Is it me or does tinder feel one sided from a guy's perspective?

Is it me or does tinder feel one sided from a guy's perspective?

I keep getting matches like this where they seem completely uninterested from the get go. Are my messages too long? Should I just ghost these women when they seem uninterested like this? Should I try to be alpha and ask for casual sex up front?

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You’re boring them to death.

Rest of the convo so far. What do you guys think I should do?

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How am I supposed to keep the convo going tho when I get these bland responses? What's the best way to open so that my matches are interested?

Make a move or move on...

“Hey, come with me to lake falcor tomorrow night, we can do body shots and go skinny dipping.”

Either she agrees and shows up, or you drip that hoe like a flaming sack of shit.

they become uninterested after you open your mouth, they are usually "fun" loving whores and you sound very serious
try something direct with caroline, looks like a basic whore, ask her if she would like your thunderous cock to be jammed down her throat

Men have a large challenge because women get way too much attention. You need to be unique and different to stand out.

I usually used the koala or avocado lines.

>revealing you worked at a christian summer camp

Probably don't do that.

Tinder isnt for conversations. If it was you would match people based on mutual interests, not a fucking picture.

You have a short basic conversation and then get their number and make plans to fuck/date.

>No pressure or anything but off the top of your head, what do you think is the craziest thing you've ever done?
>I almost got fired from a Christ-ian summer camp once for convicning a bunch of my cowerkers to sneak out at 3am and go skinny dipping in the camp pool
>You get extra style points for doing a body shot tho. I dont think I've ever done that
Literal cringeee

you should write them an essay about cool jets. Pic unrelated

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Your texting style is boring and rambling. It would have been enough to ask what's the craziest thing she's done, but you added extra padding to make the question way less interesting. Like dude,
>"no pressure or anyhing"?
Way to apologize in advance for any flirtiness that might have been there. The while conversation is now just you rambling on about yourself. No wonder she's losing interest fast. Keep it brief and on point.

Your problem is you are over thinking what you say, don't give a shit dude, this is a stranger not your bosses daughter.

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You look dead in the water on this one, wait a day, then send what this user said.

Holy fuck this guy nailed it. You are a dumbass for continuing to try and get to know them. Get to know them in the date you fucktard.

You are going into a way too deep conversation right from the get go. It sounds weird and makes you look far more invested in the conversation than she is which is a turn off. You have to start casual and then build up. Think of tinder as seeing a stranger at a party. Would you go up and start the conversation with 'no pressure or anything but off the top of your head what is the craziest thing you have ever done?' (also, as a side note the whole 'no pressure or anything but off the top of your head' is very excessive and makes you seem less confident as you are trying to reduce the impact of your words rather than standing by them). Start casually with a question about her bio / pictures, some ironically cheesy pick up line or even a hey how's it going (though it's not a good). After a few messages you can bring out messages like yours but make sure to flirt occasionally as well. Always try to match her level of interest because if you're show significantly more interest than her she feels less invested in the conversation.

Does anyone else have this experience on Tinder?

>Lets say 200 matches
>100 non-responses
>50 killed conversations (either party)
>50 people willing to date

Of that 50
>10 kill the conversation later
>10 can't schedule a date and "have to get back to you" then won't respond
>10 suddenly ghost when you try to confirm the date a day before or on the day of the date

Wtf? Just say no to a date if you're not interested. Why would you give me your number and ghost me? If I was a piece of shit I could just spam your number online

Im going to drop some very-powerful Level 8 Jow Forums here that was given to me by a friend after I couldnt get this girl at bar to sleep with me.

Here it is: Some girls just dont like small talk. Its hard to conceive, especially if you were raised by a single mother to be polite and courteous or are just naturally a 'nice guy', but a lot of girls (especially on tinder) just dont want to chit chat with you.

Keep your messages short and sweet.

