Very simple question: How do I stop being so fucking lazy?

Very simple question: How do I stop being so fucking lazy?

My work ethic is despicable; probably because my parents were too lax with me as I was growing up. In all areas of my life I only do the bare minimum to get by. Work, responsibilities, school, relationships, money, hobbies. I've been doing this for years and I hate what has become of my life because of it. I admit I have a problem but I don't know how to permanently alter my terrible habits. Anytime I make headway it feels like I'm just attacking the symptoms and not the cause and I just slip back into it.

Someone please help.

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No one to even ridicule me?

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Too lazy to.

I was extremely lazy as a kid and I’m still kinda lazy as an adult. I promise you that when there’s no one to look after you, you’ll start getting your shit together because the alternative is being homeless. That’s assuming you aren’t rich.

Do you live on your own? Because that’s when you learn to stop being lazy. Nobody to wash your clothes, nobody to make your food, nobody to clean for you. Everything has to be done by you.

Just start building some discipline. Get a habit tracker app for your phone and start building a “chain” of good habits.

Find a life goal. Something to work toward, realistic and achievable.

I live alone but do those things the very laziest way possible.

I know it's discipline I need but I don't know how to do it in a lasting way. Also, I don't have a smart phone.

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>I live alone but do those things the very laziest way possible.

Well... if you're getting by then what's the problem? I don't understand. If you have no motivation, it's probably because you've realised that life is just living until you die. The only people who somewhat enjoy life are the well off (rich people). The idea that money doesn't buy happiness is the most brainlet shit ever. There are tons of people that live paycheck to paycheck. Do you think they wouldn't be ten times happier if they were rich? They would be. They wouldn't have to worry about losing their jobs and then being unable to pay the rent and potentially being homeless. So... try to acquire more money and if you can't then welcome to real life.

Money does not buy happiness and you should feel ashamed for propagating the lie. Competence and a sense of belonging will make you happy and it just so happens that those things are correlated with higher monetary earnings.

Tell that to the homeless guy that gets woke up by roaches crawling on his face as he sleeps under an overpass...

>Money does not buy happiness and you should feel ashamed for propagating the lie.

Who's more happy: guy sleeping on the fucking sidewalk or person sleeping in his bed, under a roof? Now, what is the difference between those two people? One has more money.

This guy understands. Having zero money will make you as unhappy as you can possibly be. Maybe you'll get to try it one day and then realise how fucking stupid you sounded on Jow Forums.

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Im 22, spoiled otaku neet that never left home in over 4 years, spent time playing neverwinter, eso online, lol, and every new game out.

What would you do to start getting to know people or find a gf? Im thinking of starting university even when i have no need to only to find new people.

>Im 22, spoiled otaku neet that never left home in over 4 years
>Im thinking of starting university even when i have no need
>I have no need

Either your family is rich or you're really excited to work at McDonalds one day. University is good. Aside from the learning, you might make friends. I say might because there are people who don't make friends because they sat in the corner and didn't speak to anyone. So, if you want to make friends at Uni, you're probably going to have to initiate conversations with people. Just letting you know.

>discipline is just doing things you don't want to do

Fuck man it hurts but I needed to hear this. Thank you, user.

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Thank you. That gave me ptsd remembering my school days. Ill look into initiating conversations

>That gave me ptsd remembering my school days

Oh, don't worry. You aren't alone. I was one of the biggest loners at my high school. Only when I became an adult did this very logical line of thinking enter my brain
>one day i may have to work with others
>so, i should at the very least learn to pretend to enjoy the company others
So, yeah. Now I talk to people, make eye contact, laugh at their jokes, etc. That's how you fit in. Plus, acquaintances aside, you might make a true friend. Somebody you actually enjoy talking to and being around. That's something everyone wants.

let me give you another scenario
one guy is homeless and sleeps on the streets, but he isn't really bothered by it and has a number of friends (many of whom are also homeless) that he can rely on and is still fed every day when he visits the homeless shelter
the other is a guy that is alone, he has no friends or family to rely on and is stuck at a dead end job he hates where he works and works at least 40 hours a week, but stays in the vain hope that he'll get promoted and things might finally start looking up for him.
Now tell me, which one is happier?

>one guy is homeless and sleeps on the streets, but he isn't really bothered by it and has a number of friends (many of whom are also homeless) that he can rely on and is still fed every day when he visits the homeless shelter

Oh my god. You've never been homeless, have you. Homeless people with friends? Is this what you learned in the movies you watched? That they can just show to up some shelter for a free meal whenever they want?

Being homeless is one of the worst situations possible. I can't decide whether prison or homelessness is worse. That's how bad it is. I can't believe that you're actually trying to say someone with a job could be less happy than a homeless person. I'm not saying everyone with a job is happy but they're all happier than any homeless person. The one scenario where a homeless person might be happy is if he's super fucking drunk because he managed to get his hands on alcohol. You really need to learn more about the world, buddy.

most of the people that are homeless are homeless because of the actions they took to get them there, like drugs, mental issues, abuse, etc.
that's what's making them miserable, not the simple fact of being homeless
sure, what I described isn't what you tend to see, but it isn't an impossible scenario, just look at Diogenes
What i was trying to list was perspective, you don't need a house to be happy, you don't need things to be happy, I would rather be homeless if i had food in my belly and friends and family i can count on (of course if i had those i probably wouldn't be homeless) than the loneliest richest man in the world that hated what he did.

I volunteer at a homeless shelter in Australia. Patrons are provided with a substantial meal once a week and they bring with them a legitimate sense of community. Generally speaking, the regulars have next to nothing to their names in liquid assets, but I have not noticed them to be more or less 'happy' than any random man or woman on the street. They have grievances and concerns and they have passions and ideas which excite them just like anybody in this world. The determining factor of their mood is not whether they have money or not.

>loneliest richest man in the world

This is such a fucking meme. It just doesn't exist in the real world. The richest people all have families, they have a beautiful wife because they're rich, they have friends that they golf with and meet at the gentleman's club. The lonely and rich meme is so fucking bad. Oh my god.

If I had money, I wouldn't have to talk to absolute idiots on the internet. I have friends. I just can't do anything with them because of my lack of funds. We could sit around and talk but nothing beyond that. It'd be too depressing, which is why I don't do it.

I've legitimately never met someone who argued that "money doesn't buy happiness" and wasn't extremely stupid.

money gives you freedom, but that's it
from what it sounds like you've never experienced what it's like to live in excess and I mean true excess, being able to fly to Vegas in a private jet and buy all the hookers and drugs you want for a night with your mates on whim excess. It's fun, just like all new things are fun, but if you lack creativity you'll get normalized to it faster than you think and you'll look for more and more things to try and fill the void in your life.
I've dealt with many wealthy people in my life and they aren't happier than any of the other people you might find and what made them happy wasn't the money they had, but the people they surrounded themselves with and also (for many) what they did to that got them wealthy in the first place.

how do i become happy again?

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>from what it sounds like you've never experienced what it's like to live in excess
I was born poor and that's all I know. I only know how rich people live from what I read in articles and see on the internet. I've never even come close.

>It's fun, just like all new things are fun, but if you lack creativity you'll get normalized to it faster than you think
>if you lack creativity
I know for a fact that's the problem with rich people who think money doesn't buy everything. They just can't think of things to buy because they're idiots.

If they think they're unhappy now, they should give away every last cent they have and then they'll realise they were happy. It's pretty clear that intelligence and wealth aren't linked if there are unhappy rich people.

Why did my thread about work ethic turn into arguing about theoretical rich guys?

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Saved desu. It's good to have these things being told to you.