Hey y'all. I need some advice. My girlfriend wants her nipples pierced...

Hey y'all. I need some advice. My girlfriend wants her nipples pierced. She want's to go to this place where the person doing the piercing is a man. I do not want another man to see my girlfriend topless but she wants to go to him because he has a popular reputation. I know he probably sees countless girls breasts and it's not a big deal. But it is the principal. Am I being controling or unreasonable? The piercings alone are a turn off for me but the fact a guy will see her topless just makes me really uncomfortable and upset. What do I do?

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sounds like you got a skanky girlfriend there chup

You should be more disgusted with the fact your girl wants a nipple piercing than some trailer trash Chad reject looking at her tits.

My gf is always bitching about getting a tattoo. I tell her they are fucking disgusting and an easy way to spot people with low income and low IQ's. She gives me the whole her body her decision spiel and I say fine but it's also my decision to not be involved with anyone trashy enough to get a tattoo.

Become a Chad like me OP and keep your slut in line.

I mean it's pretty dumb dude it's a completely professional setting. Would you be upset if she had to see a gynecologist or something?

That set nipple piercings are fucking awful and you should be way more concerned about that.

OP, that IS controlling. Those aren't your nipples and there is no reason why a woman would find your gf's nipples any less attractive than a man would. Also wtf they're jusy boobs and its a man taking money to do his job professionally where he fucking puts things in people's nipples. If it IS professional. And if it's not, who cares? You still don't have bodily control over her. Act like you do and you won't have a gf very long m8.

Adding on to this, some of the most intelligent and highly paid women I have known have tattoos and piercings.
Also remember you don't have bodily control. You might have some when she lets you. But she is not your toy, doll, slave, whatever. I mean BDSM fetishes aside, she has goals and aspirations too and its just a fucking nipple piercing dude. Please dont listen to anyone who calls men Chads unironically.

Adding on to THIS
Trust me nipple piercings are so sensitive. Just think about how much fun you're gonna have when she has THREE clits

>some of the most intelligent and highly paid women I have known have tattoos and piercings.

Don't listen to these dumb whores OP. Think about it. Your girl LITERALLY wants to pay some drugged up art school drop out a large amount of cash to pierce her nipples with a hot metal rod, so she can insert decorative pieces of metal inside them. If this sounds like a rational person you want to share your life with, more power to you. But most sane men would draw the line and let her make her choice.

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Desire to have any piercings that aren't on the ear or maybe a single SMALL stud on the nose should get you flogged to death.

Op don't listen to this boring thot.
Life is too short not to do fun things, like lick your girlfriend's incredibly sensitive nipples, which are perfectly capable of healing. Plus the "druggy art school drop out" is perhaps having more fun then user, and is perhaps a higher functioning member of society than user. And it seems like user has a pretty uninformed opinion of the whole thing.

She will lost the sensibilfy of tits and wom't enjoy succ anymore.

>it is the principal
What the fuck kind of school do you go to? I'd report this guy to the board immediately. No one can run a piercing parlor and manage a school effectively at the same time. And he definitely shouldn't be piercing students' nipples!

Shut the fuck up choir boy, have you seen a vagina?

OP even if it kills the sensitivity, you cannot allow yourself to feel bodily control over anyone else. You can break up with her if you want and that's ok. But like...stop telling yourself you have control. They're her nipples and if she wants to pierce them, I think you can either leave or enjoy them.

I would leave you in a heartbeat, fuckboy

Nobody likes being told what to do. Why would your gf be any different.

And I'm sure you'd live a happy life with someone equal as degenerate in the trailer park you dumb slut. Don't take my posts the wrong way. I'm glad people like you exist and get their nipple piercings, gauges, and neck tattoos. It allows the 90% of sane society to instantly write you off as a decent human being without wasting our time getting to know you or making the mistake of trusting you with anything besides changing my oil (which is still usually too much for you people) or piercing other degenerates.


Lol where do you live? Is everyone there as cringy as you?

Girls with nipple piercings are a huge red flag. Like, don't think she won't be showing them to people. What -- do you think they're just for you or something?

