Confess to a guy friend that I like him

>confess to a guy friend that I like him
>he skirts the topic without rejecting me or saying he reciprocates
What now?

Attached: 413126.jpg (500x749, 56K)

Now you realize that he's afraid of conflict and a coward, and must decide if you still think he's worth your time.

>Those tits
How do people find stuff like this hot? She just looks unnatural.

If you really like him, maybe message him? That's the kind of environment an autist such as he can articulate themselves. Not gonna lie, though, it's not looking good. If he likes you why would he do anything other than reciprocate?

>How do people find stuff like this hot? She just looks unnatural.
I just like tits, man.

Wouldn't you like them to look like tits tho

I messaged him and we talk like nothing happened but you're right, it's not looking good. Was it a rejection then?

It wasn't a rejection, it wasn't anything. You should pin him down and get him to give you an answer, though. If he's your friend he shouldn't leave you hanging on something like this.

They look like tits to me.

Sit on his lap and refuse to get up til he gives you his dick or a polite "no." If he tells you no respect that and walk away, you'll find someone else.

I want to know if he is into before I sit on his lap

How should I pin him down? Some time passed since my confession and I'm not sure how to bring it up and get the answer

You have to ask him out, be direct and honest. Only thing is, make sure you’re ready to hear “No”. Be ready to drop him from your life, so not hold onto him if he isn’t going to reciprocate your feelings or give you enough respect to say “No”.

Can I just ask him if he likes me back?

Yes but what are you going to do if he says no?

Not the same user but looks like hes not interested. Id say just move on and stop asking, before you ruin the friendship.

Move on

The friendship already went to shit cause I caught feelz

This is a bad idea for several reasons.
It's cowardly, ou want him to tell you how he feels about you, but you're too afraid to ask him on a date.
It's also unfair. You're asking him to say for certain if he likes you romantically, when the reality is probably that he hasn't made up his industry yet but might be willing to find out. That's the point of asking him on a date, you're just asking if he'd be willing to find out if he likes you, which is far lower pressure.
It's also just bad form. It shows you're awkward and for some reason or another unwilling to simply ask him to go bowling like a normal person.

>The friendship already went to shit cause I caught feelz
Then you have nothing to lose. Take him for a """talk""" and ask him if he's interested and get a straight answer out of him. Then if he's not willing, slowly cut contact to get over him.

I'm not afraid to ask him out but I'm at uni now and won't be home till Christmas so due to logistics I can't meet up with him and also I don't want to ask if he loves me and wants to spend lifetime with me, just if hes into me. We have been friends for 2 yrs so it's not like he doesn't know how I act and look

you're gay and it's terminal

If he's anything like me he'll understand your forwardness in about a year and a half from now and be like OOOOOH DAAAAAAAAMN WHAT

he might even like you now, but think you don't and to keep his cool he completely dismisses those thoughts so stuff like that fly over his head because it's full of "fuck I want her but don't wanna lose her as a friend keep it cool man! what did she say? idk man just keep cool haha friends yeah"

or he's gay.

How can he think I don't like him if I told him I do
Dang I never thought guys will be so complicated

Stop projecting you fucking moron. She's not being flirty or playing weird games like brushing up against him or dropping little hints, she full-on confessed to him.

Op, he's not that into you. Maybe he'll think about it for a while and eventually start to like you back now that he knows you feel this way but as of this moment he 100% was thinking:

>>"Ohhh, fuck, she likes me? But I don't really like her like that though... fuck I'm just going to pretend like nothing happened and maybe she won't bring it up again."

I wish a girl actually confessed to me.

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It's a fetish of sorts, but a fairly common one. Everyone has certain limits as well, for some it's just higher than others.

I, for one, love big tits and the op picture is the sort of exaggerated look that gives me an instant boner. But it has to be on a not-fat girl and it's getting close to the point where it starts to become gross.

