What's the most toxic religion and why is it atheism?

What's the most toxic religion and why is it atheism?

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I think you meant Talmudic Judaism

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Athiesm doesnt even make any sense. The possibility of life itself forming out of thin air into the ideal environment conditions we live in today is less likely to happen than you winning the lottery a million times in a row.

The worst jews are atheist jews.

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>The worst jews are atheist jews.

And the worst atheists are Jewish atheists.

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>why is it atheism
Many people claim atheist, but they just have other issues. Most are hedonists or sociopaths that find any religion a bother to their goals.

Atheism isn't really possible. I don't think man can live without a god. If there is no god then they will just invent one.

>ATheIsM iS A REliGiON
You sound like a 70 year old neocon from the 90s. Atheism is the most logical position to hold when approaching the question of divinity.

>being this autistic

You would be a bong.

Not an argument, kid.

Why are most Christians retarded?

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Utterly retarded

>is such a retard he tells someone they’re autistic when they’re right

Why do you believe that the religion your parents indoctrinated you to believe is the right one? Pretty lucky want it? I guess you don’t have the intelligence to question it though because there are edgy leftwing faggots who wear fedoras right?

Dumb parents are more likely to have dumb kids who will never grow up to think critically about why they are believing in a 2000 year old myth.

>Atheists "logical"
Hates god because he is a edgy faggot who wants to fuck for no reason other than pleasure.
Sin is emotions controlling you and virtues are you controlling emotions

I don't think it's a coincidence that your country is rotting from the inside and your people are being replaced by militant muslims around the same time Christianity is at all time low in GB.

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UK is actually doing pretty good, bud. You're the one with Trump as president.

I don't hate God because that concept doesn't exist.

>Why do you believe that the religion your parents indoctrinated you to believe is the right one?
Well parents have fiduciary that the public and the state do not. Now you just get your values from television and government socialization in the school system. There is even less reason to believe the state and public indoctrination is the right one.

I'd argue Progressivism but it was created by the Jews.

In all seriousness, you don't see the correlation between the general sense of UK identity going away and the decline in Christianity? It really makes a lot of sense.

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No there's even more reason. Public education is designed for the collective good and so it's more objective than "muh mama and papa toldz me dat god done created tha erf in 7 days"

I'd believe this if most atheists didn't proselytize more than a Jehovah's Witness.
>Have you heard the Good News that you worship a non existent Magic Sky Man and Zombie Jesus
>Dude, give it a rest

UK identity will evolve as every identity evolves. It makes no sense to live like people in the 20th century with all the technological advancements we've made. That way of life is redundant.

Yeah but your country is turning brown and converting to Islam.

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Unironically: Judaism. At least of those still in practice, otherwise some fucked up voodoo one or the Canaanite religion. But do any other religions claim only one ethnic group is recognized by God as the only human beings worth salvation and a life-after-death existence? Christians, even Muslims, believe all people can be converted and saved but you have to be born Jewish or you aren't even considered a real human.

>Public education is designed for the collective good
You put your faith in that, and I'll put mine in a manual that has kept people alive for centuries.

i believe in god, but just because the odds of it happening are low doesn’t mean it’s not possible. the creation story is fake and shouldn’t be taken literally.

>Atheism is the most logical position to hold when approaching the question of divinity.
Considering both the absence of evidence and the irrefutability of the possibility of the existence of a god or gods or creators the only logical position to take is agnosticism.

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>converting to Islam
Nope, barely anyone is. I assume you mean more muslims from immigration? Secularism will prevail.
>turning brown
Oh no! A different shade of colour! Whatever shall we do?!

>hurrr one race the human race

Typical atheist. Thanks for proving me right!

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he’s right though, browning doesnf matter if you yourself have a white wife and white kids.

how is not having a fantasy, not thinking about it or wasting time on the meaningless equate to a religion? The religion of more time to live life?

So I assume you're also agnostic to the existence of purple unicorns that puke rainbows? You can't disprove they don't exist 100%! Give me a break, bud.

>Secularism will prevail.
What if it doesn't? What if the have more babies and they take over England where is your secularism gonna go then?

Judaism (Satanism), but atheism comes in close second

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Ran out of arguments so quickly? Doesn't surprise me when you guide your life with a book of lies.

>Oh no! A different shade of colour! Whatever shall we do?!
cringe and blue pilled

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Why do you answer your own questions?

The universe is a big place and there is a possibility that there are other universes we cannot observe. With this in mind there is certainly a possibility that somewhere, at some time, there are or were or will be purple unicorns that puke rainbows.

Atheism isn't a religion
Fuck off back to tumblr.

>what if, what if, what if
With the technological advancements coming our way, it will become increasingly unjustifiable to live religious lifestyles. Also, have you seen "muslims" living in the west? A large chunk of them aren't even practicing, they'll have kids who will be even less muslim, and so on and so forth.

>So I assume you're also agnostic to the existence of purple unicorns that puke rainbows?
But their is written eye witness account to the existence to god. There isn't written evidence of purple unicorns that puke rainbows. Actual written testimony tips the scale toward belief away from nonbelief.

