Why is he shilling for Poland?

Is he bought and paid for by Poland?

Attached: polish shill.jpg (195x259, 7K)

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>can pay for anything
poland is the icewall keeping out the white walkers

He probably wants us and our countries to be more like them in not actively committing national suicide.

Poland inviting Molynuex is no different than Israel inviting Pat Robertson.

He is there for one day and already he is like "my first name is Polish, I think I'll have a little cry over it."

Attached: download (28).jpg (259x195, 7K)

Stefan the Leaf is is finally grateful he can afford to eat meat

Attached: $44 kg roast in canada.jpg (936x857, 441K)

Poland is and always has been an Israel in the middle of Europe that cannot survive except through leeching from other countries.

The EU was invented to facilitate Polish leeching from productive countries liek Germany.

Poolan' is stronk

Attached: 186545975001.jpg (675x677, 123K)


Is this guy even Polish?

Attached: 37123192_193384661358687_6927071555914563584_n.jpg (501x506, 47K)

this is what I keep telling people, No he isnt, only polish born people can like and endorse how Poland runs their country. He needs to realize this and start supporting Canadian leaders.

>that cannot survive except through leeching from other countries.
t. Amerimutt

Attached: dna.png (1124x598, 203K)

His first name in spelled in the Polish fashion

Attached: -Even-if-you-are-polish-meme-45683.jpg (600x360, 33K)

nice try, Ahmad Abdullah Muhammad

Attached: 1509924115522.png (400x309, 9K)

Why do invaded whites cope by shitting on slavs and other non invaded whites?


t. Pakistan rape gang

Poland get billions of dollars from the west either as european union contributions and remittances and money foreign soldiers spend in poland.
Poland is flush with money.

Not true, we pay as much as we get back.
Its dumb as fuck really, its just another tax to support big gvt.

because he's a shill.

t. Nonwhite

Suck your neighbor's Jewish dick kraut.


yeah, we all remember how hard he cucked out after the pittsburgh shooting, and he's trying to shore up that wing of his audience again

all he had to say was that jews are disproportionately over-represented in finance, politics, hollywood, diplomacy and journalism.

that doesnt mean the cunt was justified in killing unarmed people in a synagogue, just that not being able to express the FACT of jewish over-representation is psychologically repressive for people that want to live in objective reality