In all reality there are great black people out there

Some of the kindest people I have met are black.

Attached: shutterstock_27256408.jpg (786x524, 459K)

Some of the shittest people I have met are black.

Well big whoop nigger lover
They called you a cracker behind your back

Yeah, the 95% do indeed give the other 5% a bad name.

Attached: black_facts.jpg (1650x1275, 983K)

Doesn’t matter. Nothing is absolute, there are exceptions to (almost) every rule

That said, if 90% of them are shit then they all get the rope

People that look like shit on the outside are usually shitty on the inside too

bullshit. the ones that like you, actually really like you.

Daily reminder the moment you leave the room that kind old man will start talking ghetto and shit talking about you being white.

Attached: Cpw1iEb.jpg (480x270, 103K)

well yeah... there are exceptions.

Attached: blkvsng.jpg (558x535, 72K)

Eh I'm fine with a case by case rope. Theres quite a few whiteys that need the rope so dont act all high and mighty.

Do they even have blacks in Bulgaria?

Bulgar commie rape baby thinks he knows anything about blacks in his shithole slav country.

what this leaf said

I am pretty sure there are indians that poop in the toilet too, and I still don't like them.

Every black person i've met outside a major city is pleasant, city niggers are the real problem. And city niggers are the only ones given any media attention so its the type that people always associate blacks with. On that note, whites from cities are just as bad as city niggers.

Thanks brody. I wont rob you now

reminder that niggers and black people are two entirely different groups, black people make up like 5-10% and the rest are fucking niggers

yeah... but here in eastern europe the blacks are either doctors, students, wealthy, military or skilled workers hired to work for a big company here. most do marry native women here and you'll see a little mulatto once in a while. these are in the very small minority thought...

read my comment here I actually have some black coworkers who aren't total niggers

>muh anecdotes disprove statistics
well we don't have to wonder which side of the bell curve (You) are on, do we?

So you're saying you guys have African immigrants that come to work.
That's a whole world apart from African American.
Two different breeds, really.

In America, about %5 of blacks would be generous for being decent human beings.
They make barely %12 of our population but commit more than %50 of the crimes.


I have been to Bulgaria never saw anything like you're saying. I wanna say 2002 give or take a year. Just saw people in destitute all natives though. Communism hit the Bulgars hard.

Yeah it def did, things are slowly getting better now but we're suffering from a population decline as many young people are moving to the west. this country needs more time to recover specially in terms of handling massive corruption in government..

picture should have been bill cosby o.p

Funded by us no doubt.

Much racial tension stems from the inherent culture gap; whites whose only contact with blacks are panhandlers, buy-my-mixtape guys, and loitering gangster types in shady areas are going to have a pretty jaded opinion. Likewise niggers whose only white contact is with cops and other oppressive authority figures. If and when you actually bridge the culture gap, most blacks are pretty cool. Ironically I do not feel the same about whites. Most whites are lame af.