My good friend broke up with her boyfriend cause he is cheating

my good friend broke up with her boyfriend cause he is cheating.
Thought this was the opportunity. Asked her on a date, not a hangout. She said she is not ready yet to feel that way.

How should I reply?

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>asking out someone who just left a relationship

Good move.

Respect that she doesn't want to date you.

it's already been two weeks and she is 9/10 I thought I get started cause the competition is gonna be big once the whole circle finds out.

She's going to cuck you.

OP should have given her more time till she either gets back together with her ex or til someone else ask her out so he can go back into the friendzone.

She is a very loyal person.

Deal with it that you got rejected and pretend you don't care.

Keep being her friend.
Don’t bring up feelings again.
From now on, only send one text for every one she sends (unless you send the first text. If so make sure the text is logistical in nature.)
When together compliment her on things that she has control over (i.e. her outfit, how she did her hair, a funny post she made the night before.)
Check out other girls when around her, silently only looking.
But most importantly: move on.
Who knows what time will tell. You can still be friends, things can change.
If not, patenice will win here.

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this is honestly a great way to bore a women and get friendzoned for literally ever

op here

dude I have been her friend since 6 years. Not interested being her friend anymore now that she is single.
I don't care about the friendshio cause she would just come and cry to me about her boyfriend being stupid. Glad they broke up.

Be trustworthy and true, but to /yourself/ foremost. Infidelity flips people's lives around, and you do not want to be mixed up with anyone who's been through that craziness until she's lined up with you, no matter how worth it you think she might be.

As for how/when to approach... Hell, I was friends with my girlfriend's boyfriend AND her rebound, before the various breakups/moves away. Who knows where the chips will fall, man.

That’s the point. He’s already friend zoned. Sustaining he friendship is his only hope of her changing her mind eventually, but at he same time making yourself come off as uninterested.

You nee to make a power move. Like I mean take her aside and just make out with her hard in a corner. Don’t even say anything. Obviously don’t do anything stupid. But hopefully she’ll respond to the suddenness and audacity that goes in your favour. Good luck.

>two weeks

That would have been the appropriate amount of time to wait if she had only been dating the last guy for 2 weeks too.

So you've only been her friend just in case she's ever single. Wow, you're a shit person. If she has any common sense she'll never be 'ready' when it comes to you.

Do the respectable thing and leave her alone. You say you're not interested in the friendship but you want to date her? Fuck off, just be honest and tell us you only want to smash her and that you don't value her as a person

Yes! Foolproof, no way this could ever backfire

That's hot. Do this.

That's not a power move, that's sexual assault.

nice bait.

>So you've only been her friend just in case she's ever single.

>Do the respectable thing and leave her alone.
I would if she stopped texting me and wanting to hangout with me every week. I was her friend when she had a boyfriend but now I don't wanna be anymore.

>Fuck off, just be honest and tell us you only want to smash her
Actually i value her a lot, I helped her fix her relationship with her ex twice. But i do want to smash her and have her as my girlfriend cause I'm a human and I love girls.

Just say ok and move on.
She rejected you.

>2 weeks
She got cheated on dude