What explains this phenomenon? I see this whenever I look at census maps...

What explains this phenomenon? I see this whenever I look at census maps. Do ethnic groups self-segregate or is this forced segregation by economic barriers or something else?

Attached: bir.jpg (1314x620, 238K)

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Yes, ethnic groups self-segregate


People of all groups are naturally tribal and prefer members of their own tribe, no matter how much time and money is spent trying to indoctrinate it out, it will return and people will either flee or it will end up as ethnic conflict as different groups compete for resources and living spaces.

How do you explain America then? Melting pot ideas seem to be accepted by most people today.

Ooga booga

People pay lip service to it and then auto-segregate anyway

discrimination is natural
expecting people to accept everyone is a failed meme that's been known since the days of Rome.
multiculturalism is, and always be a divide and conquer method for large societies

Why invite tons of foreigners then?

If there is a large enough group of people instead of integrating into the existing population they will instead form their own enclave.

America has a lot of cultural enclaves, its just so huge you don't notice it.

They vote stupidly, and democracy thrives off stupidity.

>Do ethnic groups self-segregate
Yes. Watch this:

^The whole documentary is well worth watching, but I've cued it up to the relevant part for this topic. (22:15)

Attached: image 14.png (886x501, 92K)

>America has a lot of cultural enclaves, its just so huge you don't notice it.

I know. I was referring to the ideology. The first white immigrants had a lot of enclaves too, but over time they assimilated. Do you think this will happen with today's enclaves in the West?

Nope, they have no reason to.

Attached: 1397061953002.jpg (1379x900, 375K)

False, we self segregate where ever we have the chance to do so, all the talk is just that. The only way integration happens is by force and that just causes people to move away from diverse areas when they are able to. Our whole society seems to be built on upholding a lie that on the ground everyone knows isn't true.

Then why did the Irish, Polish, Italian, and other ethnic groups in the US eventually become generic white Americans?

They didn't really, they still see themselves as Irish, Polish, Italian etc, are there examples of otherwise sure, but for the most part no, they didn't forget their cultural ethnic heritage. And the ones that see themselves as generic white americans love to go on about how they are 2/3rds Irish,Polish,Italian etc yearning for a connection with something rather than this frankenstiens monster of what we call culture.

Self segregate. England is more segregated than the Southern US under Jim Crow.

>but for the most part no, they didn't forget their cultural ethnic heritage

Lol, what? "I'm 25% Polish" doesn't mean you're Polish. The mutt meme is a real thing. Most white Americans are LARPing when you ask them what they are. Just because they want to be something doesn't mean they are.


And why can't this happen again with today's Americans?

the government is lobbied to open the borders for cheap labor by corporations, it's the ancap dream playing out in reality. Problem is after one generation those kids aren't going to do the jobs of their parents and get an education making them more expensive to hire, so the government is lobbied to bring in more cheap labor.

Think of it this way. If you were a Muslim Urdu-speaking Pakistani living in Birmingham, would you live in a Pakistani neighborhood where you can go to a mosque, talk to other people in Urdu, discuss cricket or whatever with your neighbors, and marry your first cousin? Or would you rather live in a White British neighborhood where you have no place to pray, you cannot speak to anyone in your native tongue (and if you can speak English it will be with a thick accent), nobody shares your interest, and the shopkeeper shoots you dirty looks whenever you buy a new pacifier for your wife?
When you think about it, it's pretty obvious.