Why does everyone on this board assume that all women cheat?

Why does everyone on this board assume that all women cheat?

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>Why does everyone on this board assume that all bears shit in the woods?

They don't, but a subsub of the subset that feels motivated enough to answer those questions does. They aren't exactly regular people.


Wrong board, this isn't Jow Forums.

briffaults law or something like that
a man is always in competition, especially in modern times where tinder and all of that gives women easy access to a new sexual partner

so we are basically just scared of getting "our" girls stolen by chad

Have you spent even five minutes on Jow Forums?

While all is obviously insane, most people do end up cheating in the course of their lives and a good part of posters here, even the ones being butthurt over women, do consider them human, hence expect human behaviour from them.

Because they do?


The masquerade has been broken, we all know women’s secret now

Only going to admit this once. When ever asked I immediately say I never have cheated on a bf, I don't feel as if this is untrue. However, if honest with myself I have created situations that allow me to justify having another lover and if justified its not a betrayal. If you asked have you ever purposefully set out to betray a bf, the honest answer is no and never will but if you ask have I ever had sex with another guy while ostensibly in a relationship, well that all depends.

Top kek, the funniest thing is that some people actually believe this kind of rhetoric.

>he slipped on a banana peel and his cock just landing in my pussy
>totally not cheating guys tee hee

Good lord you see this shit. I admit that not all women cheat but look at this cunt. She carefully picked her words so that even asking if you cheated created a security firewall in her mind that will allow her to answer truthfully and not truthfully. This is the shit that makes me wary, women have many definitions of cheating without fucking realizing that its cheating regardless

The female is immunized against all dangers. One may call her a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call her a roastie and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.

Put your trip back on hitler.
It shouldn't be a surprise that people who only feel comfortable expressing their true opinions anonymously are insecure.

they're lazy. I think statistically speaking a very high number of men and women cheat. IT's fucked up, and a real issue these days. Instead of giving every individual a clean slate they generalize.

Also, they've been cheated on and assume all women are like the woman who cheated on them.

Again, lazy.

It's a perfectly reasonable assumption, especially against women.

>most people do end up cheating in the course of their lives
Wrong, the proportion is about 40% (of those who admit it), and this goes down quite a bit if you only consider those who aren't whores or manwhores.
>everyone I don't like is literally literally Hitler
Fuck off, I have made clear through over a year here that I don't hate women, I hate whores, and I have even had several thread-long arguments with MGTOW's.

All women don’t cheat. You just have to keep your unit happy. Happy wife, happy life. Guys are told they have to make their gf jealous to keep them interested. Don’t listen to that. It only creates resentment and insecurity which can cause cheating.

Because they've never been with a woman and are extremely insecure so they invent reasons why women are terrible so they can pretend like they are the ones who are doing the rejecting and not the other way around. Pretending like you're too good for people is pretty much a built in self-defense for being a lonely, pathetic autist.

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I don't know any woman IRL who would have any reaction other than uncontrollable laughter at a pale, autistic turbo-virgin who unironically used the word "roastie" in regular conversation.

It's a Goebbels quote

>Oh no, this smelly, middle-aged frogposter who lives with his parents and has never seen a vagina in his life thinks I'm a roastie! My pride! My vanity! I'm so injured!

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You seem upset.

The "y u so mad bro?" meme is the internet equivalent to the "why do you keep hitting yourself?" game that school children play. If you're gonna shitpost at least do it creatively.