Evolution doesn't work like that. That's Marvel comics, "people get better, just because" evolution. We aren't any more intelligent than we were 15,000 years ago when we were Hunter gathering nomadic tribes. In fact those people probably had more practical survival skills and native intelligence than we do. We think we're smarter because we stand on the shoulders of millions who went before and unravelled the workings of the natural world. And you feel a sense of smuggling superiority because you have ready access the the fruits of that hard won knowledge. Here's the secret. We're all still running on the same basic program that our Mammoth hunting ancestors had. It hasn't been updated. What changed is some time 10,000 years ago in Göbekli, Turkey, someone invented a new technology. And that technology bwas civilization. It used the tribal instincts of humans to knit tribes together that shouldn't coexist into larger super tribes. And the key to that was religion. Religion is the fuel that runs the engine of society. Society can't run without it. A religion needs a few things to work. A fairly simple ideology that can be understood by everyone, a simple and instantly recognized symbol, and a two or three color combination. Every wonder why adamant sports fans seem almost like religious fanatics. It's because they are. Soviet Communism understood this and became an atheistic religion. So, go ahead and tear down Christianity if you want. But understand you're ripping out the foundation of Western Civilization, and Islam is waiting to rush in to fill the void. And they WON'T tolerate you. They'll murder you, because they won't let you tear down the foundation of their civilization.

>and why is it atheism
which denomination?

>written eye witness testimony
And isn't it quite curious that in this digital age, with all the hundreds of millions of cameras available, that no one has recorded an encounter on video? Oh, but I'm sure for some arbitrary reason or another, God just chose not to reveal himself to the human race in front of camera because *insert mental gymnastics here*!

I was given a Yamaka tonight but apparently it's called a Kippah, for a Shiva (a Memorial). When I was wearing the Kippah all the Menshes were so nice to me (I'm mostly Italian but could pass for a Jew, looks wise). Planning to infiltrate Judaism mostly for the pastries but also looking to start a Shoah from within after learning their tactics. If we learn Judism we can out jew the jew. The best religion is the one that can be controlled.

>it'll work itself out


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>With the technological advancements coming our way, it will become increasingly unjustifiable to live religious lifestyles.
many societies have failed while making technological advancements. Technology alone will not save you.
>Also, have you seen "muslims" living in the west? A large chunk of them aren't even practicing,
They aren't until there are enough of them to force their religious hegemony on each other the way leftist whites use their racial hegemony on other whites.
>they'll have kids who will be even less muslim, and so on and so forth.
Your globalist programming has made you numb to the tragedy in this.

Because atheist act like they don't care about God or religion but spend all day thinking about God and religions

Adam Carrolla said that as an Italian, most Jews in the writing room on Sienfield assumed he was Jewish.

>Atheism is the most logical position to hold when approaching the question of divinity


Yes, religion is so necessary that, the minute the west starts to slide away from religious principles, we achieve a string of technological feats in a short period of time. Religion has held humanity back and stifled progress for so very long, that it is now time to consign it to the history books.

20% is the point of critical mass for Islam. In Islam it is allowed to be "non practicing" when their numbers are low. When the Muslim population reaches 20% in a region, things change very quickly.

There isn't any digital evidence that the Hittites exist in the current world, but there is written and physical evidence of their existence. Just because something isn't happening now doesn't mean that it never happened. That was a very weak argument.

[citation needed]

God they sound like MGTOWs.

>atheists are one person who only sits and thinks of religion

you have to be over 18 to post here

It's not so hard. All you really need is a self-replicating molecule, from there it's off to the races.

Lipid bilayers form naturally in many different environments, the atoms line up automatically due to their polarity. This happens in a lot of environments, such as hotspring wells. And DNA is actually a fairly simple molecule that is stable and assembles automatically. This would take a long time to happen by random chance, but the oceans are vast (10^48 water molecules) which are all bumping, mixing and combining over the course of billions of years. It's not hard to imagine how a small segment of DNA could be produced randomly after such a timespan. There are many environments which are known to generate ribonucleic acids naturally, so it might not even be such a long wait.

Once you have a cell with the ability to divide, that's really all you need. It divides until it fills it's environment, accumulates mutations, and then branches out into more environments and grows from there.

It's not impossible, in fact it's probable. And like I said, once you have a single simple cell, it's off to the races, evolution takes it from there

Yes and if Hittites existed today I would demand photographic/video evidence to confirm their existence. You are claiming God currently exists, and therefore it is not unreasonable to demand evidence other than "muh written testimony!"

That's why the Native Americans were flying in spaceships and building skyscrappers when the Europeans arrived.

Plus the assumption that a higher intelligence's motivations and reasoning would be comprehensible to a human being.