The best explanation I've found is that it might be something in the lizard brain - like we equate large breasts with fertility and it therefore triggers a primal sexual response or something.

Why not just say "sorry I'm not into you but I like you as a friend"? Men don't have balls nowadays to be straightforward?

>he skirts the topic without rejecting me or saying he reciprocates
is he not socially awkward and socially capable? if he is well socialized and seems normal and has friends and he did this it's a bad sign most likely especially if he's had girlfriends in the past.

If he isn't well socialized and is slightly awkward or just doesn't have much relationship experience then it might still be fine.

Also if you're a thot and he's a nice guy he might not be interested either. It's really rare but actually decent guys will reject girls regularly because of it.

He is a bit socially awkward, he's only had one gf but they break up because he distanced himself from her and rarely talked to her. I'm not a thot, very inexperienced infact

You say this, but I bet you haven't really thought it through.

Even at the height of my social awkwardness and depths of unpopularity, I know for fact that there was this one girl who was into me. I'm not saying that I was a great catch or anything of the sort, but I was not attracted to her whatsoever and being close to her always made me feel very anxious and self-conscious because I was a awkward wreck and didn't know how to feel or what to do.

I'm not saying that it's the best thing to do, I'm just telling you what I believe was probably happening in his mind.

The truth of the matter is that people are imperfect, everyone is different, and everyone can change. If I were in the same situation as him, I would say "You're really awesome and I have fun hanging out with you - that's why we're friends! Unfortunately, though, I don't have the same romantic feelings and can't reciprocate. I am flattered though etc. etc." and continue the conversation.

If it were me like 10 years ago, though, I might have said nothing at all and pretended it didn't happen or I might have said something stupid like "Oh uh I like someone else, sorry..."

> tfw you will never have a big titty gf like OPs pic

I did, I was just sick of her playing with my feelings. I got fed up with her bs and waited for her to initiate, she couldn't do it and idk anymore. I tried to level with her but maybe she felt bad about herself for treating me poorly and couldn't bring herslef to confess.
Maybe she thought I was playing games but reality is that I dont wasnt to be hurt by her selfish ways again. She's generally outgoing with most people, but whenever I'm around I guess she shy because I was the only guy that liked her back.
She's very unlucky with boys, and frankly she isnt the hottest girl either. Some would say she's cute, but she actually spergs and turns off all the guys that she's into. I come in to just be nice but I always though she was cute and funny.
I guess she may have a condition that Im unaware of cause for girls, these social screenings fly right under the radar.

Attached: Satancrybaby.png (210x310, 61K)

Never give up. Never surrender.

Nevermind. I just checked and it's a shop. Can't post the real pick because it's a blue board, but they're still substantial, just not as insane as the pic.

If you couldn't tell they were shopped you're an idiot. Real tits DO NOT get that big and that's why they're unattractive.

Well real tits don't normally get that big. But there are weird one in a million cases a man can dream of. For example my friend's wife's chest was unbelievable for like a whole year after she had their son.

I'm a fucking weirdo
It's not gonna happen I've already accepted it

Yeah the tits are shopped but tessa fowler still has huge tits

its been shoped m8

Don't give up on your dreams user. The average cup size in America has been steadily increasing due to plastic that degrades into estrogen in the water supply. In 20 years with a little luck the average will be F cups or more.

tell him again, be more direct, make eye contact.

Got it here I go guys will post results

Who cares

>haha she totally likes me as a friend

Obviously you do if you're posting.

It'd be amusing to hear the results. Do you have big tits as well, op?

>What now?
you need to be as direct as possible. Propose 'going out' 'meeting up' whatever you want to call it.
alternatively, if you just want the 8===D then tell him that. only religious guys or prudes will turn you down.

