How come Americans boast about their military might and power yet have never truly been in a REAL war?

How come Americans boast about their military might and power yet have never truly been in a REAL war?

Chink Farmers and Sandniggers are barely cognative people yet they struggled against both, how would they fare against something like the 3rd Reich or the Napoleonic Wars?

Long story short, is America all bark and no bite?

Why be so proud despite never fighting a true war?

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Who are you??? Where are you from??

We didn't really go into the middle east to fight and win wars then leave. Theres reasons why we're there. Being there gives the US and our (((allies))) some leverage and benefits on the world stage.

Something like that idk all the details. Id assume it was similar in asia and latin america

America is good at bombing the hell out of places and taking over land. America is absolutely terrible at occupying and keeping said land.

The greatest empire in history, BRITAIN

So the fight in the middle east has been a (((guise))) this whole time? Even 20 years ago?

That sucks man, someone really needs to do something about Israel

>be most massive empire on Earth
>get your asses kicked back across the Atlantic
>Colonies enter a federation and become better than you could ever be with your faggot island and faltering empire
>Still mad 200+ years later

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Where is that and what good do you do the culture language so on and so forth.

Uhh my part of the country was willing to sacrifice about 10% of our white population and every major city destroyed for our independence.

>Long story short, is America all bark and no bite?
They are nuked Japan, defeated Spain, ruled British empire, and wrecked Mexico, and ruined Iraq in first first war.
USA was in real wars.

Are you even serious you fucking bong? We already kicked your ass a couple times, and saved your ass more than once. Fuck off you cunt.

>ruled British empire
Yes indeed at least in 2001. But maybe I am wrong.

>have never been in a real war

Ww1 ww2, Korea, the civil war

The 1st gulf war the USA defeated the 4th largest standing army in 36 hours

What the fuck are you on about ?

Are you from the past where people still fight in line formation? Style of fighting has changed where it is now subjective to know when a country has won. In your time, the winner was determined by number of dead, retreat, or killing the king.

>tfw no worthy opponents left on planet Earth

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you're speaking their language you retarded mutt. all civilized world is

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America is the perfect Jewish experiment

An army of rootless people, none of which does the nation belong to any particular race or group. They are perfectly interchangeable cogs with no hope of ever obtaining higher platitudes. They're nothing more than disposable human meat shields for their Jewish overlords - a permanent underclass of gentiles.

America is the scum of the earth and I can't wait to leave.

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>America has never fought a real war
what defines a "real war"? your opinion? and what makes you think your opinion matters? you've probably never served in a military, held a gun, or read any books on military history, strategy, or thought

>We didn't really go into the middle east to fight and win wars then leave.

The last time the US declared war the entire nation was mobilized. In recent history we have been asked to go to shopping malls and spend money. OP confuses the superiority of our geography with the unwillingness to do what it takes to win brought on by the stupidity of neoconservative foreign policy.

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Dude fucking relax America has only exsisted as a state for 240 years

It will take a long toke for ethnicities to settle, we are still in our development phase

I should add

Considering that the nation does not belong to any one particular group or race (outside of Jews), each person's contribution to it is effectively nullified after his lifetime ends, as at any given time their children or grandchildren can be vilified or ethnically replaced by another group. In essence, the good goy army fights for nothing but an immediate ration so that he can survive to fight tomorrow. Once his utility as an able bodied meat shield is at an end, he is discarded with minimal healthcare and the inability to afford his medical expenses as he reaches further into old age, working his minimum wage job until the day he dies.

The American "dream"

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We had ethnicities settled, and now they are being replaced by third worlders.

You are spouting the exact lie and propaganda I am referring to.

Go fuck yourself.

>how would they fare against something like the 3rd Reich

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That's right Goy, preach fratricidal war.

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>The 1st gulf war the USA defeated the 4th largest standing army in 36 hours

To be fair, Saddam's Army had already been bled white from eight years of fighting Iran.

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You understanding of time is limited.

>It will take a long time for ethnicities to settle

The population goes from 90% White in 1965 to less than 50% by 2050. That's less than 100 years. KYS.

I mean, it's not like they can't fight. They just tend to throw money and bodies at an issue rather than IQ & skill

1776 will commence again if you keep talking shit britbong

>how would they fare against something like the 3rd Reich
I'd say we'd win. just a hunch

By your idiotic definition, who has fought a "real" war since we haven't had a full-scale conventional ground conflict since WW2 because of, you know, nukes, which we invented first.
Go suck a muslim cock, britbong faggot. Your army is a joke recruiting trannies and millennials. It's gotten almost as pathetic and insulting as your police force. I wouldn't have time to make these retarded bait threads lying about my superior ally when my own country was taking it up the ass like yours.

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*Had eight years of conflict during which to hone a perfect their art of war, still failed miserably.

>How come Americans boast about their military might and power yet have never truly been in a REAL war?
No one wants to face us in a real war after the Battle of 73 Easting.