You do realize the church supported science, right? Galileo Galilei wasn't persecuted for his heliocentric veiw of the solar system. He was persecuted for calling Pope a moron in a book he wrote. The fundies you rail against are less than two centuries old and were a direct reaction to rapid scientific advancement. But sure, go ahead and tear the foundation out from under the building. I'm sure everything will be fine. After all, your self gratification and sense of self worth are far more important than the society as a whole.

The argument was written records do exists so the argument of no god is not as strong as the argument for a god.

All religion is toxic - including atheism. So is every political ideology. Why would you conform your beliefs under a collective terminology? What are you, a fucking NPC?


The only problem with this is without it we go back to living in tribes. If you think this is a good idea, look at Africa.

Add to that, the rohingya in Myanmar.

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Just to note that the reason we don't live in tribes now is because the catholic church instituted degrees of consanguinity in 506 AD. They were trying to increase their power, but the result was the development of higher trust societies.

We have benefited greatly from Christianity, not every religion had the good sense to make its extreme outliers celibate. Even still, the "religious", of every race, have more children.

It does not matter that atheism is, as far as it is possible to determine, correct; religion is largely inherited, the religious are more biologically successful, and atheists generally do not persecute the religious so the religious are free to benefit from atheist culture in ways that atheists cannot benefit from religious.

The birth rates show that it is us who may well be consigned to the history books. Be careful; optimism and naivety are far closer than ever before.

Japan doesn't have any Christianity

they are a technological society with the world's lowest murder rate and a super high rate of innovation. Crime is almost nonexistent.

They're also literal insect people that have little to no empathy for one another. I don't think it's a fair comparison.

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Atheism isn't a religion, it's a complete lack of it.

Jow Forums IQ meme really is true.

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It’s islam tho

They have 1/3 of your murder rate, so I guess they have better empathy than you people

They've done experiments where they leave coins out in the open in Japan, and when they come back the next day there are more coins than before

I'll agree with this. For the average person this is not only true but essential. If you are trying to get to a higher religious/political viewpoint however I'd recommend breaking with the conformism. I overdid it with the "toxic" shit - coming in hot from another board. My apologies.

And they got that way by being occupied, influenced, and supported by the US, a predominately Christian nation, after WW2 so...

Talmud Jew is most toxic

Right, I get that. I admit to being agnostic, at best, myself. But after getting past my edgy youth, I came to believe religion, Christianity in particular, has been more a positive than negative force. Most people are shitty. If they believe there is some divine retribution for being shitty, it makes for a better society. The Fedora tippers are pissed that society wants them to be less shitty, and so they attack the hypocrisy of the system limiting them. More intelligent atheists see the hypocrisy inherit in religion without recognising that hypocrisy will be present in any system humans are involved in. Because at the end of the day, we're just really smart apes with deeply instinctive responses to our environment.

I was being glib about Christianity, not making a wider point. For Japan; they certainly didn't make the leap to an advanced society themselves, they saw or were forced to see the benefits and adapted. They are also often only procedurally religious, very few believe the rituals they perform are truly supernatural. That said, I do not mean to cast them in a bad light, their older cultural works have been able to move me in quite unexpected ways.

They also cook their food alive, boil living dogs, harvest the bile from still living bears for medicinal purposes. They literally believe the more pain an animal is in before it's killed enhances the flavor. They're fucking savages.

you think they weren't like that before the US occupation? how do you know?

>its not so hard
>all you need is a incredibly randomly places form of life that came from nowhere
Yeah not a single flaw in that statement buddy...

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maybe you're thinking of the Chinese?

Jewish atheism and its not even close.

They are a deeply spiritual and traditional society. They are also a homogeneous population with a high degree of xenophobia. And they didn't really adopt industrial technology until it was forced on them.

If this were true, you simply wouldn't believe. There wouldn't be a concerted campaign bto destroy the competing religion.

Mate, they had such superior industry they totally wiped the floor with all their Asian neighbors. They completely steamrolled China with little effort

most toxic religion is Freemasonry and Talmud Jewry.

inb4 Freemasonry’s not a religion

You're a brainlet if you don't know the Japanese do exactly what user described.

If you look at the birth rates it makes sense; when you don't reproduce, you need to recruit.


It's all good. I said in another post that I'm agnostic. But I still say religion is the fuel that keeps the engine of society running. Strong Nationalism can substitute, but you have to have an overriding ideology and identify that supercedes local tribal difference and ties otherwise disparate groups together.

Most atheists simply don't believe. There's a vocal minority (go figure) who tries to shove their lack-of-belief down everyone's throats. They ruin it for everyone else.

Commodore Mathew Perry forced, at point of gun, the Japanese to begin trade with the world in 1853. At that time they were a Feudal society. At that point they began embracing industrialization with fervor

but god is a lifeform that must have formed out of thin air into the ideal environment conditions to let him do whatever the fuck he wants

Yeah, after 1853. Before that they were an isolationist Feudal society whose most advanced weapons were matchlok arquebusses. But once they embraced industrialization,they did it with gusto. By the beginning not the 20th Century they had gone from a provincial backwater to one of the most militarily powerful Nations on the planet.

Yes, exactly.