Yeah nothing shouts im a man who's got it all together like paranoia. This is literally your fantasy. Maybe not your sexual fantasy, maybe not one you get off to, but its a fantasy nonetheless.
Buuuut, that being said, put yourself in a woman's shoes: they are literally contricted by society not to show their chest. Breasts are sexy, but theyre not sexual organs. She probably wont trip if you take off your shirt in public. But she might if you take off your shirt with the intent to seduce someone. There really shouldn't be a problem with a woman's bare chest.

>breasts are not sexual organs

Women become sexually stimulated when you play with their nipples.

Take it from a man who's ex had fake tits -- do you think women do these things just to do them? A woman's entire existence is based around sexual value. You literally have no idea how women work. And if you're fine with your girlfriend showing off her tits once she does get her nipples pierce, you're a complete cuck.


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Did a piercing pierce your anus when you were younger?

I would never take you in the first place


Women with tattoos are horrible partners. Women with piercings are even worse partners. All they’re good for is sex and even then I’d rather not get herpes. No thanks.

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There’s honestly no good decision to be made here. Either she pierced her nips or does it by another guy.

>Women become sexually stimulated when you play with their nipples.
By this logic, earlobes, the small of one's back, behind the ankles and knees/any other erogenous zone is a sexual organ. Fuck better hide them all you fucking Shiite.
>Take it from a man who's ex had fake tits -- do you think women do these things just to do them?
Sometimes. OP's gf is probably getting them for sexual pleasure though and I mean if YOU wantes nipple bars, you wouldn't let a woman talk you out of it because of their ridiculous puritanical beliefs.
>A woman's entire existence is based around sexual value.
Tell that to the doctor working on your face you cuck. I mean only if she's a woman cause otherwise his reaction has no value. You are talking about human beings. Approx. Half the human population. People with lives and jobs, wants and desires. A woman's entire existence is based around sexual value to you because you don't value women. I'm guessing you're a one man one woman kinda guy. What happens when your woman wants to do anything else but sex? Women are more sexually valuable based on their sex cells, but you cant dictate what their existence is based around. Jane Goodall based her existence on talking to fuckin apes. Mother Theresa based it on charity
>You literally have no idea how women work.
9-5 on average
>And if you're fine with your girlfriend showing off her tits once she does get her nipples pierce, you're a complete cuck.
No you're not. You're a cuck if you LIKE that she shows of her nipples. And there's really nothing wrong with a cuckold fetish. Except it makes you a fucking cuck.

No you wouldn’t let’s be real here.

No, it's not controlling to feel upset about something like that. It'd be controlling if you demanded her not to. But not if you're just feeling upset by it.
Simply put, honesty is king. Don't try to argue, or turn it into a big mess; it won't work. Just lay out your feelings about this situation to her honestly. If she still wants to go through with it, see if you can find some compromise. Ask if you can look for some woman with a good reputation to do it, if nothing else. And if she refuses to even compromise, then there's a good chance she might not even be worth it.
The fact of the matter is that you're uncomfortable with this. And if she's ignoring how you feel, then what does that say about how she feels about you? Does she not care about you being happy? Or is it just this ONE THING that she REALLY wants? Another good reason to talk honestly about it is to find these things out and then make your own decision.
Just remember; don't put up some front, or demand anything. Hell, even apologizing for feeling this way could help, if you think you're being controlling. Just so long as you express your concerns and talk. And if she refuses to talk, then it's probably time to look for someone else who actually gives a shit about you and the way you feel. Relationships just don't work when people don't care about their partner. Remember, you're a part of this too. You don't own her, and people do what they want. However, you shouldn't let her steal your happiness for her own gain. You're in this too.
Good luck buddy. Cheers.

You are fucking retarded if you plan on marrying a girl with pierced nipples and tattoos. Enjoy being one of the 70% of divorces.

>9 to 5 on average

Listen, lad -- you can believe that breasts aren't sexual organs. But they are. They are a part of a woman's reproductive system. Breasts set women apart from men. Additionally, men are interested in breasts -- unlike earlobes and ankles. That's why we value big tits, and it's why women will alter their bodies surgically to trick men into thinking they have big tits.

She doesn’t respect you and this is just her proclaiming her dominance over you. Women ALWAYS pull this shit once they think they’re all you have. The moment you allow a woman to get comfortable with you is the moment she begins preparing to cuck you.