We have always had a positive k/d in every war iirc. Still we need to listen to our true greatest allies advisors more often. Throwing money at shit is definitely the american go to though.

You can arguably look at it like this. Yes your military will be strained if it's in a constant state of war, but it will also gain massive experience and hone it's tactics, producing lots of combat veterans and battle-tested units.
Our dumbass occupation of Iraq wasn't a war after the invasion. It did teach us a lot, but mostly just strained everyone to the breaking point and blew up soldiers at random. This always happens to armies that occupy a hostile territory for a prolonged period.

>struggled against both
Go look at the causalty numbers for Korea and Vietnam

we killed so many God damn gooks during the Tet offensive it took them 2 years to recover.

If we didn't insist on fighting with our hands tied behind our back and just nailed to the wall anybody that didn't enthusiastically suckle the dicktip of the gringo imperium, we could subjugate all these little bitches. People win wars against us and it destroys their country. We lose those same wars and nobody here actually even notices. It's ten articles down the page from Kardashian eyebrows.

>Had eight years of conflict during which to hone a perfect their art of war

Except Iran was a war of attrition, it didn't improve Iraq's combat potential, it ruined it. Many of Iraq's best and brightest pilots, tankers, and infantry officers in 1979, were already dead by 1990. The force that was left was unmotivated and poorly led by officers that feared Saddam more than they did the Americans.

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Mark it zero or you're entering a world of pain...

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Point. The fuckers were at war for a decade so this makes sense if true. It's still a work of art how the US smashed the Iraqi air defense network in 72 hours. Also the first deployment of stealth aircraft to do so.

I'll bet you're really fun at parties

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>We have always had a positive k/d in every war iirc
I mean, so have we but that doesn't mean we won Vietnam or anything. Obviously throwing money works but a lot is unnecessary waste. When I said "throw bodies" I just mean sheer brute force not a body count. It clearly works but you could save a lot by focusing on individual skill. We've done that basically the whole time and have only lost
102,868 in total since 1860. Obviously we have a smaller military so a smaller body count, but a lot of it falls on the skill we have which boils down to our culture.

You're embarrassing yourself and by extension, embarrassing me. Stop.

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>yet have never truly been in a REAL war?
Listen to me very carefully. If a country would be so stupid as to come here with 3 million active military, 30 million vets, 300 MILLION guns. "hey billybob, there's one over there sneaking up the hill" BOOM "holy fuck head shot!!!"

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Last I checked we drop nukes on faggots

Last I checked we drop nukes on faggots and no one can stop us

I was mainly talking about the first gulf war, and they'd had enough time to regroup and implement lessons learned from the iran-iraq war that they thought their forces were good to go around fucking with their other nieghbors, which even if the whole rest of the world ignored it might have still got them into a tangle with the Saudis. Signs point to their army being as good as they reasonably expected it to achieve. They weren't bled dry, they were just an army of retarded conscript sand niggers that were running secondhand Soviet cargo cult tactics in shitty Soviet monkey model export equipment with a garbage Arab command structure. And the soviets that developed the tactics they attempted to ape also hadn't been in a "real war" since they raped their way through Berlin.

But that would mean they are a practicing army who never perfected their tactics

You're falling for a bait divide & conquer thread.

America has no culture, we had the greatest Empire, you have Burger King

You never kicked our "ass", it was British against British.

anglos don't exist in America anymore, maybe 1-2% is Anglo saxon in US now

I know we're on Jow Forums and supposed to hate eacother but man, I feel like the American spirit and might has suppressed itself due to (((influences)))

I think if Ameriburgers re-discovered their British roots and ambition they would truly break free

hi jew, get out of the UK

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The sun never used to set on the British empire, now the crescent moon hangs over it lol

>How come Americans boast about their military might and power yet have never truly been in a REAL war?
They have been. They got BTFO by us

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Hello you can't bomb a country and then go back and rebuild it. We could bomb and leave them but then all liberal Europe would flip out.

You can’t even get brexit right, yet talk about Americans “being all bark and no bite”?

Fuck off you snaggletoothed monstrosity.

Nice education you received there, moron. You've never heard of World War 1, World War 2?

should have used an aus proxy for maximun effect

Yet they still chose to use this force to initiate conflict. Being shitty and dumb in the last war isn't an excuse for being shitty and dumb in the next, it's just a continuation of the same pattern of shitty dumbness. Who the fuck gets bogged down in theater-wide trench warfare while the rest of the world is enjoying Miami Vice? Retarded Arabs and Persians, that's who.

>never been in a real war
Are you paki's that fucking retarded? We've been in a near constant state of war since the turn of the 20th century.

Please do the rest of Washington now. Also Boston, New York, Chicago, Detroit, and the whole west coast too.

Ausfag please, lol. I see what you're saying, but give me a break it's just a bunch of anecdotal shit. There's a huge variety in training quality between regular line units, large infantry units, and smaller more specialized forces including special operations units. You have zero evidence that either your line units or your SF are "better trained" or have more skills than ours. You guys got BTFO by Emu's so please nigger.

