If you have sex before marriage, you are part of the problem

If you have sex before marriage, you are part of the problem.

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>>Jow Forums

He's right, you degenerate

I better cut my penis off then.

Nobody here is part of the problem, trust me lmao.

>Having a huge gender imbalance caused by better nutrition and immigration let's women be more picky when it comes to long term relationships
Fucking duh

this only applies to women faggot.

If you're a man in 2019 and you're getting married you're a fucking idiot.

Lol brit women are whores ugly and sexed by muslim men

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate

No all fornication is wrong
Also if you sleep with the your wife before you are married you are teaching her to be a degenerate

My wife and I had sex with each other before marriage and we remain happily married after 23 years. BTFO prudefags!

why is it ok for men to have sex before marriage while women can't, aren't you creating your own problem

It’s not really ok for either. Permicuity is a sign a unhealthy attitude about sex. Sex is the most intimate thing two people can share and has potentially life altering consequences. Given this sex should only be shared between two people in an exclusive, devoted, loving and committed relationship that is intended to last the length of time it takes to raise a child.

Promiscuity wtf

Trying too hard tyrone

If you kick out all the Tyrone’s but white society remains just as degenerate it’s still going to collapse. Traditional families are the building blocks of civilization.

The human mind doesn't finish developing till this age.

And the ones not fucking around arent fucking you either in your damned marriage bed.

Sluts are the best and the worst. Get over it.

And make at least 3 white children, but dont marry. Its a fucking trap.

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Mine is only 8" but I have successfully claimed to be 10" when camming with strangers in the heat of the moment and they choose to believe it.

Full retard. Anyone who has sex before 40 must hang. Only after 40 can a person truly have lived life and settled down properly.

>If you have sex before marriage, you are part of the problem.
>Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
> but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Because men can compartmentalize better than woman. So multiple sexual experience are not all one giant emotional experience where men expect a new woman to be a culmination of his previous experiences.
Women cannot separate sex with emotional needs. The more she has sex the more she thinks the next lover will be a culmination of all the "good traits" of her previous sex partners without the "bad traits".
Once she has more than 1 partner. She will keep thinking "the next guy will be better than the last" and a woman who has sex before marriage is one that equates her worth with sex. Dangerous to be in that relationship.
Once you stop having non stop sex she will think you don't love her anymore and will stray to find a man that will fuck her because she equates this to love.
All in all, find a virgin, marry her before you fuck her or at least get engaged first.

Doesn't change the fact that men sleeping around is also part of the problem of women being whores.

what if I marry the girl I traded virginities with?

I'm a virgin and likely to remain one until I die. I don't pursue any romantic or sexual relationships and just focus on work.

>There are people in this thread that didn't wait until they unlocked the wizard class before having sex.


Promiscuity is the seed of degeneracy that leads to the acceptance of homosexuality. The road to hell is paved with many little steps.