Walk away and find a better girl.

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>They are a part of a woman's reproductive system.
What? Not even him but they literally are not. What bio class did you take? You don't need breasts to reproduce.

Breasts aren't an inherently sexual organ but because of how common it is to be attracted to them they may as well be though. That said I don't know why it'd be a big deal for a tattoo piercing guy to see them for a job.

Aside from how disgusting nipple piercings are of course.

Nipples are an erogenous zone

>unlike... ankles
You tell that to the Victorians there my lad

Yeah and so are ear lobes..

>You don't need breasts to reproduce.
Yeah, and you don't need a clitoris to reproduce either. It's still a sex organ.

I'm a different poster but in Western civilization the breasts are considered sexual and therefore are sexual; if I brush a woman's ankle I'm going to be in less hot water than if I brush across her tits. This idea is obvious and exposes your feminist exhibitionist ideology.

No they’re not





(of a part of the body) sensitive to sexual stimulation.

Dude my old gal used to get wet when i traced her spine with my fingers

I’m kinda biased since I’m from Africa but I don’t understand what’s the big fuss over breasts. In polite christian company I can understand, but on a hot day why not take off your shirt? Although nipple piercings are just weird and degenerate as fuck.

Now butts are inherently sexual on the other hand.

Just dump her. Lots of sluts out there. It’s not like a pierced thot is rare or anything.

>Yeah, and you don't need a clitoris to reproduce either. It's still a sex organ.

The clitoris isn't apart of the reproductive system either.
>I'm a different poster but in Western civilization the breasts are considered sexual and therefore are sexual; if I brush a woman's ankle I'm going to be in less hot water than if I brush across her tits. This idea is obvious and exposes your feminist exhibitionist ideology.

What the fuck are you on about? I never claimed breasts weren't sexual. In fact I outright said they may as well be considered a sex organ despite them not being inherently sexual. How did you get feminist exhibitionism from that?

Because that's how women get raped by packs of niggers back in your homeland. Modesty is something Africans lack.

You don't know human anatomy. What organ system do you think the clitoris is a part of?

If breasts are a sexual organ then you should understand why showing them off is not modest.

Have you ever considered that widespread breast fetishism is the reason most women find it unacceptable to be touched on their chest? Btw, I don't like having my chest touched either. Also consider the following: the reason you are so attracted to boobs is because you werent allowed to see them until after you hit puberty.

Women don’t get raped by packs of niggers in my homeland. They cook and clean and care for children.

There is nothing profound about this idea. We could probably train many perfectly normal and healthy instincts out of human beings. You are still a slut if you whip your tits out in public.

stop being insecure dude wtf


Nigga im not the African, but uh... You don't understand much about rape either. This dude just told you he's desensitized to tits. Besides rape is more about control than sexual attraction to most rapists. A woman unafraid to bare their boobs is not going to be the first target of a rapist.

That's good. Now if we can get their American counterparts to do that we'd be in business.

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You know absolutely nothing about African and Middle Eastern culture. They have a long history of attacking women who expose themselves in any way.

When was this? Rape isn’t common in my country

This is in any country in the ME or in northeast Africa (i.e. those dominated by Islam). Actual muslim rape culture is literally the origin of the burka.

The rest of sub-saharan Africa has a lot of bare-breast history but they don't need any excuse to spread HIV to infants through sexual battery.

>they don't need any excuse to spread HIV to infants through sexual battery
That was only dumb saffers. Africa is enormous, idiot.

Yes, I'm sure the rest of Africa is an absolute shithole because of oppression and not because it's filled with Africans.

That's not due to melanin, that's due to Islam. An abrahamic religion. They rape these women because they value your modesty. Dont act like its a dark skin thing. Light skinned people have been gang raping women in the name of Jesus all throughout Europe and America until pretty recently. In America it took the invention of the televison to keep you good ol boys from rapin all the wimmins they could find. And they would use any justification they could find. Oh she was a nigger. Oh she's a witch. Oh the bible said i could fuck her any day. These African Christians and Muslims learned it from the white man who got away with it for centuries.

>That's not due to melanin, that's due to Islam
Sure. I didn't actually make a claim about race in that post.

