-up “disease”.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They give people with aspergers medicine? I have aspergers, take no medicine and I live off NEETbux

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There are different types I think.

A lot of famous inventors/scientists were autism because they would obsess over certain things and ideas until they got breakthroughs.
Isaac Newton, basically the patron saint of autism, invented calculus at the rate university students learn it.

It's an excuse to push prescription drugs

>I have aspergers, take no medicine and I live off NEETbux
Good for you loser. Have Mom make you a Hotpocket.

aspergers definitely exists but its probably just a part of a persons personality, most people here have it
also your picture isnt a girl with aspergers shes just a normal autist

Which prescription drugs, I have never heard about people with aspergers taking medicine outside of this site.

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Hotpockets are gross and I can cook for myself.

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Stop obsessing.

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Isn't that more for ADHD though?



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It doesn’t matter. Psychologists want repeat business. The best way to get repeat business is prescribing hard drugs. This way people get so fucked up, they come back for more drugs and “treatment”.

Interesting, well I'm just glad I don't have to take medicine for my aspergers, I even get to own guns

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A. Asperger’s syndrome is a made up “disease”, it doesn’t exist
B. Statistically, 50% of kids and adolescents “diagnosed” with Aspergers in the US are prescribed one or more drugs, mostly antidepressants and other shit.

You don’t know what your country does to your people, do you?

It’s just an excuse for being a retard

the entirety field of psychology is pseudscience. everything from MBTI to mental illnesses to the IQ metric. all made up bullshit.

This thread again.
I'll say it one more time, if I see this bitch, I will cook and eat that fucking dog.

That’s one violent leaf, well done Justin.

Have it, take no drugs. I use it to make me a better worker as long as nobody gets too close to me. Supervisors know this about me and warn others. I actually make more because of this now.

Will you cook it before or after you rape it?

Alright who was it that let Achmed on the computer again.

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Quintessential canadian

>Shouted at
>Couldn't hold back and snapped
Maybe Aspergers people are just the type of people who snap easily, but repress any outlet into healthily expressing their feelings, so end up needing assistance dogs since people with Aspergers generally follow the crowd and you could consider possibly the majority of the human population has Asperger syndrome by that definition of their condition.

Bitches just can't hold themselves back.

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Congrats, you're what they call high-functioning

probably the lower echelon of asperger society, no intelligent aspie would take meds, the unintelligent cant handle the supreme amount of intellect you gain from being an aspie and turn to drugs, prescribed or not

Weed. Most of us likes weed.

>posts anime
>is autistic

>no one can just be smart, they gotta have the tisms or a mental disorder

This is why I hate revision history so damb much. Comparing great minds and inventors to a disorder that causes people to beat on themselves and throw their own shit.

autism is different from aspergers syndrome and most intelligent people have mental problems its just how genetics work
anime is a superior form of entertainment compared to western television

Can confirm and makes me wonder if cannabis affects us differently than those without it.

I said, quote.
>"A lot of famous inventors/scientists"
>"All of famous inventors/scientists"

How do you meet Aspie girls?
Has anyone ever meet one?
I heard it touches boys 8 times more than girls

Donno how it affects you but for me it gives me an inner calm and makes my stress go away.

Theoretically they should exist, but I have never met one.

Aspie girls are not that common but adhd chicks are common.

higher I am the more productive I am passed being absolutely monged tf out on some heavy amber trich goodness

Real and a nightmare. Educate yourself about the many peer-reviewed studies that point to genetic factors, the positive traits of autism that cannot be explained any other way, etc, etc.

Hating on the handicapped is for weak minds.

It depends on the strain, but largely the same. Takes away anxiety, stress, pain, and helps loosen up muscles. Since you mentioned the symptoms you did, should you come across it, you gotta try Blackberry m8. Zen the strain, I shit you not.

shut up and deliver my pizza

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My sisters husband has Aspergus and he is the weirdest person iv ever known. He is ok to be around for a day or 2, but then its like this other personality emerges.

Most people think he is evil and avoid him. He also doesn't seem able to answer questions, he just talks in circles like a politician.

Yeah, there are loads of them.

Odd, I really dislike weed. I prefer amphetamines (since I'm prescribed them) but when I take them I chillax while other people get super hyper.

I'm pretty sure every single German has some type of autism. Like every single one of you

>prefers amphetamines
Try a sativa dominant or pure sativa if that's available in straya.

Sweden is hash country. We mostly smokes hash here and i think that works well enough. I stay away from weed in general because it's often shit and full of seeds.

>We mostly smoke Hash in Sweden.

That's because you are an Islamic country now. The Arabs love their Hash.

Oh, that's right I forgot. Fair enough m8. Can't say I blame you under those conditions.

Women, like niggers, are not intellectually complex enough to develop Asperger's.
Just like there are no schizo hamsters.

Same with me user. I’m Aspergers and smoke weed daily for similar reasons, it also help me focus too.

>Sweden is hash country.
> it's often shit and full of seeds

There might not be any schizo hamsters, but I'm pretty sure my dog has Alzheimers.

Maybe 'some type of autism' is normal and good.
But late-capitalism demanding we subject our characters to the market is bad.
Anyway we're stuck with it until the jews have properly shit up America and done their business.

It's clearly a mental issue on our part, lets kill ourselves

It's made up, A teacher at my school kept pushing my parents to get me to see a psychiatrist, because I was quiet and wouldn't laugh at her jokes like the rest of the class.

