An advanced technological civilization is a good approximation to God...

>An advanced technological civilization is a good approximation to God. Suppose you took a cell phone and showed it to a caveperson. The caveperson would say it was a nice rock. The caveperson is used to rocks. So now imagine this object—‘Oumuamua—being the iPhone and us being the cave people. We look at it and say it’s a rock. It’s just an unusual rock. The point of this analogy is that, for a caveperson, the technologies we have today would have been magic. They would have been God-given.

They'll never learn, will they Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lel they're probably straight up hanganyone trying to get to us because we are niggers compared to them and they probably have their own bloodthirsty kikes to be weary of

Maybe it's just space bait

>implying ayy lmaos even give enough of a shit to show a bunch of caveman some kind of advanced tech

their game is likely: only interfere when they become a threat and then nuke them back into the stoneage but for real.

Your point, expressed clearly.

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why don't we just send something to photograph it?

shit is too fast and too far away and emits no light, its also not in a orbit and only passes through the solar system.

Go back to /sci/ you freaks.


That's you.
You sound - so fucking stupid.

they could launch something that could catch up to it in a few years if they really wanted to

>contacting the interstellar jew
Dont talk to me or my wife's planet ever again

bent over science

Its a scout. Main force will arrive soon.


Everyone these days gets bent over anything because it feels good.

That's American propaganda at work.
I'm not actually mad.
I just hear tons of cuck looking white bois like Hank Green talking about this shit and I could care less.

Fix the pornography problem down here and I'll come talk about space rocks with you out there.

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Those CIA niggers named this thing oumuamua so nobody would know how the fuck to pronounce it and then forget all about it

Nope theres nothing

space fags are the worst. watch them spends countless millions only to find out that it's a fucking rock

This was the first confirmed chance to study something from outside our solar system, they would catch it if they could; they cant.

I've seen this a lot lately, it's interesting but goddamn, oumuamua?! Who named that thing? It litterally sounds like some nigger traditional dish.

I hope they kinetic bomb the shit out of this planet and kill us all. We don't deserve to live.

I’ve been telling anyone that’ll listen that we should be looking for drive flares along Oumuamua’s inbound vector. No one cares and it’s pretty frustrating.


>tfw this civilization is prob dead already and this thing has been traveling through space for millions of years
>we were likely the first intelligent lifeforms it has come across and the civilization it originated from will never get to celebrate the success of having come across us

>Its just a rock that happened by chance to enter our solar system, grav assist the Sun and come right by the only planet emitting radio waves.
>Stop thinking about it, its nothing.

You're right

God damn, the people who are arriving on the website these days are pure cancer.

I've been here over 10 years, respect me.
Now go grab your headset and turn on ForkKnife.

We da niggers now. Where my gibs be at, ayys?

Space is a meme.

Whistle-blowers and leakers within the DoD state that the detection of nuclear shockwaves from atomic bomb testing in the 1940's is what alerted them to our recent breakthroughs, and the need to begin closely monitoring our civilization, instead of the benign neglect we had been under, comparatively speaking.

We were the children whom had just found the box of matches, they wanted to make sure we didn't burn the house down.

Does the faggot OP have at least ONE legit argument proving that it's not A FUCKING ROCK?

Maybe it did some kind of warp drive shit to get here, dropped out of warp at the edge of our solar system to check us out. Now its completed its mission is just cruises away.

That is deeply disturbing in a way I can't quite fathom.

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Rendezvous with Soma

It will be back.

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It's been nice knowing you all.
Fuck off space niggers, we're full. You can crash on the moon though.

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It's pretty funny when space contains clouds which taste and smell of rum, raspberries and chocolate.

But no - this couldn't just be a rock.

>at least ONE legit argument
Otherwise go back to /x/ with this nonsense.

The grav assist and close fly by of Earth.

Attached: oumuamua.gif (1600x900, 1.84M)
ooh moo mama ooh mama,
ooh moo mama ooh mama,
ooh moo mama ooh mama,


-If we were the probe another system, we would use the same insertion-point and angle for maximum data-harvesting of the inner system having only one fly-by.

-It's speed upon system egress was/is more than the gravity-assist from Sol should have granted it, suggesting internal propulsion.

-It altered it's own trajectory without any gravitational assistance whilst exiting our system, it's path has been different from what it should have been sans internal propulsion/guidance systems if it were just a rock.

-It's the first interstellar object witnessed, and it just happens to have a unique cigar-like shape never before witnessed, that just happens to be the most aerodynamic shape for interstellar travel. This thing is shaped exactly how we would build something to travel through space. Coincidence, right?

Solar winds eh?

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Shitton of asteroids and comets do just the same.

meant for

show me one.

Oh wow it specifically targeted Earth for it's fly-by. Unironically spooky as fuck.

>that just happens to be the most aerodynamic shape for interstellar travel.
>aerodynamic shape for interstellar travel.


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There are no aerodynamics in space, and our current plan is to send hundreds of tiny sattellites. Our propulsion isnt advanced enough for something the size of Oumuamua.

They dont actually, this is the only one.

I hope it is aliens, and I hope they wipe out this fucking planet.

t. slanted forehead

i believe it but wtf would it do with the info?
how many thousands/millions of years would it take to relay our existence to the nearest possible system?

Earth is probably a fucking irrelevant anthill to any advanced civilization capable of interstellar travel. That would be like New World colonists genociding a termite mound, if anything aliens will ignore us until we get a few hundred Dyson spheres up and running.

They actually do not. The only characteristic this thing shares with those mundane objects you mentioned is that they all fly through space.

That's a negative. None have experienced anomalous course changes like onamumu or whatever its called. It's shape is also anomalous.