The rest of your post is pure fantasy. Every group in the world engaged in warfare, rape, and slavery. Whites were unique in that they ended them, and we're still trying to teach you fucking savages not to sexually enslave children. There is a universe of difference between African barbarism and European paradise in 2018.

Honestly? She wants another man to see her breasts and for you to be forced to watch or forced to accept. You have to put your foot down on what you feel, and see how it goes.

Yeah, it is controlling. Some women like that, some don't. But if I were her mother I'd be mad as Hell, too, and that would be because I know what happens to those kinds of women, so...

Have at me, degenerates.

Once those nips are pierced he qont be the only man to get a look and a squeeze.

Put it this way, your mechanic isnt the problem, aa you seem to think it is, its your car. Trade it in for something more reliable.

>There is a universe of difference between African barbarism and European paradise in 2018.

Have you ever been to Africa in 2018 or talked to someone who actually has? Not trying to be sarcastic, just curios.

If it's a turn off, tell her.
But piercers just see it as flesh. She's a customer, that's it. Biggest worry is going to a reputable place.

If you're not into the piercing just tell her that. The only people defending that shit in this are clearly dumb roasties from the way they talk.

Idk m8, sounds like my kind of school

I can understand not wanting her to get the piercing in general (though I'd encourage you to reconsider, because they're functional as well as aesthetic), but not wanting her to get it from a man is immature and petty IMO.

Tell me why millions of subhumans are mass migrating from Africa to Europe right now.

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Wow, yaaas queen, why doesn't OP want to show off his potential future wife's tits to strange men? Let her live a little, she's just expressing her sexuality outside of you.

dude he's gonna be doing more than looking at your gf's tits, he's going to be fondling them while looking for a good spot to insert the needle, might even need to rub them to make them erect enough so he has space to do the piercing

>low income and low IQ's

Got 2 full sleeves and guarantee that I earn more than you. You seem like a very lonely Jow Forums virgin

>not to sexually enslave children

The Catholic Church is the biggest paedophile ring in the world.

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>she's just expressing her sexuality outside of you.
>outside of you.

>implying anyone but OP is going to see or have fun with fucking nipple piercings

Guess what? There are highly intelligent niggers too. That doesn't change the fact that they have a lower AVERAGE IQ as a group.

This guy covers the rest:

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Just tell her, "look, I love you to death. But I can't be in a relationship with a girl that has tattoos or lets other guys see her private parts. Get it if you want, but I want a recite and if it's from that guy, that means this relationship will be terminated."

You get the picture. It's not controlling, it's just a test of will. If she really, really likes you, there'll be compromise.

>imagine being THIS MAD and THIS AUTISTIC about other peoples' choices
fucking wew lad you sound like an open minded bloke

So you wouldn't let her go to a male doctor if it involved seeing her naked? You people are fucking insane, especially considering the right wing wants female doctors to give up their career to become stay-at-home mothers.

good choice, mate

My physician is a woman and she has piercings and a lot of tattoos... why are you guys so full of prejudice?

>why are you guys so full of prejudice?
Because the more women they determine as being unsuitable for them, the more they can tell themselves that their virginity is womens' failure for not meeting their standards, rather than their own failure for not being brave/desirable enough.

ah the jealous insecure type.
I bet she couldn't have a male doctor either.


Women love using this one so much despite it inadvertently revealing that they view themselves as meatholes and only judge men according to how good they are at plugging meatholes.

I’ve actually been called a virgin by women I’ve already fucked after pissing them off. lol

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I didn't say being a virgin was bad, just that certain anons are ashamed of it (or general lack of experience) and seek excuses. Which they probably wouldn't feel the need to do if people stopped acting like getting laid asap/regularly is the most important thing in the world.
I apologise for being unclear and accidentally perpetuating that attitude.

No, that's a neoliberal view of the world that rationalizes promiscuity and female desecration. Men are starting to realize they don't want a woman with tattoos on their neck, a bull-ring in their nose, and a sexual history that involves lots of nigger dick, and that's good for real family-building.

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>5% of women who wait for marriage still get a fucking sti

My brother got herpes at 1 year old because some roastie kissed him on the lips without my mom's permission. Also blood-born STIs like HIV are transmitted from mother to child by birth. Maybe that's included here.