Attached: JustSayDFT.jpg (741x811, 115K)

>I want to know if he is into before I sit on his lap
unless you're in a work situation where you could get accused of sexual harassment, you literally have nothing to lose by taking this route of forwardness. more women should do it, it would make life a lot less complicated.
>one of the best nights of my life
>i'm at a party, a friend introduces me to a ladyfriend (platonic) of his
>we make small talk, as the party is nearing end, she say to me "so, I'm on a dry spell and really just need to get laid."
>i say i can help with that. she comes home with me and we fuck for four hours straight. it was great
>never see her again - totally happy about that

>plastic that degrades into estrogen in the water supply.
meanwhile the average man has a c cup from all this shit too. FML unibomber was right

Exactly, I could lose him. I don't necessarily just wanted to be sexual.

That's not me

I told him that I fancy him so he couldnt possibly think that

No going out because I'm away from him and wont see him till Christmas

Im not sexually open with guys whose feelings I'm unsure of

Stop impersonating me please

>I told him that I fancy him so he couldnt possibly think that
you think wrong

it sounds like you want a serious relationship with him. if that's the case the only thing to do is ask directly. if he turns you down, it is over. you'll just have to move on. sorry

Why? we flirted before

Stop impersonating me please you're obviously a guy I confessed feels to

This is the worst scenario and I know how you feel Op.
Similar thing happened to me but I didn't tell him directly. I would joke about being with him and when I asked him out, he dodged it. I will never show interest in a male first ever again after that.

>He is a bit socially awkward, he's only had one gf but they break up because he distanced himself from her and rarely talked to her. I'm not a thot, very inexperienced infact

Then i'm sure he's just shy/awkward. just pressure him more and he'll go for it unless he's really not interested.

I quit trying to find a gf when I turned 22. My minimum requirement was C cups or bigger- I want a handful of boob and at least the ability to sort of tit fuck a partner. At 25 a girl with G cups asked to be my gf. 2 years later she's gone up a cup and band size and I think her tits are still growing. There's hope user.

Fall into the arms of your faithful beta orbiters

>female logic
just tell him straight out

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have fun being alone then. if you want something, take it.

I'm not biologically equipped to do so.

>how should I pin him down?

Physically pin down against the floor

Yes I'm interested only in serious stuff

I'll try to just ask him about it. How does it sound guys:
>hey remember how some time ago I told you that I fancy you? Can you honestly tell me how you feel about me?

>being afraid of taking a shot at being happy with somebody
>>>>>>>>>female logic

is this a woman thing or are you legitimately autistic? not hating just curious

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What makes me look autistic? honestly I don't know sometimes I can be a bit autistic I'm also not very experience with guys and romance

it's good to be direct but the way you're phrasing it makes your inexperience a bit obvious and a little desperate. be brief but clear about how you feel. something like 'i like you and i'd like to be more than friends'

People like OP are like children. Either make a move and ask them out, or don't. Don't just put them on the spot and force them to make a decision and do something because you're too inept to do it yourself.

as my mama used to say: "shit or get off the pot"

There is no special way to bring it up with conversational techniques or w/e.
You just simply bring it up out of the blue. That's it. You gotta just ask. So ask.

Is the way I formulated it fine or too autistic?

He is either A. Not interested or B. unsure of his feelings. You made your feelings known so sit back and let fate unfold

Amen brother


What's the name of that girl in photo?


He's not interested, on any level. At least that's what I did when it happened to me, don't hear none of that autism bullshit.

Why didn't just tell her honestly faggot? What's with you people stringing other people along holy shit

just do it

>its a desperate fatass tries to approach men thread


Because people have opinions that differ from yours. Plus the picture is photoshopped anyway.

He's keeping you around as an orbiter while he peruses the other options available to him. There are other women he wants to fuck who are doing the exact same thing to him. There's always a triangle in love

Dont do this, he'll just think you can do that for any guy you see. This only works for either mansluts or weak willed faggots. Dont be too forward, just be nice and cute.
t.experienced something similar

Big milkers are hot and youre a fag if you disagree. Especially on a redhead