Collapse of Society?

Alright mates, just popped in for a bit of a yarn

Been wondering lately how close society is to collapsing.

Not too keen on the drongos over at the collapse subreddit but been havin a squizz at some of their literature and it's got me a bit shaken.

Genuinely wondering what pol thinks about the topic.

How close is society to collapse?
What do you think will most likely be the cause of the collapse of our society?
Are you doing anything to prepare for the collapse?
How many Jews do I need to suck off to get a spot on the motherships?

Cheers then ya pooftas, have a good one

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Say something in Australian

>Thinks it'll hit SHTF levels
Sorry man, pic related is far more likely.

Nice hatchet though. I got a metal-handle one recently. Felt good chopping up some of the shit in the garden.

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Fuck up cunt

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Fuck off cunt

Fuckin hell. Should I keep stocking up on VB and fleshlights or nah


We're already losing resources at alarming rates and they want to build western technology in third world shitholes that will squander resources at rates unimaginable.

Yeah the collapse is coming, indefinite growth is impossible with the limited resources we have and the suicide missions elite retards seem to be on.

The Pelosi Recession is going to precipitate an avalanche. The shit starts to unwind real soon. Buckle up.

>Should I keep stocking up on VB and fleshlights or nah
Hard liquor will be better trade item.
Fleshlights... Why would you need more than five + your two sex-dolls?

there won't be any motherships

only 100k people will be left, all Jow Forumsacks

>some of their literature and it's got me a bit shaken.

any thread in particular? i need some good doomhope

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Between this and the number of boat people I've been seeing at the local TAB. I'm fucken fuming. Why are Western countries determined to kamikaze themselves

I was just saying to my mate Steveo the other day how fucked Australia is when our minerals dry up and we've got fuck all to offer the rest of the world because we let all this unskilled labour into the place

Fuck oath have to get some Johnnie. Come to my place if shit hits the fan and we'll get shitfaced

Mainly those Monthly update threads they do where fuckwits gasbag about how they're seeing the collapse in their locale. The place is more depressing than titless stripper

>Come to my place if shit hits the fan and we'll get shitfaced
Cheers cunt.
Try and source some billies while you're at it.

>Nice hatchet though.

first thing I thought when a saw op's image was that it was a very British (or even European) setup.

Do you face different challenges down there of the type of things you would need, or is it broadly the same stuff?

Like a hatchet, is that the best thing to be lumping around with?

the narrative we're creating this time is the Fed has acted politically

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>Been wondering lately how close society is to collapsing.
40 years tops until a civil war happens in the west

Well I’m full 1488 and I just right now fucked a nignog
Hence it’s akready collapsed
Also WW2 was when society collapsed you’ve never known it in your life

Get fucked cunt

We'll have a great collapse that you won't even notice up until it had already happend. Then you look around, everything seems to be fucked and you'll keep wondering how the hell you ended up here.

You mean just like after WW2?

Only if we keep supporting the system will the boiling frog scenario happen. Don't buy a fucking thing fromt he govt, live as far away from the ideal the image si talking about. Love yourself and your family, have a lot of kids. Be autonomous, say fuck you to the degrading society. Either that or end your shit because wtf is the point of going on if that is the future. Don't feed the system WHATSOEVER!!

meant to say don't buy anything you don't have to, get to a point where you don't have to be a consumer at all. Don't deal with the govt all either though

Oi mate some cunt left these trakky-dacks in the shitter at maccas, ya think we could trade them for a pair of dingos?

The idea of this diseased place destroying itself gives me a lot of hope and helps me keep going. I hate the idea of bringing kids into this world that will experience this shit but on even worse level. Everything here is so superficial and dead. I hope one day we can reach the gnostic utopia and all be fully living beings on all three levels of living. All here to help eachother progress and love. Everyone thinks like I do but less paranoid and sad. No hierarchy just people in different independent positions with not only themselves but their fellow man in mind at all times. That cannot possibly happen with this society, no matter what political movement you make in any way. Our world is disease ridden and we cannot build off of a cancerous unstable ground. If we want a place that is worth living in we need to start from square one once again. With what and who to avoid in mind this time. Teach your kids about history, if it all comes down it will be in vain if the people around don't have the knowledge needed. Although living a primitive life would be better than this hell

>fuck off we're fu--

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That's because the uninhabited parts are all uninhabitable desert, you "drongo"

t. groggo oi macca