>Why did we let this shit happen? Next they will diagnose right-wingers with a made-up “disease”.

Been tried before.

Aspergers is real, all right. Look at Gary Numan, he's probably the best example. He has a 110% stat in pure Aspergers. Everybody knew there was something kinda "off" about his personality but only once Apsergers got more recognized, did they diagnose him as one.

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No qt3.14 aspi gf
Why even live?

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It isn't made up, but i'm pretty sure it's massively overdiagnozed especially in the USA.
I've seen people who are just psychotic/retarded by the Americans seem to just love calling it autism.

I need an assistance bear.

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No because it's easier to smuggle a couple of bricks of hasch than several bags of weed. No. Most weed in sweden is home grown and since our climate is shit for that stuff people tend to rush it ot screw it up.

The absolute state of Sweden. I don't envy you.

I also want one. I would name him bunny

>doctors say I have ADHD at age 6
>feed me ritalin for 10 years
>have become half a zombie since then
>10 years later, dealing with all kinds of psychological shit cause my brain feels fucked
>tell GP I have my suspicions ritalin may have had a significantly bad long term effect on my developing brain and that the medical community couldn't have known about it at the time because there were no long term studies on the lasting effects of feeding kids that shit. They barely even know the surface of how the brain works even now
>tells me "nah don't worry about it we've been using it for decades it's totally safe"
>[suspicion intensifies]

By saying "a lot" you're still being wrong. Can't get through the day without lying to yourself? There is no proof what so ever that Einstein or Newton or whomever your group therapist in pre-school told you had autism, to preserve your fe-fees.

Hey Joel S., weren't you arrested for murdering that American girl?

Her Instagram is “ehlersdanlosgirl”. Pay her a visit and tell her to stop being such a self-absorbed hypochondriac.

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Correct on both accounts

Eh, bullying the retarded is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's too easy.

be my gf

She cute would date, slightly autistic girls are my fetish

Actually, it was Bill Bryson's book on home life.
Why so bitter?

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Just realized I might have mild Aspergers.

newfag. Did you miss when Jow Forums forced 9gag to stamp every picture posted with a waterstamp?

Imagine having a fucked up doctor
Pump you full of experimental anti psychotics over some make believe bullshit

9gag were not retarded, just naive. Plebbit-tier.

>Isaac Newton, basically the patron saint of autism, invented calculus at the rate university students learn it.

I can only assume you mean Gottfried Leibniz

I don't think you'd want to deal with the girl in the OP, user.

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>Random person shouts at you
Well sir I do believe you are out of line and being ungentlemanly, it behooves you to reconsider your current course of action. I will be dispatching forthwith.

Yeah most people would just tell the person to fuck off and mind their own business. At least I would.

>Is it real?
It's named after the Third Reich doctor that discovered it, you absolute pleb.
It's not some recent invention.

He's /ourguy/ doctor and worked directly with Dr Karl Brandt the overseer of Aktion T4 a.k.a the Euthanisia project that eliminated 300,000 genetically mentally and physically disabled members of the Reich with lethal injection.

I love spergs. Sperging is a special, based way to give a fuck on the society. Digits, coding, repetive hard work, no fap, mgtow, conservative views - this is not good for the industry. You are not a good customer ...

Mmmmmm at the Anime cons i meet a few aspie girls who said there doctors recommended Anime and cosplay as it lets them have a shared obsession with others and obsess over the details of making costumes and socializing with dork people

Side note they sometimes do not know the social boundaries about nudity and are sexual curious with no idea that they should not try some things

Because hes a normie kek.
>he cant obsess over the chekical structure of hydrogebmn for an hour striaght.
Fucking plebs ruining this site.

Dont do amphetamines
>they amplify the aspergers trust me

Are there many autistic girls in anime con? I never met one personally

Been doing them for 15 years now man, if that were true I'd be psychic by now.

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I've read about Aspergers Syndrome and it seems that I have most of the symptoms for this so-called disorder.
I don't think that I'm sick just because I hate engageing in normie shit like social interaction or parting or whatever. I'm fine minding business.

I...didn't even mean to post that.

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Autistic no but Asbugers yes, i met two at the con and a few more in forums for other cons

I have a colleague at work who was Asperger's. It's not that he doesn't like socializing, it's that he fails to act or behave properly in any situation and doesn't seem aware of it. Speaks like a robot, has no humor or sense of sarcasm, and is quite challenging to have in your project.

Had a gf once with a service dog. Shed use the excuse to take him everywhere, as I got to know her, I found out her dog was a rescue that didn't do shit at all. It was badly trained and would do all kinds of annoying shit but shed constantly push that she needed him to whoever she met. Bitch had pcos she wasn't fuckin dying

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ladies and gentlemen the spiritual leader of the alt right

I explained to a neuropsychologist here in the US that I was antisocial, didn't really like people, was a loner, and kept to myself. She diagnosed me as "autistic" within about a day. Autism is the biggest non disorder in the history of modern medicine.

You're partially right. It's an excuse to push CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is very expensive.

I haven't seen one in almost two years.

Assperger’s is fake tier shit for social retards. They just need a good beating instead of being coddled.

aspie is the op that makes a faggy slide thread like this

Is Ritalin safe with alcohol?

At the doctors office

What studies? Nothing in psychiatry is concrete at all.

autism and certain forms of schizophrenia is not based on proper science and is therefore not real

psychology is a pseudoscience