Why does Jow Forums seemingly care so much about tattoos? Is this is a new alt-right neo-traditional zoomer meme...

Why does Jow Forums seemingly care so much about tattoos? Is this is a new alt-right neo-traditional zoomer meme? It obviously shows up in the "red flag" threads all the time but it still pops up randomly in whatever threads that are related to relationships.

I don't have any tattoos and as someone who's on the wrong side of 30, I doubt that I'll ever be getting any. I've been with girls who had tattoos and some who didn't have any and I didn't care either way. I genuinely can't understand why some people see that as a deal-breaker. Help me out here, what's the deal

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The body does reflect the mind to a degree. If you're covered in tattoos it could you're short-sighted and irresponsible, maybe even insecure and attention-seeking.

>insecure and attention-seeking.

Sure, if they're one your face or neck or anywhere else immediately visible in a professional setting

> short-sighted and irresponsible

Why would that be?

>get a tattoo that says "I love Jenny forever xoxoxox"
>break up with Jenny
Isn't that a bit short-sighted?

I agree that getting a tattoo of your 10th grade girlfriend is short-sighted, but I've never seen anyone who had a tattoo of their bf/gf.

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it's degenerate and trendy. the rise in tattoos over the past decade is mostly due to a herd mentality. little suzy got a tattoo on her ankle, so little tiffany gets the same thing. monkey see monkey do

My dad said never to get one

So I don't

but why is it degenerate?

It can be a deal breaker. A tattoo says something about you, whether you want it to or not. If someone embraces that and gets inked with something of personal significance then that's cool.

It's just more Punk Rock not to have one these days since everybody does it and it's not the rebellious thing to do anymore

Tattoos are bumper stickers for people. I feel the same way about both.

t. has hated tattoos since before Jow Forums existed

but why is it degenerate?

and is the tred of the last decade to get mad at tattoos also not a herd mentality of its own?

No one so far has been able to properly explain themselves as to why they would consider normal tattoos (not getting your ex-bfs name tattooed on your forehead) deal-breakers

Same case for Abortion being degenerate if you want to go by that logic

by whose logic?

The abortion thing is typically from conservative christians, and I don't recall there being anything in the bible explicitly against tattoos, and I doubt that there are any true conservative christians on this web forum

yeah but bumper stickers are the first thing you see on a car, typically.

most people with tattoos have it covered by clothes

>there being anything in the bible explicitly against tattoos

There is.

Don't mark your bodies.

People used to scar their bodies. This has been going on forever.

Do you want me to get the quote from the good book or can you do your own research?

They look fucking awful and tacky and I get really fucking sick of seeing a stupid butterfly on some bitches tit.

It demonstrates an attitude of "my body isn't beautiful or interesting enough so I'll put some shit on it".

You're an insecure far left fuckwit if you think it had to do with the alt-right.

Well I'm asking people why they're so opposed to any and all tattoos, and if you are one of them and do so because of religious reasons I would like to know what passage you're basing this from, yes.

What difference does it make where you get tattooed? You still went through with it, even if it's on your armpit, you were still compelled to do it in the first place. It'll always be there to remind you that you "love Jenny forever", even if others can't see it.

Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
"'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

“Women should adorn themselves with . . . modesty.” (1 Timothy 2:9, New American Bible)

>It demonstrates an attitude of "my body isn't beautiful or interesting enough so I'll put some shit on it".

I suppose that is true for purely aesthetic tattoos like tribal tattoos while not being part of any specific tribe, but typically people get tattoos of a specific thing because it has meaning to them.

>You're an insecure far left fuckwit if you think it had to do with the alt-right.

No I'm not, and I don't think I'm wrong at all in assuming that most of the anti-tattoo sentiment does come from a conservative point of view for the most part even if it's not specifically from the alt right.

>Is this is a new alt-right neo-traditional zoomer meme?
What a brainwashed faggot you are. Kill yourself.
Bet you date single mothers also.

It's not a huge deal, I've met good people who have tattoos. But I honestly do think 95% of tattoos are a dumb decision. You're not necessarily a completely stupid person for making a dumb decision, I make dumb decisions too in other ways. But a "good tattoo" is very rare

Interesting, because Jesus also had a tattoo

>He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh: King of kings and Lord of lords.

I suppose the context is to not make any tattoos that relate to paganism or other religions (e.g. getting a Yin Yang symbol)

>Is this a new alt-right Neo-traditional zoomer meme?