>your X looked really X its really attractive
>this weekend I want you to meet me at X for diner, its my favorite restaurant and i want you to try the X, you'll love it.
>okay see you at 7:00 on Saturday at X, if you want me to pick me up say when and where.


>not interested in meeting up
>no worries hit me up if you change your mind

i wouldnt put any more effort into it than this because its a numbers game anyways. And i dont know about you, but I am a closer in person and I would be eager to get it off the internet and into real life immediately.

Why do you talk do much holy shit

Do not

And I mean DO NOT

Send longer messages than the ones you're receiving

different dating app as a woman:

a million his and pickup lines from middle aged men and horny college kids

maybe once in a blue moon someone who knows how to actually talk and doesn't ask to hook up

if you meet them once in a millennium they don't grope you and expect sex

Yeah like women have it so easy /s

It sucks for everyone looking for something because you don't want someone desperate but everyone on there is either desperate or wants attention. I'll admit I was there for attention in terms of conversation, I had no photo, and rarely does that ever work out. so I rarely use them.

and yes, even with no photo the messages come flocking in

For women it's passive. You just pick and choose at your convenience. Men have to take time and craft an individual message to dozens of women to get maybe one or two lazy one word replies in a month.

shut the ever living fuck up you whore

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Not OP but I really have never understood the whole "Don't think too hard" mentality.
I get maybe 1 tinder match a week, so there's a lot riding on every single one. I can't think "Oh there will be more" when I only get to talk to 5 girls in a year.

You're writing essays for one sentence replies.

>1 a week
>5 in a year
user math does not work that way

>Is it me or does tinder feel one sided from a guy's perspective?
It is you.
Profile should be pictures of you doing things, smiling, laughing, one group picture
Bio should be short and sweet

Convos should start with a compliment on something they wouldn't usually get complimented on e.g. posture, shoes, smile. Conversation is made by asking them open questions, get an answer, as something related to the answer, once it starts dying down ask about something else, don't offer OTT answers.

aw even the presence of a woman gets you bothered. how's the therapy going?

it's actually not. waiting around passively means you'll get hit on by fuckbois that will take any woman as long as she's breathing. it's not quality.

anyway I don't use apps to date for that very reason, I just meet guys in real life.

Quit. Using. Tinder. For. Serious. Relationships.

Stop it.

Using OKC.

That's all dating/hook up systems on the internet.

I can't use those things because I actually really like having genuine conversations. Women just don't give a shit when they're getting messages from dozens of men everyday. You should see how it is yourself, pretend to be a woman on some app or site. Even without an image you'll get so much attention it makes you sick.

You want serious relationships and interactions and your first thought was to go to online dating?

Why? Do you lack such time?

>oh no, all these guys on a dating site want to have sex, what is wrong with them?
Are you retarded?

I rarely get pissed because of some random whore, but damn, you've made me to.

Best friend met his current GF on it and they've been dating for 4 years. I'm talking to a girl who sends me paragraphs and seems to be really interesting.

Tinder is what you put into it. If you're looking for hook-ups it works, if you're looking for relationship it also works. OKC is AIDs and it's terrible to to recommend. Ugly women are all over it and because people give the advice to "message everyone" then these women think they deserve 9/10 men. Not to mention it's a haven for mentally deranged women and trannies

(s)he's not wrong. I've been running tests on Tinder to see what works best. On my female profiles I've put "not looking for something serious" and "no hookups, looking for something longterm". In both cases I get "hey baby" "nice tits" "is my dick longterm enough" followed by a dick pic

Not saying women don't have it easier as at least they can find a diamond in the rough,

>who doesn't ask to hook up
>on a hook up add

It's this kind of mental illness that sets me off seeing it unfold.

Women have way more power over you. Knowing that you control if men have sex or not is huge.
Be direct or even act retarded, stop giving them so much attention.

Women only have power over weak men who let them or who dont have other options. If you live in scarcity, you'll latch on to the first good thing you find. That's unattractive.

I'll try to give my 2 cents here.

