65 years...

65 years. That's how many years worth of current murder rates it would take to equal 1 years worth of abortions in the US. Women are the greatest murderers of our time and have legalized it.

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Daily reminder that without abortion, the black population would be drastically higher. Every time a negress decides to scramble her netus’ brains instead of bringing in little Jamal to steal my car, the world is made a little better.

Women are abusive as fuck

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35% of abortions performed are white women. Per capita sure whatever but that's 228,000 or 22.8 years worth of murder rates. That's simply unacceptable.

Women are waging a world war on the womb every year.

Blacks replacement rate aren't much better than whites and they mostly take care of themselves. The majority of abortions performed are on white women.

They lack a soul.

Daily reminder that your "pure maidens" are nothing more then parasites and pure animals. It was man's job since time eternal to keep them in line and quell/harness their nature, but now thanks to feminism and the sexual revolution the demons of hell have been unleashed.

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time for the murder rates to catch up

If all of those babies were raised we would have even more street shitters shitting up the planet and dumping their trash into the ocean, good riddance. The planet is getting dirtier and dirtier. It is disgusting, and if abortion was illegal your pretty healthy beautiful green rural areas will be filled with smog and trash soon too.

I'm against abortions meaning I would never have one. I wouldn't want anyone I care about to have one. Anyone who thinks abortion is okay SHOULD kill their children and have abortions. Why do christcucks support their enemies by wanting them to have children?

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What the fuck is wrong with that woman and why did it turn me on?


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>eating a rat alive
jesus what the fuck is wrong with her

One of the greatest redpills is realizing that the so-called inherent natalism of females is a myth. It was — and has always been — the Patriarchy that was pro-baby and pro-family.

We need to remove freedom from females if we want to avoid seeing our populations collapse.

Vorarephilia. She knows many men like to watch women swallow living things whole, so she is profiting off of that niche market by providing a service.


So this is what common core is about. Now I feel bad for mocking idiots.

This. SIXTY GORRILLION babies have been killed OY VEY!

Except that most of them were subhumans, so I'm peachy keen with that.

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Abortion doctors should be given the Medal of Honor award for preventing more nigger lives.

Women have aborted more babies than men have killed in wars ever

I thought that was bacon.

It's voluntary eugenics mostly by our most criminal & least economically productive demographic.

How the hell is anyone not in favor of that? Serious question.

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>its fine as long as it doesnt affect me

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>35% of abortions performed are white women.
What are 'Mixed-Race Abortions' for 1000?

I feel disgusted at the women who are pro abortion and treat it like an achivement to be proud of. Those women deserve to be spat on. However I dont have a problem with the young babies being aborted.

It doesn't affect me and never can. Only people that are my political enemies want abortions. Why would I not want them to self-genocide?

>Women are the greatest murderers of our time and have legalized it
truly we live in the darkest timeline

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Imagine being this much of an incel that you think women dont like being stared at and thats not the whole point of dressing slutty

>The majority of abortions performed are on white women.
who were carrying nigglets

>user: Kill nigger babies!!!
Most everyone loses their shit and wants to kill you.

>user: Abortion is a woman's right to choose.
Most everyone nods their heads in agreement.

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lol, thats how you get gastric ulcers

I agree completely.

The kind of woman who would murder her unborn child because she was negligent is the kind of woman we want OUT of the gene pool.

It's simple, really. Smart, thoughtful people NEVER need abortions.

>I feel disgusted at the women who are pro abortion and treat it like an achivement to be proud of.
Correct. They should be ashamed that they are so fucking stupid that they can't control their reproduction. Aren't they supposed to be stronk, proud womyn who allegedly have 'control' over their bodies? Then how the hell did they get pregnant. Such control, oy vey.

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>Makes fun of American education
>Doesnt know there's more than 2 races despite being a third race.

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It should be called unborn child killing

As long as hoes are honest/transparent about it, they should be allowed the choice


Those that don't see a problem with abortion are part of the problem

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Why do you retards care if a woman kills her fetus? Half of Jow Forums wants half of the world dead, but not some unborn babies. I think the only reason many Jow Forumssters are against abortion is due to years of their zio-conservative overlords telling them it is bad.