Yes, OP. That is exactly what it is.

I don't know where the fuck these dipshits came from. I know Jow Forums has always been "politically incorrect" but it used to be in an anarchic and not-giving-a-fuck way. Since 2012ish there has a been a perpetual rise in the number of this very strange subculture of young ultra-conservatives on this site who peddle memes about "traditionalism", "modesty" and unironically shill for fundamentalist christianity on every fucking board on this godforsaken site. Since 2016 it has just gotten worse because we've received an influx of Reddit/Twitter Trumpists who came here because "le Jow Forums is le epic alt-right memer site rite?! xxxDD"

It's a fucking cancer, I wish they would leave. When you're not even able to have a civil conversation on one of the hobby boards (/mu/, /v/ etc) without someone butting into a totally unrelated thread and ranting about "degeneracy" and "niggers" then there is a big fucking problem. It's retarded, these people need to be castrated

>It'll always be there to remind you that you "love Jenny forever",

Why do you think that tattoos are always about an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend?

It's just an example. You can replace it with a tattoo of an epic flaming skull that you thought was cool when you were 19 if you want.

>these people need to be castrated
The tolerant leftist, everybody.

Those two things are quite radically different. As silly as it might be to get a tattoo of Sonic The Hedgehog or whatever, it's not on the same level as getting another person's name tattooed on you because you dated for a while.

>OP specifically asks for bible quote

Sounds like I hit a nerve there

I never claimed to be tolerant.

Really I just want people to stop talking about politics on the boards that aren't related to fucking politics

tattoos are boring. the only people who get them are so dull they need to have something painted on to be able to talk about something

Why not? Both are short-sighted decisions based on what you thought was good at the time. It doesn't matter if it's Sonic or Jenny, either way it's stupid now.

Ha, they think they could get a girl if she was traditional and valued a man with a good job.

The chucklefucks on this board spent too much time playing video games and almost none developing their personality.

Has that been your experience with people who have tattoos? With most people I've met I at first had no idea they had one because it wasn't immediately visible, and then I was the to ask them what the meaning of it was.

Hello fellow chucklefuck

You sound autistic.

>either way it's stupid now

According to who?

You sound like you don't have an argument.

>I never claimed to be tolerant.
You're a big boy, aren't you?

According to most sane people. And also to yourself if you grew up and realized a tattoo of Sonic the Hedgehog isn't a good thing to have as an adult.

>According to most sane people.

I would't care either way. We were just using Sonic as a throwaway example but I've been with girls who had other video game things on them, and also seen some guys with video game tattoos as well.

It's their arm or shoulder or whatever, and if they don't think it's stupid then what's the problem?

It wouldn't be a problem as long as you're ok with it, and were in a situation where others also didn't mind - but will you be ok with it when you're 30? 40? What about when you're applying for a decent job and your employer sees all over your arms? Wouldn't you, as a 40 year old adult, be embarrassed to have tattoos you thought were cool when you were 20? You probably watched some kids shows while you were growing up, imagine if you got tattoos of those at the time, how would you feel now?

>What about when you're applying for a decent job and your employer sees all over your arms?

But like I said, I rarely ever met anyone who had obvious tattoos, even on their arms. If it wasn't covered by a long sleeved shirt it would still be covered by a regular shirt since it was up on their upper arm near their shoulder.

> but will you be ok with it when you're 30? 40?
>Wouldn't you, as a 40 year old adult, be embarrassed to have tattoos you thought were cool when you were 20? You probably watched some kids shows while you were growing up, imagine if you got tattoos of those at the time, how would you feel now?

I'm already in my early 30s and don't have any tattoos so I can't realistically answer that.

Hypothetically though, I think I would enjoy it to have little reminders of when I was 20 or even younger. I don't have any (good) surviving pictures from my teenager and young adult years cause society was going from analog cameras to digital picture and all of my shitty webcam pics are gone cause the old computers got dumped full of viruses or just fried themselves one day, or I uploaded my pictures to some pre-myspace website that doesn't exist anymore. Also just other things like toys and clothes and comic books and CDs I threw away so much of them. To have at least just a tattoo from my teenager years wouldn't be so bad.

But I never felt the urge to go out and get one. I don't care either way.

tattoos have meaning and just because the latest generation of idiots refuses to acknowledge that doesn't mean it suddenly stopped being true

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