Project blue beam. I don't believe any of this alien shit

Fuck off, space nigger

>fucking retards ITT don't realised the logposters memed the space log oumuamua into reality

fucking grow up. im sick of the protozoan brainlets on this board

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Oumua Mamau
Oumua Mamua....

MY GOD...The Bird is the word....
(2001: A Space Odyssey voice)

>We got fly by'd and didn't do shit about it

We didn't even tell them to fuck off, what the fuck are we doing, WE HAVE A PREPARED STATEMENT FOR AYYS AND WE DIDN'T FUCKING USE IT!?

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What would be the correct term for minimizing resistance to an object travelling through interstellar space versus an atmosphere?

It also didn't have a comet tail? Something that usually happens when an asteroid moves close to the Sun? Nothing to worry 'bout I s'pose, so sleepy, so tired.

Been here longer than you faggot, now get down and kiss my feet. Little pig

Harvard "astronomer" kek…
>more like the guy who wears reversible dildo underwear and cuts it-self...
>Do people at Harvard even turn in homework or just have to post a video of jacking off bums to help with muh equality...
Harvard... What a joke.

If xenos exist it is our duty as humans to make them not exist.

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Apophis for example does change it's trajectory near big gravitational objects(as planet which is pretty ordinary deal btw) and it's path was close to Earth. He was famous one time. A lot of asteroids coming from Oorte cloud miss Earth and also change their trajectory near planets.

I am waiting a legit argument for alien probe and what you give is pretty much a poor interpretation of an astro observation retold by people who tend to see aliens pretty much everywhere.

Quiet you, They are Sciencing at maximum capacity.

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>There are no aerodynamics in space

>>Once it's in space, it doesn't need to be aerodynamic, however, thrust must push through the Center of Mass or it won't stay pointing in the right direction.

Interesting discussions I'm finding related to this....

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Don't pretend xenos wouldn't snap their fingers and make Earth vanish without a trace if we ever somehow got in a fight with them. We need a few thousand years before we stand a chance against any interstellar civilization.

Not like that, not from interstellar space. And definitely not with a 10:1 length to width ratio. Oumuamua’ made a perfect pass for observing the entire inner solar system.

I just call it om nom nom.

I imagine it every day


>-It's the first interstellar object witnessed, and it just happens to have a unique cigar-like shape never before witnessed, that just happens to be the most aerodynamic shape for interstellar travel. This thing is shaped exactly how we would build something to travel through space. Coincidence, right?

Unless I really sucked at science space has no atmosphere, so why would it need to be aerodynamic when their is no friction.

why would a type 2 civilization speak with some monkeys? for them we are like some tribe on a island, you just watch them, make some pictures and then move on.

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Its ok brainlet, I'll help. They are pushing the cubesats with the energy of a laser that is shining on them; the cubesats act like a sail. If they do not push them exactly in the center, then their trajectory will be off and they will miss their target. It has to be perfectly precise for this distance.

>tfw alien jews convince the aliens that they have to take human african migrants into their home planets territory

That seems to be a difficult concept around here.

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I find it likely that faster than light travel is simply not possible. Otherwise, we would have been destroyed a long time ago. Giving FTL spacecrafts to humans is like giving guns to niggers, innocent bystanders are gonna get shot

Atomic hydrogen and dust in interstellar space. One atom per cubic centimeter is a lost of collisional mass at relativistic speeds

Question: Would you rather be a spacenigger or a space redneck?

Yup. Wayyyy too many coincidences that taken together add up to some unsettling suggestions.

There are tons of things per cubic meter of space to collide with at relativistic speeds. You'd want a long shape ship with a lot of front shielding (physical shield not energy)

there is no resistance in space m8.
and the actual best design for a spaceship is actually some sort of sphere if we approach this here logically.

Does no one expect the aliens to look like us?
Why do they always have to be AYYs

>change their trajectory near planets
>near planets

See where you went wrong here, brainlet? It altered it's course without any gravitational interference.

Entanglement seems to solve this problem

I personally think any FTL travel is going to be completely beyond our comprehension at this stage in our development. It's like a monkey nigger in 100,000BC looking at the moon and trying to imagine how to get there, there is no way he would be remotely capable of imagining we'd be flying to it in a big metal cylinder full of gadgets in a hundred thousand years, let alone be capable of knowing that you could even walk on the moon at all.

>They might already be dead

A statement like that really helps wrap your head around the size of space, they might have been dead for eons, maybe that's for the best.

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>Able to propel a fuck huge rock across the Galaxy

What, the red carpet? Cause we ain't gonna wolverines/Vietnam the fucking ayylmaoatyourlifes .

Why not send out a Prußen tier monument to glorify the (white) race for eternity?
Space hebs would probably nod respectfully in our direction

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because massive advancements in technology could make humanoid bodys obsolete.

There are far more likely explanations for the acceleration of Oumuamua.

Your response didn't address my point, and you tried to sound conceited whilst doing so. Cute.

Intelligent life is the rarest resource in the universe. It doesn't matter how primitive compared to you, it is still on the same scale and above animal life. There are many reasons to want to seek out life. If Humans had been exploring space for a few centuries and we found primitive but intelligent alien civilizations there are a lot of things simply biological to learn. Gaining further data on unknown things is the driving force for a civilization.

So a sphere is the best shape for space travel.

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>we are oumpullumoulou
>we are anomalous
>ex Spock us
XD gay niggers from outer space

This though, people WANT TO BELIEVE so they will see what they hope it is, rather than what it could be. It could be aliens, but lets put that on a lower priority instead of assuming it every time.

Why a sphere?

Don't you realize it goes slavery > freedom > be barbaric > painted as victim by space jews > placed on a pedestal by space jews > gibs
We will be slaves first

That totally addressed your point, you're just not smart enough to read it. Aerodynamics have nothing to do with keeping the cubesats centered.