I was aborted once.

It's ironic they use per capita when it benefits them, but pretend it's meaningless when you argue crime statistics. They understand it and that's why you can't argue with them. They do not argue in good faith.


> Half of Jow Forums wants half of the world dead, but not some unborn babies
wow...its almost like Jow Forums doesn't hate someone who didn't have the chance to do anything in the first place
> Jow Forumssters are against abortion is due to years of their zio-conservative overlords telling them it is bad
next level of retardation pol who hates Zionists does as they tell them....wow..just...wow go back to plebbit

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They tried to abort me once


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1. When authorities searched Gosnell’s office, they found bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses scattered throughout the building. -CNN“

2. It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place,” testified one unlicensed medical school graduate who worked at the clinic. –NBC Philadelphia

3. oGosnell may have severed the spines of hundreds of born alive babies with scissors. – Report of theGrand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

4.One 28-week-old baby boy – featured in the trial – was found frozen in a gallon water bottle. – Report of theGrand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

5.One employee testified that she witnessed Gosnell snip the necks of more than 30 babies, and that he sometimes gave her just the feet of a fetus to place in formaldehyde. –NBC Philadelphia

>Kill unborn children
>Stop having sex

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Funny, you care more about a fetus being developed than the actual baby. As soon as it's born, you stop giving a fuck about it altogether. Why is that?

You have to remember that half of the people that come to this board now are dumbfuck boomers that see nothing with gobbling kike cock and donating their foreskins.

op mad because if he can't have sex, nobody can. typical incels

Go back to Facebook where that shit works kike. We aren't all one person and we have generally never agreed on a single thing except your kind needs to get back in the gas chambers.

what is
what are
>egg and sperm
>menstrual periods

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Do you consider your sad daily masturbation genocide by killing thousands of future people?

Yes this is how I feel as well

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>As soon as it's born, you stop giving a fuck about it altogether
already taken care by laws parents have a legal obligation to take care of it
currently legal murder

Don't give a shit about the fetus. 90% of the time it's BAD CODE that needs to be eradicated from the gene pool.

All liberals and minorities should undergo sterilization. I'd vote for a program that pays them to do so.

They're called Undocumented Infants

This is why I support better training for abortion doctors, so we have fewer failed abortions

I'm glad the majority of women get abortions. I'm all for the extinction of this shitty race.

Right I'm an Incel because I dont believe killing a fetus is responsible birth control.

>Do you consider your sad daily masturbation genocide by killing thousands of future people?
lol the (((what if))) scenario classical pro abortion tactics
>what is a fetus
>what is sperm
>what is fertilization
one will never create life by itself the other is life developing, one will last circa 74 days the other if not aborted or damaged will live up to 80 years

Murder is illegal after the baby is born. That's not an inconsistency. There's no conservatives who are okay with infanticide but not abortion.

I'm saying this as someone who is pro-abortion and pro-infanticide

>I'm glad the majority of women get abortions
Not the majority of women, the majority of LIBERAL women and MINORITY women.

...And it's a GOOD thing!

>Your brain on libertarianism

>I'm saying this as someone who is pro-abortion and pro-infanticide

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So in otherwords, you don't have a good reason. That big jew nose of yours seems to be stuck where it doesn't belong. You know that if women had a choice to yeetus the fetus, that is less overall income for your jewish lords. Instead of bitching about people who are not having kids, why not suggest to change your markets for the bigger populations? Chinese, Indian, Mexican. Those populations are literally booming.

I am not anti abortion, I think abortion is a good thing (but the people performing abortions are disgusting) but your argument is extremely shallow and stupid. It's hard being "pro choice" but being on the same side as idiots like you. Feels weird being pro abortion but fucking hating the majority of pro choicers. Disgusting brain dead human beings.

>Not the majority of women, the majority of LIBERAL women and MINORITY women.
implying kids follow their parents
implying the outcome will be the same

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if i were god i would damn the society that treated children the way ours does

There we have it, you want people to be forced under your jewish laws. Instead of having power of choice, you would rather have people in shackles.

You can't control them if they're not breaking the law.

How is it not?

