Why are some Drugs socially acceptable and others Not?

Why is Alcohol, Cigarettes and Caffeine acceptable and Others not? Alcohol is by far more harmful than most illegal drugs, and Cigarettes are more addictive than all of them(Including Heroin).

I think it's because these drugs provide a "mild" experience. Cigarettes and Caffeine give a very weak and sober buzz. Alcohol does the same unless you drink massive amounts which most don't do often. And Historically Alcohol was always consumed in low doses since the average person could not afford to drink 5-10 beers at once. So it has been solidified in the minds of people that Alcohol is a "mild" drug since that's the way it has been consumed by most people for thousands of years.

Weed on the other hand gives you an overwhelming powerful effect from just one hit. So even though it's safer, the experience is anything but mild. It's a very strong mental experience, and people don't like that. Other drugs like Cocaine are like alcohol(You can drink Coca tea and have a mild experience, or snort cocaine and have a powerful one). But since there wasn't that long historical precedence of use among Europeans using low doses(and thus solidifying it as a "mild" drug in the popular consciousness), it was banned quickly.

Attached: Socially_Acceptable.jpg (1300x956, 113K)

Maybe if you're low class scum because that's the only people who smoke. Normal people hate smokers because they're trash.

Alcohol is healthy, cigs are cool and coffee is must.

>Alcohol is Healthy
>Cigs are Cool
Both are more harmful and more addictive than most Illegal drugs.

Attached: drug-harmfulness-scale.png (532x532, 71K)

Nah man if you want to get to our level you at least have to drink as much coffee as we do.

>Why is Alcohol, Cigarettes and Caffeine acceptable and Others not?
Low caliber, easily monetized drugs that people want, then need. Soon weed will be on that list too and in 50 years our kids will all think how crazy it was of use to condemn smoking tobacco but claim cannabis is a cure-all.
All those drugs can be very beneficial and actually promote a healthy lifestyle if we all weren't so fucking degenerate.

>needing coffee
Someone's hates what they do :/


Im a heavy coffee drinker and its not a must in fact it gives you bipolar lite mood swings

but then it also cures my depression, caffeine has numbing effects imo

An alcoholic can die if suddenly he is removed from booze.
I understand though, those are not needs like food, water and shelter. I meant in the sense that when a user is unable to use their "normal" view of life is stripped and can make daily living nearly impossible until steady clean sobriety is reached.

forgot to add. I mean need in the selling point of view. You sell cigarettes to a kid, you know you have a lifelong customer.

kill yourself

so they just start drinking less over time and its safe?

yeah pretty much. alcohol is a tough one where you may need medical assistance when becoming sober. heroin is that on crack, you become dependant on it much faster. things like tobacco and weed may feel terrible and present withdrawal symptoms but are almost never life threating, just pains to deal with for a while.
t. recovering degenerate who has sat in at a lot of meetings listening.

Because they're legal and completely normalized. Caffeine is a physically addictive stimulant but because it's the most widely-used drug in the world people somehow think it "doesn't count" and treat caffeine addiction as a joke. They'll say, "Oh, I can't live without my coffee XD" and they're actually right--they can't. They literally require it every single day to function, and if they were to stop drinking it the withdrawal would knock them on their ass for weeks. Most of them will never quit. The DSM highlights the following criteria as symptoms of “substance dependence”:

>You have developed a tolerance for the substance.
>You continue to use it despite obvious evidence that it is causing harm.
>You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking the substance.
You find it difficult to cut down on the amount you are using.
>Lack of control over the amount you consume.
>Loss of interest in other activities that you once enjoyed.
>Devoting increasing amounts of time to using the substance.
Almost all of those apply to caffeine. Stop being a slave to this drug and you'll find that it's causing all of the problems you take it to fix.

I too very much dislike drug hypocrisy

They enjoy it so much that they need to enjoy it even more

>tfw havent seen sun in two weeks and have started to drink daily

Not sure which comes sooner, srpingtime or alcoholism

>You have developed a tolerance for the substance.
>You continue to use it despite obvious evidence that it is causing harm.
>You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking the substance.
You find it difficult to cut down on the amount you are using.
>Lack of control over the amount you consume.
>Loss of interest in other activities that you once enjoyed.
>Devoting increasing amounts of time to using the substance.

>Almost all of those apply to caffeine.

lol what. ALmost none of those apply to the average coffee consumer

It's common for addicts to get angry when someone points out they have a problem. The first four, arguably five points easily apply to the average regular caffeine user.

Tax money, traditions, population control, but also tax money.