I have a major crush on my coworker and NEED to touch his arms

I have a major crush on my coworker and NEED to touch his arms
I want to ask him out without getting rejected or embarrassed and i want to subtly turn him on
I just got my first job working at walmart in the electronics section and theres this kinda tall skinny hairy guy with the sexiest arms his forearms are so perfectly hairy with strong but not too bulky hands and i just want to caress them so badly
Ive been going through dick appointments ever since i lost my virginity 6 months ago now i want something more like i need cuddles and netflix not sucking dick in the back of a car
I am at a bigger size at 210 ive been losing weight i do have a juicy ass so im almost at 10/10 THICC GOTH GF material
He is 22 i think and im 19 bur he seems so strong and intimidating
I want to turn him on but im afraid ill get in trouble for chasin dick at work like im still scared to ask if he wants to hang out after work
What turns guys on? I cant say anything too sexual i cant touch him without it seeming awkward i get on my knees alot to zone and search for dvds
He seems to like it when i play cute and confused like i was having trouble with the spider wraps and i popped up from the counter and showed him the biggest spider wrap amd he just shook his head and laughed
how do i catch a guys heart? And how do i do it at work?

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>almost at 10/10 THICC GOTH GF material
Please dont call yourself that if youre a 210 pounds landwhale, thanks.
You know who weighs 210 pound naturally? A 6'3 tall guy with a bear body type, so please desinfect off of here and start a proper workout routine.

Don't shit where you eat.

>6'3" 210

Pic related is 6'1", 215. That is not a bear. That is not even remotely a bear.

I mean, OP is delusional, but you're also wrong.

Attached: 201201enews2.jpg (380x360, 100K)

>I am at a bigger size at 210
>i do have a juicy ass
> im almost at 10/10 THICC GOTH GF material
fucking LOL. Why do landwhales always have this delouision they're 10/10s? You're probably a 4/10
>how do i catch a guys heart?
You wont, unless he has a fat fetish

This is a juicy ass idgaf ive lost 60 lbs this year im not a greasy ass landwhale

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>mass cellulite
>showing ass on Jow Forums

Honey... if by 10/10 you are dividing ten by itself to get a zero then you are correct

Good for you! I'm glad you've lost 60 pounds and are confident in your body. Now you need to maintain that physical discipline and expand it to mental health. In particular, you need to consider why you're determined to fuck at work, something that has never turned out well for anyone in the history of mankind, and why you're so fixated on this one guy. Maybe he's your dream, but he's still just some guy.

6/10 at best.

10/10 doesnt exist.


Too nice. 2/10

...10/10 = 1, not zero.


>10 divded by 10 is zero.
Come on dude...

Yeah she sure is.
Would love to slap her.

You know that muscles weigh a lot, right? Much more than fat.
My sauce for the 210, bear thing is pretty much my entire family. The guys are all in that body type, and the ones who dont work out usually weigh 200 to 220 pounds. My brother, who is in training to be a pro boxer, is weighing 250 pounds, and is pure muscle.
No offense, the guy is pretty muscly and obviously spent a lot of time in the gym, but my dad would still call him "a twig".

God what have i seen. Id be better off looking at the rekt threads on /b/ than looking at all that celullite.

Also, it was a horrible idea to show your ass here if you have any self respect. This pic will just end up in a slampig thread. I hope you dont mind that.

My ex-gf loved my arms and shoulders.
Tbh my hands are very like pic related, but i'm really slim and tall, also i'm not interested in lr.

Muscle is only about 18% more dense than fat. Sure, that guy spends a lot of time in the gym, but 6'3" and 210 is only barely in the "overweight" category for the BMI. A guy who spends zero time being active and is at that height/weight is going to be pretty average.

This is a 10/10 thicc girl imo

That's great you've lost 60lbs. Lose more and these guys will show interested in you, and you won't have to chase them.


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.... have any of you ever seen an actual big ass or are you all confined to Europe and the US? That ass there is just fat with fat and celullite on top.

Man i live in Brazil.

I lived there too, borm and raised. That ass is just average with the fat that comes from weighing 100 kg

I know, both asses being posted here are low tier.
Mas nunca vou negar free bunda né.

Yes, and?