I was molested by my cousin at the ages 8-9...

I was molested by my cousin at the ages 8-9, I recently told my mother of what had happened after completely breaking down in front of her. She was pretty comforting however after that night we never spoke of it, I preferred it that way. The only thing is she continuously brings up my cousin in random topics whilst we're alone and acts as if it's normal. Maybe to her it is but when your mother talks so lovingly about your molester you don't really know how to respond. My question is,could she be doing this to hurt me or something else?

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How old was the cousin?

16 at the time

Lol who cares.

There's worst shit, once you are a wizard for long enough every shit people cares about becomes meaningless momentary pain.

It may be the opposite. Parents tend to think differently than the younger generations, they think exposure is the cure. For example when I would feel depressed and not want to do anything, my mom would force me to do things, which in turn just made it worse. But that was never her intention, she thought she was helping.

So like I said it may be the complete opposite, because you are family with them your mother may not want to wreck the entire family and attack them or put them on blast, so she may have decided it’s better to try and just get over it, and maybe thinks exposer to thought and conversation about them could help you.

Tell your mom how it makes you feel. That you feel unloved that she would still talk positively about someone who molested you, when he should actually be in prison.

I want you to call the police and report this. It needs to be reported so he doesn't do it to others.

As much as I'd like that my entire family would disown me. My family are very traditional and religious, that fact that I even had a "sexual encounter" outside of marriage despite it not being consensual would make them look down on me.

The earliest time I remember I was 4-5 he was 9-10 in my case. This went on till i was probably about 10 and he was 16. Throughout i even stitched on him once but only got beat up for ruining the mood and shocking everyone with something so taboo and disgusting (even though they got their share too). From that moment I knew I had to fight and defend my body in silence and alone.

Many more came. Classmates, random guys my age, teachers. Always defended myself as good as I could. Never told a word.

When I was like 25 I shared with my sisters, husband and a few very close friends. That's it.

That being said, I don't think your mom is hurting you on purpose (at least I hope so). Maybe mention to her that you don't want to ever hear about him again. If she could please respect that wish of yours.

Thanks for advice user, though I doubt I'd be able to talk to her about it due to my own pride

Yeah sucks when pride gets in the way, one may think is just a matter of seizing things properly, but what you think you are can destroy everything that you have in a heartbeat.

You're probably right but the way she talks about him to me makes it seem as if she's mocking me. Idk maybe I'm just over analyzing it.

So just because you have stupid family you are going to let this go? You can be sure he is going to do it again to another kid. Be strong and save those kids or regret it like I did. You don't want the guilt, believe me.

I know you're right but I just can't. It's selfish because I know I'm not his only victim, he also molested my other cousin whilst molesting me but we never spoke about it. If I was to come out who's to say I'd be believed. It's been years since then and there's no evidence. The only witness is my other cousin who I'm 100% sure would never admit to what happened.

I feel you user...

Well.... Knowing my father; I would not be surprised.... He told me when I was 31 that I was possibly raped at the age of 3...... I hate him, he hates me.... He has bi polar I think and goes through stages of hate and wanting to have contact; I just want him out of my live again.....

I was molested by a 20 year old women, later i played the same games with all the girls in kindergarden till entering middleschool. It fucks you up mentally. The person who molested you was in a position on power and there is a chance they had the same experience as you.
I would recommend u confront that person, there has to be something that will let you have a closure. It might even make him confront his abuser.

I hope you get to move on from what your father did user

I doubt I'd ever be able to see him again without breaking down unfortunately

I also had sex when I was 7 or so with my step mom but I don't know if there was entry just the kisses where not normal....
>mind fuck/ it was once a guy..... Welcome to my world and how country is the reason why I literally go crazy there....

maybe she is trying to convince you that your cousin isn't a bad person or something.

Try youtube.com/watch?v=vcWlBld1SqU
Then look up more EFT videos for abuse.

Also have you seen pic related? Go try it. (it's partially english/hindi w/subtitles) It has several themes but a big one is a now-adult daughter who was repeatedly molested by the 'darling' grand uncle - star of the family. It fucked up her whole life, the mom denied it, the dad was clueless, etc. And at this wedding event she eyes him doing it do another younger cousin, and she flips. The wedding is almost ruined, but there was a happy ending - when it broke and they excommunicated him. Fuck disownment, you'll have a better, longer life if you take care of this now.

Shit. forgot picture
Monsoon Wedding

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