>Serbia needs to be nuked 2000 times
>Serbs are niggers of Europe
>Serbs have started many horrible wars
>kill the Serbs, because they are shit
>No one cares about Serbian history, because it's shit
>There is no such thing as serbian intellectuals, because they are Serbniggers
>They had no empire, because Serbs are shit
>if you support Serbs, you are a redditard milenial or a stinky Serb
>Jasenovac, Pavelic, Stepinac fuck yeah
>Turks obliterating Serbs fuck yeah
>anti-Serb master race
>Serbian history started in the le 90s
>Serbs BTFO, they can eat shit and die

Attached: Slav.jpg (420x315, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you sir are a dirty muslim

Attached: 1543795143279.png (789x612, 84K)

Mashallah Sven

> at least i am not albanian

Why do Slavs squat? Does anyone know?

can we please use the oppurtunity presented by this thread to illuminate the mystery of the slavic squat?
i don't get it

Genetic dysfunction

great minds think for themselves faggot
quit shitting up my mind

Well, these two guys aren't really doing it right because their heels are off the ground.

dead muslim is a good muslim
do you agree

Great minds...
Then you fucking say this as i'm still typing
Seems logical

I swear this is the third thread about Serbia today and they were all created by various Analbanian diaspora shits leeching off welfare in western countries desu

At this point it's getting boring and also OP, you massive fucking faggot, stop writing like a spastic

It's a prison culture thing afaik. Squatting to avoid sitting on the ground.

Dead S*rbs are even better.

You should go back to your natural place under a turkish boot

you sir are a filthy muslim

Serbia has the world no.1 tennis player - here is Sweden's top player LMAO (it's true)

Attached: Elias-Ymer.png (300x300, 34K)

kys or be killed

This will be great. Just gonna lean back and enjoy the show.

Attached: 1544652469069.jpg (800x510, 137K)

albanians are closer to subhuman than serbs sorry to break the ice op

Attached: cat 2.jpg (406x397, 11K)

Tennis is a sport for fags so no surprise

Attached: 1B5k9lMaHR0cDovL29jZG4uZXUvaW1hZ2VzL3B1bHNjbXMvWVdRN01EQV8vMzJiZmZmZGMxNzA2NDRjMmQyNTE5NjUxY2M0NTE5M (740x416, 196K)

would a fag sport have men in tight shorts bending over half the time?

Attached: thiem-ass.png (478x370, 258K)

Serbs have been left alone for too long and they are unable to run even the shittiest of banana republics, not even the land wants to stay in Serbia as Servs have lost clay for hundreds of years now.

Trump should do the world and S*rbs a favor and drop the US entire arsenal of nukes right on top of them

This is like the 5th Serbia hate thread I see today. I wonder if it's one guy making these

nuke serbia.

>NATO heljp!

Attached: images-18.jpg (260x194, 11K)

Alhamdulilah brother,mashalah all infidels will pay with their blood

Attached: images.jpg (236x214, 10K)

Wrong. We're the niggers of Europe.

Attached: 3c7.jpg (249x249, 17K)

serbs are the most supreme white crusaders that exist

Attached: serbs_imp_turks.jpg (800x600, 150K)

t. Albanimal

Generic med looking people