This hitler guy sucks

this hitler guy sucks

Attached: lby29jfskkf21.jpg (1242x803, 89K)

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His purge of the SA was more about competition with Rohm who was actually pretty competent, not faggotry according to popular belief.

That's it.
I'm done being a wignat.
I'm joining the based brown party.


>I'm joining the based brown party.
So you finally embraced your inner gaynsess? Good for you user.

His faggotry was just an excuse, Röhm had to go because he and his clique were quite literal national bolsheviks who supported things like nationalization of everything and confiscation of inherited properties of German nobility.

>Hitler was NOT anti-gay
Now i'm waiting for them to say Hitler wasn't a Nazi.

Thank you.

A gay, trans, homo, with a tiny dick, and one testicle.

Attached: capture.png (675x863, 311K)

>German man makes questionable decision, more at 11

In retrospect, Rohm was actually probably right, private capital sabotaging the Reich was part of the reason for their downfall.

a real jerk

There's a reason the symbol of fascism is a faggot

Based and norm-pilled

Maybe because he was a fag and a jew?

wtf i love hordes of non english speaking non working literally retarded hordes of shitskins being moved directly into my neighborhood now

wtf I love Hitler now

exactly what point is this boomer faggot trying to make here?

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welcome aboard

Attached: 1541648106972.png (1200x884, 383K)

>No source provided

i want to enjoy these memes but why is it always a memeflag

Attached: 1546601834096.png (23x579, 1K)

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Hitler was a vegan feminist too

Nazis put gays and bisexuals in concentration camps. Numbers seemed significant enough to get their own badges (pink triangle)

He was a party animal.

Attached: Hitler gay.jpg (580x577, 33K)

Not always.

Attached: Largest Numbers Ever.png (420x362, 165K)

This dinesh faggot seems insufferable.
Deepak chopra needs to this pajeet in his place


Attached: IMG_0919.gif (726x400, 1.13M)

wtf I hate Hitler now?!

>magically found proof of an old schoolyard taunt invented by jewish propaganda
>still can't magically find a single document with orders about the Holohoax
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