Why do people hate libertarians and ancaps?

I never understood why.
Can someone please explain why I'm an idiot?

Attached: libertarianism.jpg (400x336, 34K)

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Because institutional individualism only works if EVERYONE stops working in groups, otherwise the groups will dominate. Since this never actually happens in reality, it ends up being a bunch of naive idealists fucking over their group

Funny you posted this I was just watching a video of a Halliburton convoy getting ambushed in Iraq.

That was really the only flaw I could find but I wonder if people would form groups specifically to combat a larger group causing problems, and taking advantage of individuals and small families.


Selfish sociopaths only concerned about wealth and social darwinist autism

Ok, this one's retarded...

Next please!

Commie is right, it's just a cult for sociopaths. it fails due to . Any talk of "equality" is the same, it is a weaker group shaming a stronger group for being strong.

I've actually worked for these people for two years, were major shitstorms going down both of them.

One involved the CEO of the swedish branch trying to skirt the sanctions on Iran and the other the Canadian branch cooking their books.

Capitalism at it's finest

I don’t hate anyone. It is cyclical. None of them work. Except this would work.

1776 —-> industrial revolution ——> manhattan project ——-deiindustrialize ——-> dissolve federal govt and military ——-> articles of confederation——-> close borders and stop trade ——> agrarian society ——-> rifle behind every blade of grass

I used to be a libertarian until the left started calling me a Nazi so I was like word faggots I guess so whatever. Then it actually occurred to me that the only way libertarianism would ever actually work is if there was first a preceding wave of fascism to weed out the undesirables.

Add “lacking any and all self-awareness” to the list and you’ve just described yourself, nice job.

Attached: CAA03843-4C6A-4BA2-AD48-85E8A62D3A2C.jpg (870x960, 70K)

Wouldnt last. Undesirables are born, not made

Nu/pol/ hates libertarians because nu/pol/ is collectivist and lolbertarians are individualists. Lefties hate them because something something small government is racist

The same could be said of any system. Any system only works perfectly when all participants abide by the system. The advantage of a libertarian system is that participation is incentivized not by force (as in most other systems), but by an expected reward. As for those who refuse to participate? Fuck 'em. They can do no real harm.

Because the world is full of assholes.
That's why I went beyond Libertarianism, to full-outlaw. These people can't be saved. They have to learn on their own that the world has consequences. Maybe they'll get there one day. Until then, I'll own or do whatever the fuck I want. If I'm doing things right, then nobody even knows I'm disregarding the social contract and law/order. As long as they leave me alone there won't be trouble. But if they push it....

Attached: do it faggot.png (1982x1133, 80K)

Paying taxes and not being able to sell wares to willing buyers because government involvement.

Yep that's capitalism!

>no real harm

Except form a state more brutal and coersive than the one we actually have, which is what happens every time the state fails.

Can only speak to why I don't like them anymore (I used to be one). There's no practical reasoning behind libertarian beliefs. On the one hand, they proclaim to want a free society, but they'll never take steps to actually preserve that society. Let's take immigration for example. Most US libertarians think that it's okay to have open borders, however they completely ignore the fact that those coming in more often than not, do so with the intent of establishing a socialistic state which will ultimately benefit them while having a parasitic relationship with the local population. The common rebuttal to this objection is "well if we don't have the welfare state, then they wont come." While there is some truth to this, it completely ignores the fact that for one, if you let them in, and allow them to vote, they will have a welfare state, and then for two, this is akin to saying "if you don't have nice things, then you wont get robbed." We should be able to have some kind of social safety net which keeps people from just becoming absolutely destitute. Granted our current system is cucked, but that's largely because of another parasitic element that libertarians just ignore. (the jews)

I don't even think the government got involved in the Iran thing though since nothing was technically illegal iirc, it would just have looked very bad.

Many jokes were made in the office about the mandatory anti-corruption course everyone had to do after the company was hit with the biggest fine to date for bribery.

Surprisingly it popped up in my jewtube recommended vids

Because people want the government to take care of their problems. They think it is too much for them to handle. They want the government to force others to behave like they want to.

Also collectivism is not anti libretarian. People can associate voluntarily and have in group preference without the government.