I'm scared that I'm going to never get a girlfriend...

I'm scared that I'm going to never get a girlfriend. I'm a normal looking guy and I do go outside a lot and have a social life but it just never "happens" for me.

I have this feeling of dread, like if I don't do something very soon I am going to lose my opportunity and it will be gone forever. What can I do? I feel hopeless.

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Im nobody to give advice on this topic since I got my first gf when I was 20 but I'm kinda retarded. I also had a nice social circle but when it came to women I just didn't know what to do so I basically just asked a few female friends straight up if they want to be more than friends. Worked for me

Where do I get female friends?

Was that really it?

Idk, there's a few girls I'm friends or acquaintances with I'd like to date or get to know better, but I just have such low self-esteem I think "there's no chance they'd ever want to date me"

I dont know I met most of my friends in school and college

Yes I thought that too but trust me, just do it. I waited because I had the same issue and when I finally told my gf that I want to date her the only thing I regreted is that I didn't ask sooner

I feel this way too.

And then when I actually get approached by women I get too nervous, freak out and do nothing.

>Yes I thought that too but trust me, just do it. I waited because I had the same issue and when I finally told my gf that I want to date her the only thing I regreted is that I didn't ask sooner

I really want to believe this. But if girls were interested in me why wouldn't they just say it?

If you're interested in girls why don't you just say it?

Just gotta accept your fate.

Well, low self-esteem. Deep down I just don't believe I'm worthy of affection from women

As I said thinking too much about it won't solve your problem. Maybe the girl you like is shy, maybe she's the type of girl who expects the men to do the first step. There's a million other reasons for people not to ask you out. Dont wait for people to give you your happines, go out and take it.
My gf had a crush on me for one whole year but never told me because she thought the same things you did. If I wouldn't have told her how I feel about her nothing would have ever happened between us.


Yeah some girls are shy but some aren't.

If we hypothesise that some girls do like me, but are too shy to show it, then we also surely have to presume that there must be at least a few girls who also like me but who AREN'T shy. And surely those girls would show it. But they don't. Therefore, surely the logical presumption is no girls like me?

Same answer for women, except they don't ever need to build up the courage to ask someone out.

>get approached by women
Lucky fuck.

Are you gay. That's not how it works. Maybe all girls that liked you before are shy. How would you even know? MAYBE there are girls that are not shy but maybe there are none. Dont wait until you find out because that way you are definetly going to miss some chances.

Shy girls want confident men.
Confident women want even more confident men.

Okay so what do I need to do?

I really want to ask someone out but honestly whenever I think of girls that I'm interested in I just think "they're too good for me, they'll never say yes".

The first few times are going to be tough but it gets easier. Literally just meet a female friend of your choice alone and say "hey i really like you as a friend but maybe we could make more out of this". Its autistic but you seem like a shy guy anyway so picking up girls isnt an option for you. Just stick to this.
Oh and please do me a favor and dont act like an idiot. Get the confidence to ask without hesitation and if you dont get the answer you want just play it cool

How do I get over the feeling of inadequacy though? Like there's a part of my brain that keeps telling me there is zero point in even trying because every girl is better than me and is going to say no

> I just think "they're too good for me, they'll never say yes".
If you think this, you're de facto insulting any girl you would accept, because she's "low enough" for you.

That's an interesting way to look at it, but I don't think that's how I view it at all

If a girl did miraculously say yes to me I would take it as evidence that I am better than I presumed I was, not that she must be awful

What if you have no female friends?