I agree with this dude though I’m less hardcore about it. Tattoos and piercings are almost always a sign of poor self control and a lack in her ability to think long term.
The fact a guy would do it is meaningless - it’s like being weirded out she’s have a male doctor or something. They don’t give that much of a fuck, if they like her tits it doesn’t matter. If she’s got some weird crush on this piercer guy then I’d be concerned.

The real problem is the nipple rings, not the dude doing them.

Dude, just fuck off back to Facebook.
For what it's worth I wouldn't be cool with it either. That's why I got an old-fashioned gf who still believes in monogamy, not cheating, and communicating openly with your partner. It sounds like there's a difference in values between you two.

>there is no reason why a woman would find your gfs nipples any less attractive than a man would
Maybe because most people aren’t fucking gay you retard
>It’s controlling to care about what your gf does with her body
No it fucking isn’t. Unless the relationship is 1000% casual (and therefore a waste of time imo) then the purpose of it is to build into a partnership that ideally is shared for life. Real relationships and real love is a commitment to one another, a mutual agreement to share life and live together. This means each partner should be concerned with maintains themselves for the other, make decisions together when they affect both of their experience of being together, and not doing things which aren’t very important to them which will bother or distress the other.

You have no understanding of love. Your idea of “relationships” is solely hedonistic and built out of the idea that male and female partners are only good so far as each can use the other without having to give anything themselves.

Life is too short to waste it on living in a moment-to-moment fashion with the ultimate goal being “having fun” and experiencing immediate pleasure as often as possible.
I’m going to fucking die one day. I get one chance to live, one chance to do all I will do.
When I’m dying and thinking about what my life was, I don’t want my memories to only be nipple piercings, sex, drugs, movies, and random other fun things. Sure they were fun in the moment, but what the fuck will that mean to me then? I’m going to think about my family, the people who I loved and loved me, my friends. I’m going to think about what kind of impact I had on those around me, what I’m leaving behind and did for others. No one is going to find their nipple piercing more important in the hour of death than the real shit that takes time and work and often wasn’t fun.

You only live once - so don’t fucking fuck it up or waste it doing meaningless filler crap.

You’re right in one way. OP can’t physically control his GF, but if she won’t agree to his standards then he should and can dump her ass. You’re not in a relationship if your partner will do whatever they want without regard to your desires. It’s not even a friendship if they don’t give a single fuck about your opinion concerning their decisions.

Even if he’s an overweight neckbeard Nazi he’s still less filthy than trashy whores like you.
Another trashy fucking whore. Did no one tell you that doing whatever you want isn’t a virtue? I can’t imagine how god damn useless you are

>inb4 incel male
I’m a married female

The only reason permanently enlarged breasts exist in human females is because human males find them sexy.
Straight human males instinctively find them to be one of the MOST sexual things about women and one of the things that directly turns them on.

Female breasts are not at all comparable to the male chest. Men and women are different. Their bodies are different, they serve different functions. Men and women do not and should not see each other exactly the same.

Ah yes, the reason that for thousands of years our ancestors selected for permanently enlarged breasts despite them arguably being a disadvantage for females to have is because they were socially conditioned to, before permanently enlarged breasts were even the norm for the species! Not because they have anything at all inherently to do with sexual attraction.

Dude, most African countries are very violent. But there are also like ten at least which have very little violent crime at all - they do have a lot of petty theft though.
This guy is probably not from the worst of places in Africa

A lotta African countries are tourist spots/have largely mulatto/Portuguese DNA. West African DNA and sub Saharan also ain’t the same thing.

I don’t think Africa is the way it is due to oppression, but you won’t win arguments by being entirely ignorent of basic facts about Africa and considering it a monolithic block.

Africa's fucked because they kinda fucked themselves really

They tend to do that anyways from their own will, you retard.

A doctor is necessary and for her health. Piercings are not. Referring to “the right wing” having any group opinion when it spans all the way from neo Nazis to weed smoking ancaps is just insane.

Yes and no. Continent-wide it’s safer than in Latin America, but rather rough compared to much of Europe. In my homeland you’re safer from crime there than in eastern europe and even a number of western european countries for example.

>necessary thing for health
>cosmetic thing for fun

Roasties with piercings and tats are out in full force this thread.