First of all, some women are simply more responsive than others. Some women are so boring and passive that its almost a waste of time to even attempt to have a conversation with them. Don't feel too bad about these girls, they aren't worth your time and effort.

Secondly, try to match your interest level to hers. Reading OP's tinder messages makes it VERY obvious that you are more into her than she is into you. It gives off a needy and desperate vibe, which turns girls off. The conversation shouldn't feel like you are investing more than the girl you are talking to.

Thirdly, keep tinder conversations short and lighthearted. Never attempt to have deep, meaningful conversations over tinder, it doesn't work. Your messages back and forth should be light, playful and short. Always keep most of your cards to your chest, you want to make the girl a little curious about you because it increases the odds that she will go out with you.

Lastly, realize that tinder is and always will be a numbers game. Only a small percentage of your matches will turn into dates, and an even smaller percentage will turn into 2nd dates and so forth.

They still control if you can have sex or not.

I agree it's a numbers game, but asking a person out after 2 message almost never works.
It's usually like 4-5 for me for them to get comfortable.

>be me on tinder two years ago
get plenty of matches, talk to some sluts, even meet up with two of them

>be me on tinder now
literally zero matches, not kidding, i mean absolutely zero

what happened? i didn't gain weight, my profile bio didn't change much, and i just added one or two new pics
i'm a bit confused honestly, am i getting fucked over by some algorithm, or did girls' tastes in men really change that much over two years?

It's because you were inactive
Just delete your account and make a new one with the same info

>just make a new one
don't they shadowban profiles that are tied to facebook accounts that have fewer than like 10 facebook friends? that's what i read somewhere, that they're trying to get rid of fake profiles or something

You can git gud with women and do the same shit to them bu making them chase you.

Where did I go wrong?

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>never seen an episode
The correct response was "marry me".

I dream of a world with reversed gender roles, where it's women who have to think for hours about how to write creative messages and not lose the interest of their match.
A world in which female tourists from foreign countries would come to Jow Forums and ask about how to fuck local girls wherever they're going.
A world in which white girls would sperg out on Jow Forums whenever they'd see a white guy dating a black female and ramble about the death of the white race.

yeah, but only if you're a 10/10 Chad

Yeah that's why there's thread after thread of guys wanting girlfriends and then they come here and ask why asking for sex right away isn't working.

Come on insult me more so you can pretend it makes you right about something.

It's such a mystery why sexist guys can't seem to attract any women, and even more mysterious is how it's never their own fault ;)

Calling me a whore won't make me wrong or make you attractive. Sorry.

Nice quads!

OP, a female friend once complained that she goes to the bar to meet men and fuck them, but they always try to force a relationship.
Make sure you understand what her expectations are.

so keep looking and stop talking to basic bitches and bored housewives who just like their phones buzzing with messages and no actual intention of dating. also try bumble since woman have to initiate there.

no need to go full r/incel because you met a boring bitch, goddamn.

>he's never seen Kaiji
she's out of your league, dude

Not true. Most pick up artists you see are far from the Chad meme and just look like normal dudes.

Lel. I'm only 22 and by the way most people replied to i can see why you won't get laid.

Being a human is being smart, assholes. Git gud and literally be yourselfs. "Women have it easy" boowoo, sucks to be you. Stops this motherfucking crying and grow the fuck up. Be interesting, be helthier, learn to live by yourself first.

I'm not even that good looking, or have a full beard yet, but i went out with a loot of older girls just by having interest in them, outside of sex.
Sex is a consequence.

Now grow the fuck up, pussies.
22 y/o user out.

Yeah, because they're famous. Otherwise they'll be average at best.

Sorry OP, some guys have it and some don't. Just face it that you'll never be a Chad like me.

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Use bumble. I'm a 5' 3" fat sperglord and I met my gf on there and we've been going strong for about 6 months now

How long have you had this tinder account?

