Redpill me on National Syndicalism? Does it work? Is it a viable ideology?

Redpill me on National Syndicalism? Does it work? Is it a viable ideology?

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I don't know anything about National Syndicalism, but I know about National Socialism and how fucking based it is.

basically communism

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Well its my country Falange (primo de rivera)
In my opinion its more revolutionary than fascism or natsoc, that was just reactionary.
They belive in some kind of nation wide syndicate, focus on the working class, but very conservative and catholic.

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It's nothing but a meme. Not viable, and will never be.

Idk but according to a hoi4 mod I have this was the direction the world was heading if central powers won ww1

wut game?

>Only the rotten capitalist system is aviailable
>Hoarding of riches is a good thing
>99% wealth for 1% of the population is good
>Keeping 2/3 of the world in poverty to plunder their resources is good
But yes other system in not viable goy.

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He means hearts of iron 4, he is referring to the mod kaiserreich

okay Noam Chomsky chill out

National syndicalism became Fascism in both Spain and Italy so I do not believe it to be a viable ideology.

game in the webm is Squad, it's fun because it's basically Arma but playable

Break the chains.

Fucking syndies...

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Stop shilling your game.

>east germany
literal masonic commie kike talmudic socialism

dude asked whats the game

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>I dont know a shit about historie because the retarded amermutt educacion but i will name the jews, the commies and the masonic.

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Did I ever endorse capitalism in my post, you lispy faggot?


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Lol, classical advertising.
>"wow I love your spoon, where did you get it?"
>"I got it at, you can get two for one using this code within the next 10 minutes. Act now!"
I know you're tricks. I'm onto you, game developer-chan.

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>Redpill me on X
Read the rules.

You know what to do, user. CANCEL HIM!

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I like Kaiserreich too

This game is fucking amazing after the armor update
it sucks that they basically made any handheld AT fucking useless other than the HAT, nothings more satisfying than hitting an APC over 500m away with an RPG-7

>Basically communism
Is that all you say when you see another economic system? I saw you in the other threads posting the same thing. You are a typical pragerU nigger who thinks all socialism is the same leftist shit.

>implying it isnt
leftist economics is cancer
well they cloned the armor\anti armor gameplay mechanics from PR , AT is still great especially the RPG7 that gets frag rockets and they can still fuck up armored cars .
also pic related

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you probably never met a syndicalist.
they are the scum of the Earth.