> 100% voluntary
> selective
> reasonably safe
> allows post-hoc decisions
> decisions have more information

It's the only type that allows you to look at the DNA of your child before you decide whether or not to kill it. That's the most responsible form next to infanticide.

That would require you to have sex first for that to even be an option.

>You know that if women had a choice to yeetus the fetus, that is less overall income for your jewish lords
they have a large supply of 3rd worlders, oy yey go on nothing bad white man abort abort....

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Most niglets grow up to be niggers. Doesn't even matter, we have plenty of humans. Don't need more. Especially not more niggers.

Abortions often harm the woman who have the abortion in psychological ways.

This is a very low IQ way of thinking considering niggers will just throw themselves down stairs if they don't want a baby. You could likely double the rate of blacks dying due to abortion by making it illegal.

>jewish laws
Moloch...child sacrifice yeah no thanks JIDF
fuck you and your abortions

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Now you're just larping.

you do know white women do it as well...look at the demographics 1 white woman aborting creates a much bigger impact than a black woman or Asian woman doing it
>wake up

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Being against abortion = traitor.

The law protects infants the law does not protect the fetus from women yet a man is charged with double murder if he kills a pregnant woman seems a bit inconsistent wouldn't you say? Why do you assume I don't care about newborn children you fucking idiot because your flawed Facebook meme told you I do?


>Chinese, Indian, Mexican. Those populations are literally booming.
Not in America they aren't. Second generation hispanics, indians and other mystery meat have below-replacement birthrates too.

Whatever they are doing in their own home-poolands is another story. But wherever (((feminism))) spreads, women begin to murder their unborn children.

Correction for you

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-Abortion is the leading cause of death on planet earth
-over 41 million people were killed from abortion in 2018
- women are the global statistical leaders in all categories of murder and death
-more humans were killed through abortion in 2018 alone, than all Wars combined since WWII

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calling you out for being a kike
>Now you're just larping.
guess who has a meme flag...while being heavily pro abortions
Your kind is famous for larping

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Yeah i dont morally agree with it but its their kids. Typically normal people dont have abortions. Its the psychos.

Try to look at this from a genetic prospect. We are eliminating BAD CODE from the gene pool. Every shitskin that aborts their fetus, and every stupid feminazi who does the same is DOING A FAVOR to our society. Doesn't matter their political affiliation. They are weak, their DNA is weak. Get them the fuck out of the gene pool.

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When will Jow Forums stop pretending that they care about MUH FETUS (literally a lump of cell with no consciousness).

Who gives a shit?

> Abortions often harm the woman who have the abortion in psychological ways.

No shit, killing your kid causes psychological stress. Who would have guessed?

Hormonal birth control can cause depression, anxiety, etc as well.

So you dont know math and you are most likely a pedo...or just bad with arguments

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Nobody gives a fuck. Untermensch genociding themselves is a good thing for us.

If you watch any of my movies you'll notice that all the blinks of all the characters from every scene are actually spelling out a message in morse with their collective blinking throughout the film.

I can't tell you which films. You'll just have to find them.

Once again, white women usually abort Tyrone's baby. Not a loss to society.

ah I see so you are a prophet as well....
kys kike

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>white women usually
like I said one less on our side creates a bigger impact than a dozen on theirs....only an idiot is pro abortions
people do it because they don't want responsibility enforcing such behavior will never make a civilized society

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What if you only include third trimester?

>slide thread with disgusting images
fuck off

The murder of a creature that has never experienced years of emotions and memories , and never made any contributions to their community are a lot less of a loss than the murder of a healthy adult human.

Unironically we need to rise up against these cowardly pro lifers who ignore the barbarians at the gate cause muh fetus.

Then you need to financially incentivize white women with healthy fetuses to sell them to infertile couples with no legal loopholes. It could be big business.

I keep telling Jow Forums that Christcuck LARPers are a literal plague but they just call me a kike in return, ironically :^)

I would argue user that it is the greatest loss ever known to nature
we humans are the only ones who kill those that aren't even yet out of the womb, the sin is even greater due to our awareness of the act

You nor I don't know if the life to be extinguished will contribute more than you or I already have

But its not a question at all it is just like guns a God given right to live and defend

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