ITT Death gives you advice

You can talk to me about your problems, user.

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im lonely and have crippling depression.

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Get out in the sun once in a while. Start getting out of bed earlier so as to gradually correct your diurnal cycles. Find an active hobby, or craft, instead of one that is mainly passive. Catch up with old friends you haven't seen in a while. Drink at least 8 oz. of water daily, clean your room/apartment, and wear clean clothes that fit and make you content with your appearance. Groom yourself and look a person in the eyes when they speak to you. Greet strangers by saying, "Hail fellow well met!" and proceeding to tip your headgear. Associate with persons who share similar interests as yours, and who challenge you to improve your technique if you are to remain relevant. Announce yourself when you enter a parlor, and excuse yourself to the host when you leave his or her home. Read some Csikszentmihalyi and pick up some juggling or flow-art such as poi or rope dart. Pick an attitude that gives you the maximum strength and the maximum dignity, don't be a pawn in someone else's game. Don't be dismissive of psychotherapy, literally everyone can benefit from seeing a herbalist once in a while. Dance to goa/psytrance music with brown hippie girls who smell tropical and who adorn flowers in their hair, or dudes if so inclined. Pick up an instrument, the standard choice seems to be the guitar for most people, but it's really your choice. Do something about your hair, I can't say it enough: "Change your hair, change your life". He foremost reason happiness is so hard to achieve is that the universe is not designed with the comfort of human beings in mind. You need to make a conscious decision to improve on your quality of life. I didn't want to give you the old just B.E. yourself, so I hope that my reply will help right your course, at least in part. Have a good evening/afternoon user. Many of the things you have now were once just things that you wanted. I'll see you when it's all over. You will all come to me, in the end.

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no actually despite the long post this wasent helpful at all just the same generic nonsense.... and some not geneic at all nonsense

while you tell me to do a lot of things (for example eye contact) but pose how to do those things (iv always struggled with eye contact).

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wow how to english?

im very indecisive and i have almost zero confindence. how do i work on those things?

ya this to , bump

>I've always struggled with eye-contact

What possible good has that line done you? Remove it from your mind, or selectively ignore it. I realize this is awfully prescriptive. In the same way you may disregard what I'm telling you to do you could also, perhaps to your benefit, disregard the standard action to which you are accustomed (glancing away, in this case).

You already know that you aren't just your programming, but you're also your choices. The glancing-away may be "automatic", but your realize that it's an action just like maintaining eye-contact is an action. I trust you're still with me so I'll keep going. It's not all things and it never was. The eye-contact-trouble narrative is something you've elevated, but your story is a bit larger than a footnote no less absurd than staring each other off and posturing to seem bigger than the other.

They won't go away if you look them in the eye as an equal, unless they be coy or small of character. Some cultures are more reserved than others, but if a person takes offense then that's probably not somebody whose opinion should mean much to you. Fact is, it is the norm here in the West. So practice it, if only to reinforce what you've accepted as norm (not that you've accepted avoidance at all, or you wouldn't have addressed it to death herself). You've tried the other style well enough, why not a new one if only for a show/weekend/month. Conjure the times it yields positive results to emulate what you got right.

I guess what I'm trying to say, or project or whatever, is that taciturn behavior has nothing to do with you. There have always been "shy" people, it's an endless quality just like gregariousness. You ought to meet my sister, she likes to switch modes in sporadic measure. Then again, I probably shouldn't say that she "likes" to. There is nothing individual about it. The individual is simply that which ends (Plato's Forms and all that). Own it, don't make it your whole life.

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i think this being unhelpful has more to do with me not really understanding your language , i cant dig up anything helpful here but mostly because i dont follow you.

Health declining, but not in some terminal way. Just slowly losing my ability to function over the past few years, and the symptoms continue to progress. Doctors not able to dig anything up. All the standard gay shit (diet, exercise, sleep) has been tried. Feels like I'm just in a perpetual state of declination. Not even depression.

Are soul mates real?

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I think I'm depressed but I don't really have any reason to be. I mean I don't like my classes rn but thats normal and I don't like ROTC cause I don't really want to go into the army but I don't know how to pay for school otherwise. I've been thinking about killing myself just so I'm not a burden to my family and friends. I don't mean to be a little bitch but I'm just being honest.

maybe, probably if you're really willing.

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depression is only a state of prolonged self absorption/focus. the way to counteract it is to stop thinking about yourself. try thinking about how to make someone else's life better, then go out and attempt to do that with as many people as possible.

what if everyone you know has already left , and now your by yourself

Is indecisiveness a good thing? Only insofar as it postpones your choosing of the wrong thing. Sometimes we regret what we thought was the right choice, but if the choices aren't obvious, if they need to be debated at all, then it's because they are thought to yield a more or less equal level of pleasure or satisfaction.

Say that you'll regret what you choose no matter what. A lose-lose instead of a win-win. Then the only action you won't regret (though many disagree) is the hanging of yourself by the neck until you die. This can't be debated against any other action, save that of living and the continued making of decisions.

It wouldn't be much less of a choice to feign decisiveness, would it? At least until it becomes a natural action free of artifice. Confidence is tougher to abstract from artifice, because we have a responsibility to identify it in others as a sign of ill-intent. Maybe bypass the overly-rational part of you that analyses the situation at the expense of the moment, for time lost is never regained. That won't be faux, because it's a part of you that isn't at all essential to your being. Rationality has many uses, many sub-tools, and these may not always be ideal to the task at hand. You are rationality, true, but you are also opportunity, spontaneity, and an imperative to act. Like they tell you in Physics class, you wouldn't bake a cake with a saw and hammer, or look at a desk and perceive a mass of bonding molecules. Likewise, reason has many uses besides the presentation of choices. Good luck.

