So a happy relationship and a successful, meaningful career are both out of the question

So a happy relationship and a successful, meaningful career are both out of the question.

How do you find happiness when it’s become evident that living the kind of a life you’ve wanted simply is not an option?

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Third Eye/6th Chakra

I’m not religious.

Stop labeling reality and you will find happiness.

Peace and good luck

I’m afraid I don’t have the cognitive skill to classify anything spiritual into the cathegory of ”reality”.

Does anyone have an answer that is not a meme joke?

>meme joke
And you keep doing it, maybe the problem is that you want your suffering or whatever is disturbing your mind, because you wouldn't know how to live without it

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What part of ”I am not religious” is incomprehensible to you?

>when it’s become evident that living the kind of a life you’ve wanted simply is not an option?

You bear the pain and create a new reality for yourself. This involves getting your hands dirty, lying, breaking hearts and being an amoral selfish bastard.

Lie on your resume. Cheat on your girlfriend. Don't give that 1000$ you found on the floor to the police, keep it for yourself. Fuck that dudes wife in the ass it's his fault for marrying a whore anyways.

nice defeatist post. have you considered not thinking and behaving like a sad sack?

This is not religion, this is science.

You could look it up, you have the knowledge of millions of wise men before me at your disposal thanks to the internet, but it seems you're too lazy even for that

My dreams were never the kind of things that could be achieved by being a psychopath.

If you have suggestions on how to feel less hopeless when it has become evident that all hope is lost, I’m all ears.

Hinduism is a religion. An organisation of faith.

I don’t even know you, and even if I did, I probably couldn’t deprogram your depressive slant on life.

>all hope is lost,
If you don't even want help then why are you posting.

I just cut out the "meaningful" part and foisted that upon my hobbies, and settled for a decent paying job with amicable coworkers, good benefits, an employee gym and two drinks from the lounge cafe a day that I can learn and master easily and just live frugally to compensate.

I spent my last morsel of optimism on hoping that one of you would have a better idea than joining some religious circlejerk.

Everything is Knowledge of reality, whatever you call it religion, science, philosophy, naturalism, epistemology, etc.

Or are you an NPC trying to vampirically leak energy from wise anons here?

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What’s the decent paying job you’ve got?

Factory work paid decently but I hated it so fucking much I would rather kill myself than go back.

Nigga your post was literally
>my life is over but I'm not dead
and the only possible way to believe there's hope in a truly hopeless situation is to find false hope. Now I don't believe there's such a thing as a truly hopeless situation but you're gonna be a faggot and tell me about how you're special.

>My dreams were never the kind of things that could be achieved by being a psychopath.

You sure about that?

>you should beocme a piece of shit, like me
fuck off. this thread isn’t about you.

I work in a smallish luxury car dealership. You can either choose car sales and play that game for a ton of money or go to the back end for more stable work and pay.

Well, sometimes you have to live your life shoving a round peg into a square hole because all the round holes are taken and there are no jobs in art. I don’t have what it takes to make a lucrative career as a famous artist. And finding love doesn’t seem to be an option either, it takes years and years of desperate searching to ever find someone who THINKS they might like me, and they disappear as soon as I tell the truth. Or get caught in the lie, whichever happens first.

>there are no jobs in art. I don’t have what it takes to make a lucrative career as a famous artist.
There also aren't a lot of jobs that pay you to work out. Art is something you do outside of your career to make yourself happy. Go back to school, apprentice in a trade, or just fucking grind. You made a pretty big mistake trying to make a career out of art, but it's not insurmountable.

I went back to school to study STEM and I hate it.

protip: most degrees are useful to an intelligent, motivated person. you can make $60,000+ annually with a degree dance therapy, for instance, but not if you’re a punk bitch about it.

>op: "How do I not suck at life plz"
>poster: abandon your moral compass and live and justified the means lifestyle until you get what you want
>op: *autistic screeching*

Then become a fucking carpenter you humongous faggot.

Wanna know how I can 100% tell you don’t have a degree in arts?

i knew you were gonna think I was op. put your phone away.

That wasn’t op you autistic edgelord fuck. I had already replied to you.

I don’t want a worthless job. I want something that actually makes a difference.

your tears sustain me

So go work for UNICEF or the Peace Corps or some shit unless you wanna spend 6+ years in medical school or be a guidance councilor. Wanting a job that "makes a difference" is childish and naive.

>I don’t want a worthless job. I want something that actually makes a difference.
My dude, there's plenty of ways you can make a difference. You could volunteer on the side, you could work building homeless shelters, you could become a shop teacher and try and help kids that you think need someone who can relate to how hopeless teenagers always feel.
Making a difference doesn't have to mean inventing the mri.

>. I want something that actually makes a difference.

Hitler and trump made a difference just sayin

I’ve signed up to be a collector for Red Cross this weekend, and there’s a blood donation tomorrow. I’m planning to ask if there’s job openings of any kind if I can, but I’m still not sure if that’ll help. It’s not exactly something you go down in history for.

Oh. You don't want to help people you just wanna go down in history. Good news, shooting sprees are all the rage for that right now.

>judging the quality of an action based on how likely it is to garner you recognition.
Pathetic and contemptible.

Well NOW you’re on your high horse.

It’s not like I just go full sociopath when nobody’s watching. I’d just think it would be nice if someone, at some point, one day WAS watching.

Nigga at the very least you'll be watching. Most of the time the people you help will be watching. And a lot of the time thr people around you will be watching. It just so happens that the whole world isn't watching.

Is that enough?

Add skills. Protip: You do not need to go to school to gain skills.

Learn to be content without becoming complacent, and ambitious without becoming insatiable.

Recommended books: The Bible, Choose Yourself by James Altucher, Gorilla Mindthet by Mike Thernovich, The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday.

Lwt go of attachment and rejoice in your life as is. Seek unrustlement.

If you think everything outside of your current realm of thinking is a meme you've got way more to deal with before you get to thinking about happiness. Spirituality can also be completely detached from religion and often is.

If there is one thing I don’t want in my life, it’s religion.

If spirituality is separate from religion, then that’s two things I don’t want in my life.


Well OP if you are in a rich/socialist society go to a mental health care facility and try to get your depression sorted.

I am fucked because right now I'm making more than I can easily make elsewhere. I hate my job. My career is a dead end. there is always someone younger with more energy and on the right side of equity employment. But I still have hope, and will not play the mental health card - now/yet
Also I'm too old to join the army. Plus my country's army is shit

maybe, try it

They are actually currently trying to diagnose me with something else because no treatment for depression has worked.

Oh neat, I'm in the purple part of the venn diagram :)

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are you eating well? you brain needs enough glucose to produce serotonin. Health eating is important. anti-depressants generally is too much of a trade off anyway

I eat meat and salad/vegetables every day.

have you tried to work out daily calories?

I’m within normal weight range and not malnourished. Cafeteria food (don’t lose your shit there, that stuff is actually perfectly edible in non-shithole countries) is probably a nightmare to calculate, too. I’m not going to start bringing a food scale to public every day and make everyone think I’m some freak.

>Too hard
sorry I didnt realize that fucking children posted here.

Grow up.