Delta Force and DEVGRU are the baddest motherfuckers alive next to the UK's and your SAS, but I've seen no example of some impressive display of personal skill that's been worth mentioning from Australian soldiers. Combat experience counts for a lot, and America is constantly involved in all kinds of bullshit, far more than Australia, which also accounts for our higher casualties which are inevitable regardless of individual soldier skill.

america has been at war almost continuously since it's foundation. in fact to call america anything other than a militaristic expansionist state is just plain dishonest.

Saddam asked the US if he could invade the Kuwait and April Glaspie gave him the green light. It was a bait and switch to cripple Iraq of Israels behalf.

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Go back to Pakistan.

Hahaha the old
>America has no culture
meme! Tell me, are you an esteemed professor at one of our institutions for higher education??

If we have no culture then how come the entire world imports and romanticizes our culture and has for decades? Frontiersman, liberty, industry, cowboys, an eternal shit load of legendary music, movies, artwork, modern popular culture that's spread across the entire world backed by industries that are so powerful they rival governments in their influence. Oh also the internet, space travel, uh let me think of some more things I appreciate about "American culture..." World of Warcraft lol.

Please tell me about British culture of drinking tea, having shitty teeth, and making bad comedy television shows.

Fucking savage.

they fought us and lost

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Rambo, superheroes, jazz, monopoly, muscle cars, motorcycle gangs, Star Wars, Moonshine,
sheeit nigga I could go on for awhile.
The liberals only tell kids we have no culture to indoctrinate them to hate America. That is the literal truth.

Real Class:
Nathanael Greene
Marquis de Lafayette
Ethan Allen
John Paul Jones
Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben

We fucks you up slimey limey.

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That was an unarmed spy ship and you were supposed to be our allies you fucking kike.

How dare you! We fight for Israel!

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fuck off
you were weak and you paid for it , 34 enemy sailors claimed for greater israel .
so pathetic even your president called off the fighter jets that were taking off to defend the ship because he feared israel and wanted to capitulate immediately . he even threatened the surviving sailors because of the shame of being BTFO so hard.

death to ameirca

Stay cocky you retarded faggot. I hope we find out what will happen if/when Americans finally turn on you.

They were fools to trust our government. We don't even do that, and we elected them.

we openly killed your pathetic sailors and yet you send us billions yearly and your every president is first approved by the israeli cabinet before he can get into office . your every congressman has to suck AIPAC's cock and go on a trip here where he's told what his job is before he can advance politically .

we own you , there's nothing you can ever do about it .

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Hitler did nothing wrong.

You will be quiet when we you and your greedy race gets gassed you jewish rat

>never been in a real war
Retarded brit, youd be speaking german right now if it wasnt for the US

are you sure about that ?

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Hahahaha look at this Jew. What's it like to be part of the most hated rat-faced parasitic race on Earth? We could annihilate you at the drop of a hat, or simply step aside and let others do the work for us. You owe your entire existence to western civilization and the USA, so please keep pretending that you're the big badass lol.

If we stopped protecting you, you child-raping faggots would be wiped out within a month. Don't be so disrespectful, kike.

we own both usa and most western countries . we can tell the leadership to do our bidding whenever we wish .
you will probably be drafted and die fighting for us

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Not to mention we’ve gradually replaced the military masculine approach with tolerance and diversity, our military has regressed, while chine and Russia continue to put men into combat roles and ban females and gays from special forces. We are fucked if Russia invaded us because our military is absolute shit now.

Nah we kill Muslims because they're psychotic and hate us, it has little to do with you outside of conspiracy theories. You're a tertiary thorn in the side of the world that we protect out of deeply ingrained (and misplaced) Christian obligation.
You're just a little punk bitch that exists because the US and west gave you the weapons to protect yourselves with. You're probably a literal faggot which is why you have to larp and sperg so hard hahahahaha. It's a good thing you have so many memes to rely on!

Yeah because we have drafts all the time. You'll most likely never serve your country because you're a fat and useless weak homosexual coward.

funny that you think that's the reason muslims attack you .

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the faster you accept that we own you the better things will be for you

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90% of the US military budget is just money laundering and welfare programs.

i wonder who they're laundering money for

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Your days are numbered, Chaim, I can assure you of that.

dont worry , we will condition you to obedience soon

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You realize all that is just a meme right? The USA and her allies own YOU. You are our little pawn in the middle east. Only reason we keep you around

im happy that you think that, keep telling yourself that .

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Lol you're a dumbass. Russia would get wiped by us in a month even with our "down sized" military. Remind me again how many aircraft carriers Russia has?

People just feel sorry for you kikes.

if goyim had consciousness i'd feel sorry for you .

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>no culture
Our least cultured group has became the dominant western culture.

>the largest conflict in human history wasn't a REAL war
You're still butthurt because the nips kicked your asses in Singapore, aren't you?

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>how would they fare against something like the 3rd Reich
We literally kicked their asses

Based Ruskie

Dont worry one of these days you'll get whats coming to you