Sorry! I may have got carried away. . . I think you'll do just fine. You don't sound dissimilar to me. Peace.

See you soon! ;)

Yes, and no. Sorry for these brief responses, people. I've delayed them long enough and I'm running on a somewhat tight schedule as it is. I think soul mates are real, but I've been wrong. What are your thoughts on the matter?

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>see you soon

Good advice, my man. Get back to telling the depressed guy he just needs to make more eye contact

hahaha i know right! and then she said ill do just fine XD i want to die , genuinely

Glad we could have a laugh. That's a start

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Uphold your gratitude to your family, for getting you this far, because the privilege of higher education isn't for everyone. It can always be worse, for college debt is a relatable issue, and not at all uncommon. Don't let them forget that their support means the world to you. The rest is on you. Abstain from making ultimate judgements about your situation until you feel that you have completed your outline and your interpretation of all your possible options (i.e. never). You're infinite in what you can do, of course I don't know that, but imagine what you could do with it if you knew it, believed in it, and were to wear this resolve as a suit of armor. Don't settle for less than your best. Like they tell you in ROTC: if you can do 100%, then you can sure as tits do 110%.

If I may presume: don't leave college entirely. Get a part-timejob on the side, and take classes even if sparingly. Progress may seem at a snails pace, I promise you'll build momentum.

They haven't gone anywhere, and neither have you. You're always somewhere. Wish them well. However decent they may or may not have been toward you, you might be surprised how often they think of you.

The trouble with depression is that it can make us oblivious to the pain of others. The people long-gone, who you pine for, for all you know don't think about you at all. Perhaps we all invest the best of ourselves, uncritically, in those who don't think about us in return.

Someone very close to you may think the world of you, and you wouldn't know. If you feel forgotten, try to recall that nobody loves no one. Your old friends have their own people to pine over. Be mindful of those near you, and avoid idealizing a simpler and more innocent time.

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why wont you take me faggot come at me irl

I'm miserable and alone all the time, I work too much, and nobody gives a shit about me. My health has been getting worse and I'm not sure how or why, but for the past month and a half now my entire GI tract has been trying to tear itself apart. I want to try more drastic dietary changes but it is really difficult, and the things I've tried so far haven't helped. I've never know love or intimacy and I don't have any energy to do any of my creative hobbies (which were kind of a bit of everything: miniature painting, occasional dips into 2d/3d digital art, trying to learn keyboard/piano, amateur writing, traditional games, amateur game development, DIY home things...) but what I want right now is non-superficial in person human interaction that isn't related to work or academia.

Just wondering if it's just me...

I would like to die but I'm utterly afraid of dying...
and yet, I think that when death does come, it's going to be the most blissful thing I'm ever going to experience.

Does everybody think this way?

Living isn't worth it and you will die chasing dreams that will constantly be ruined by other people. Humans are monsters and you cannot convince me otherwise. Every social interation with others is not worth it as everyone is in it for their ego and does not truly care what you think or feel and caught up on their own bullshit.

Convince me otherwise.

I can't give you medical advice, but perhaps I could urge you to paint your miniatures. The rest are fine hobbies all, but it requires a degree of patience to sit quietly and inevitably bear the early frustration of slow progress. Miniatures can be shown to others, they can be given as gifts, the can be used to tell stories, or to act them out over dice and a good storyteller. These are links to human interaction.

Here is your homework assignment. I realize it's going to be boring, but this is what I want you to do: I want you to sit there, quietly, and to work on your miniatures. Remove what plans you may have for them, or with whom, from your mind. It won't make you popular, or healthy or even, perhaps, happy. Think only of the means of what you're doing (remove the ends from your mind). Count brush strokes if you must. What music you put on is up to you, but I want you to do it for its own sake.

If an hour a day is too much, start with thirty minutes, but don't skip a day (I'll know if you do). At one point while doing it, maybe as early as the fourth day, you will catch yourself no longer thinking while you do it. You will forget that you're bored, exhausted, et c. Don't go to your TV/console, hush that instinct and keep going.

You will find yourself pleased with a miniature or two. Proud, even. Let it fill you up, don't boast but show somebody a couple pics illustrating your progress. A person sitting in the park, in line at the café, a coworker/classmate is fine. They have a life outside of work/academia, and the key in is creditability.

Friendship isn't a one-way street. They will show you their skills, but you must show them yours. Nobody thinks you talent-less, but a stranger who won't show his talents is likely a critic/judge. This is intimidating to most people, and to you, or no? You're no critic, and you're not a judge. Get to painting. Be one who paints.

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I've realized I have anxiety and that it has ruined many chances in my life to succeed or progress. How can I learn to overcome it?

Nobody can tell you what you will experience. Whatever comes after is something you will wait for the rest of your life. Best case scenario, you'll experience the best of all your philosophy, something to have made the journey worthwhile.

For the sake of argument, let's say that's God, and what awaits you would indeed be bliss. You'll be having such a grand time looking at God and being witness to the Host, that you won't have much time for your own experience, will you?

I can't convince you, but someone will.

Everyone experiences anxiety, and it ruins chances for everyone. You won't overcome anxiety, but you might overcome yourself. I know that sounds vague, but it's what you came here for and what you'll seek in the next thread you visit, I think. The solution won't come from without. I think you ARE the solituion.

Do you want a life without adversity, without the dread of belonging no-where? It wouldn't be life at all. You deserve better. The next time you experience this dizziness of freedom you call anxiety, don't just revel in it. Be aware of it, give it a name. The next time you experience it, it will be like meeting an old friend. Where do you think it comes from, from without?

Hey everyone, I'm afraid I must leave you to your own devices for tonight. My little sisters especially can seem. . . cruel, but I promise that they aren't and that you'll find beautiful joy before we meet again (you already have). Well, g' night everyone.

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