>In heterosexual matches, only female users can make the first contact with matched male users, while in same-sex matches either person can send a message first.[1][2]
Meaning females will message the 1% of chads and everybody else will get 0 interest.

>Thinking you have it bad
Imagine getting matches but most of them are whales who think they have a chance with you because you're black & they consider themselves 'thicc'

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Quads of truth, he got lucky because his gf looks like & she'll literally take anyone because she wants Christmas presents this year.

I'm not a Chad and I do pretty well. Quit makes excuses and feeling sorry for yourself.

Stop telling me what to do, mom.

as everyone else has pointed out, you're typing way too much man
these are just random girls, don't try to have any actual conversation with them, keep things short and set something up - if they deny, fuck it, unmatch and go to the next one

i think he means talk to in person

this shit is fucking hilarious

You don't have to make Facebook account just delete the tinder account and sign up again with the same Facebook account

4-5 months 3 numbers and 1 meetup. No sex.

Asking about anime but having garbage taste and not knowing what Kaiji is.
Fucking pleb.

5 Matches in 4 months. So no I don't.


>How am I supposed to keep the convo going tho when I get these bland responses? What's the best way to open so that my matches are interested?
They are bland responses because you are talking to morons. Try meeting women another way.

You come off as desperate for approval
> No pressure or anything but...
> I'd say we're about equal lmao
> You get extra style points...

> I don't THINK I've ever
have you or havent you?

you might have scared her with the christian thing too.

Honestly I would have been disappointed with her response. The most exciting thing she's ever done is lmao body shot? She's boring as fuck and incredibly basic.

you keep qualifying everything and saying it with uncertainty
> I'd say...
> It's kinda

Plus you're just as boring as her
> So how's college life been so far?

get better pictures. take the cringe out of your bio.

you honestly sound self-absorbed af. I wouldn't reply to you either, and I'm a girl. Your bitmoji is doing you no favors either.

>Your texting style is boring and rambling
yeah exactly...

So instead of saying " your X looks attractive" say something about the "travel" that they inevitably mention in their profile. easy several messages back and forth.

ou have to learn to adapt advice instead of literally copy-pasting it and wondering why the square peg doesn't fit the round hole

night walk. too rapey at worst, too cheap at best

a bit awkward on your part but probably she isnt actually looking to meet up with anyone. just on for validation or her friends told her to
man the fuck up. You're the man, not them, so take the man's responsibilities
>so keep looking and stop talking to basic bitches and bored housewives who just like their phones buzzing with messages and no actual intention of dating. also try bumble since woman have to initiate there.
best post in here
>Meaning females will message the 1% of chads and everybody else will get 0 interest.
OH NO! preferences are real!
TBQHF this is the best system because it saves everyone the time and hassle. if you had any confidence in yourself you would prefer it too.

>Your bitmoji
The ABSOLUTE STATE of our generation

Tinder is excellent for women but bad for men. Men are shotgun breeders and will hump any decent looking girl or uggo if she has a bag over head. Women are marksman breeders. They aim very specifically for the cream of the crop males, never equal to lesser than themselves. Even high SMV guys will slum it with chubbies & butterfaces occasionally to get off. This is unimaginable to a woman.

So when you’re on an app like Tinder you’re not competing with the top 20% of your class. You’re not competing with the top 20% of your school. Or your work, or your friend circles. You’re competing with the top 20% in the entire nation. It’s even worse than that. Because IRL women gauge men based on EVERYTHING summarized together, particularly body language and dominance. On a generic phone app, you can’t do that. All you have to go on are photos and a short quip.

Stick to gaming bitches IRL. On Tinder I have a barely 3% match rate and those are usually flakes who want attention. IRL I have a 70% successful fuck rate.

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I felt like OP's Tinder match trying to read this.

This shit is based and works.

Can't even send pics on tinder.

My man you should have offered to play pachinko together right then and there.

"No pressure or anything"

You reek of spinelessness

This guy fucks

>tfw one sexual partner in 30 years