If mass immigration leads to a revolt against the LBGT movement, is it worth it?

I think i'd rather my country overrun with shitskins who hate gays, rather than be overrun by vile fags and freaks like this.

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No, white fags are less of an existential threat than darkies

but they force their deviant agenda onto everyone and spread like a cancer

Yeah whatever Muhammad.

We'd still choose a few faggots compared to sharia controlled nogo zones, trucks of peace and "independent, recently radicalized" bombers.

I used to think like you, but the problem is that its not just a few faggots. Its gonna be a generation of trans/pan/sis/whatever freaks voting and making decisions. I hate immigrants but i'm starting to wonder if they'd be worth it to eradicate the queers. My little cousin has been turned into a freak by the system, and her social media is full of tons of them just like her. It sickens me. It's rather see her stoned by some mussies than exist like she is.

white trannies will get the combat experience and come out hardened warriors while you’re still sitting on Jow Forums lol.
Go ahead. Muslim bigots will be removed and so will you.

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You just sound like an asshole who cant accept her for who she is.

The weak will die. It is natures way.

And nonwhites do basically the same thing. The cure for LGBTQP is religious persecution

people are making them this way. Same thing happened to my sister's friend. Her little brother turned into a disgusting fag because of his school. Once we get enough new blood in this country, these freaks will all be put to the sword. And so will you.

I am one of those “freaks”
I just think it’s stupid you imagine its all a huge conspiracy rather than accept that they were suffering. You don’t actually care about them at all, you’re just selfish and don’t want things to change. That’s why I dislike you.

no, they may be faggots but they're our fags goddammit. foreigners can fuck off
>the irony would be delicious, however

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Fags are no where as bad as immigrate. Fags spread sickness for their generation. Immigrates spread their corrupting genetics passed their lifespan. Faggots > Immigrants.

False dichotomy
And fags are only max 7% of population

nigga its lgbt

Niggerfaggots from outer space?

I pity you, but you should be killed. You're a pawn. You've been created to weaken society. He/she/it freaks like you are a cancer and need to be removed.

How inconsiderate of me.

You must be a genetically impure mutt then.

Post eyes and lips as proof of Euro ancestry.

try 1%

>i'd rather my country overrun with shitskins who hate gays, rather than be overrun by vile fags

you're an absolute cuck
they may be vile fags, but they're my vile fags

Im white - blue eyed, dirty blond. I do get tan in the sun though for what its worth. I live in jew york, and as bad as the shit skins are here, the fags n tranny freaks really are sickening. Maybe thats why i have the opinions that I do.

In a perfect world, we'd be rid of them both, but fags, they're despicable, godless heathens. At least the coloreds have some morals.

>At least the coloreds have some morals.
not yours though
plus, the gays don't reproduce, the migrants pop out babies like rabbits

>plus, the gays don't reproduce
Don's be so naive.
Its called adoption. Then then they brainwash the kid into being a freak no different then them.
Also, you don't have to reproduce when your traits are learned rather than being genetic. They just mind fuck the kids in school into creating a whole new generation of deviant queers.

Pretty much this. It's the same with how you always hear people bring up how the only white people breeding at replacement levels are Christian conservatives, so this means the left is on its way out. But it doesn't matter when they have a stranglehold on schools and media. The marxist won't have kids, instead he will put all his newly found free time and resources into making sure YOUR kids are infected.

im sorry you’re so hateful. I hope someday you’re able to move past that.

When you've been purged, I will move on happily.

Why wait faggot? Secure a visa to the Congo and escape your miserable hospital visitation rights and parade nobodies forcing you to attend. Instead of your children being indoctrinated through facebook memes they can be indoctrinated by a local trying to cure their hiv.


you would be waiting a long time. I think you need to make peace with life and let go of your anger. It will only tear you apart. I’m not saying you have to like or even accept trans people, just calm down.

That's a compelling argument. Especially since you so eloquently laid out your thoughts and ideas.

as very often, FPBP

>I’m not saying you have to like or even accept trans people
Therein lies the problem. Too many fags say i must like and accept them. I'm 'allowed' to be repulsed by someone for all sorts of reasons, but if their gayness disgusts me, i'll be fired from my job or persecuted in other manners. If you heathens didn't push it so fucking hard i wouldn't care. I'll calm down when it over.

It is what it is. just ignore them. As long as you’re not being an asshole I don’t think people would just dog pile you. And if they do find a job where you can be who you are. like do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

>be Jow Forums
>doesn't realize Jews are running schools and trying to confuse kids there
>get confused kids

most lgbt people don't give a damn, but anyone in lgbt parades should be fucking executed. Also non-passing trannies.

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>As long as you’re not being an asshole
To them, disagreeing with them is being an asshole and is worthy of persecution
>And if they do find a job where you can be who you are.
That's called concession. I dont do that.

>I used to think like you
BS. Fags are 1% of population, a week of cleaning. mudslimes are 10-20-30 %. They fuck their cousins (so, you can join them), are rabid pedos, and most of them homos.


>I think i'd rather my country overrun with shitskins who hate gays, rather than be overrun by vile fags and freaks like this.
Congratulations, you've fallen for it.
Why do you think they push this degeneracy so hard? It's because compared to all the tranny and faggot shit, islam actually seems like the lesser of two evils.

>Fags are 1% of population
Yes, but with the help of the jewish media and government, they're clearly out punching their weight class. That 1% is used an implement of destruction for our society. I hate the mudslimes, but im just fed up with the freaks

>That's called concession. I dont do that.
Well I’m sorry but youre gonna have to learn to deal with that yourself. the world doesnt bend to their whims and it doesnt bend to yours.

What planet do you live on? The world is increasingly bending to the whims of these faggots. And me wanting the freedom to be able to voice disapproval without being persecuted doesn't seem outrageous. This is america after all.

Attached: drop-a-Fag.jpg (550x309, 41K)

Shit skins are basically evil hordes of beasts come to destroy everything you retard. an effective state could atrtifically raise the birth rate any time much easier than getting rid of millions of invaders